UVA Declines White House Invitation

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It is. You are assuming the two sides are equal. They aren't. One has had almost all the power since January of 2017. The other hasn't. One party is supporting an odious President whom they see as a means to an end for their political agenda. The other isn't.

Attempting to put forth an objective case for why the other guys are worse when you're obviously partisan yourself is a sham.

Translation: The tolerance level isn't the same because the other side is evil (ie: I disagree with them). Therefore, our over-the-top actions are justified. The antics of the left have NEVER been duplicated by conservatives. When we lose an election, we go home and eat dinner with our family. Life moves on. Not so much with liberals.
Translation: The tolerance level isn't the same because the other side is evil (ie: I disagree with them). Therefore, our over-the-top actions are justified. The antics of the left have NEVER been duplicated by conservatives. When we lose an election, we go home and eat dinner with our family. Life moves on. Not so much with liberals.
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When we lose an election, we go home and eat dinner with our family. Life moves on. Not so much with liberals.
The new speculation into Trump is him needing to get beat so bad that he won't be able to challenge the results of the election. They're already saying that he is going to call foul. Which is hilarious because here we are 3 years later and just yesterday hilldogg claimed that the election was stolen from her. And you have the Democrat that lost the governor's race in Georgia that says she lost because of voter suppression when more people voted in that election than any Georgia election before it. So we only want people to accept the results of an election if we were the ones who won the election.
Translation: The tolerance level isn't the same because the other side is evil (ie: I disagree with them). Therefore, our over-the-top actions are justified. The antics of the left have NEVER been duplicated by conservatives. When we lose an election, we go home and eat dinner with our family. Life moves on. Not so much with liberals.
Democrats never accepted the election in 2000 either.
Translation: The tolerance level isn't the same because the other side is evil (ie: I disagree with them). Therefore, our over-the-top actions are justified. The antics of the left have NEVER been duplicated by conservatives. When we lose an election, we go home and eat dinner with our family. Life moves on. Not so much with liberals.

This is just factually inaccurate. Are you deliberately forgetting what happened after Obama was elected? Lol
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This is just factually inaccurate. Are you deliberately forgetting what happened after Obama was elected? Lol
I'm sure it happens both ways, but the reaction was over the GD top when Trump won. People crying on TV, people asking how they will explain it to their 3 yr old child----he is ****ing 3 for gods sake!!! People posting all over Facebook like their lives were over-----when lo and behold, their lives didn't change at all. But they sure managed to big baby all over the place. That Van somelastnametvguy was hilariously full of estrogen.
I'm sure it happens both ways, but the reaction was over the GD top when Trump won. People crying on TV, people asking how they will explain it to their 3 yr old child----he is ****ing 3 for gods sake!!! People posting all over Facebook like their lives were over-----when lo and behold, their lives didn't change at all. But they sure managed to big baby all over the place. That Van somelastnametvguy was hilariously full of estrogen.

Trump is a special case, I'll grant you that. That had a lot to do with the person he is, rather than the politician he is.
I'm sure it happens both ways, but the reaction was over the GD top when Trump won. People crying on TV, people asking how they will explain it to their 3 yr old child----he is ****ing 3 for gods sake!!! People posting all over Facebook like their lives were over-----when lo and behold, their lives didn't change at all. But they sure managed to big baby all over the place. That Van somelastnametvguy was hilariously full of estrogen.
I know two women who are estranged from some of their immediate family, to this day, because they found out they voted for Trump.
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If we're running with the idea that the Left "didn't accept" the election results of W. and Trump, it's probably worth noting that both lost the popular vote. Probably played a role in the reactions, understandably so.
If status quo is putting family and friends before politics, you nailed it. Change happens all the time---but you cant whine like a little bitch when others disagree with the execution of change.
I can kick like a mule, though...

No, the status quo is preserving how things already are instead of trying to improve. The status quo is caring more about preserving the system that works for you instead of building systems that work for everyone. The status quo is inherently conservative b/c it toadies to the powers-that-be and fights change. Liberals have been behind every social gain and every extension of rights America has ever seen.

Pretty hypocritical, too, when you accuse those you disagree with of whining like the b-word while telling them they have the issue, as if you don't.
The ONLY reason the man is sitting in the office is b/c the country was fed up after 8 yrs of previous leadership.
I'm well aware of how the Electoral College works, but more voters were fine with the course we were on.
President Obama never had a chance with some people. Republicans obstructed him at every turn.
President Obama was a moderate next to President Trump.
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Translation: The tolerance level isn't the same because the other side is evil (ie: I disagree with them). Therefore, our over-the-top actions are justified. The antics of the left have NEVER been duplicated by conservatives. When we lose an election, we go home and eat dinner with our family. Life moves on. Not so much with liberals.
Wrong again. I think I remember who you are and that there's no point engaging.
We should use our voting privileges to promote change. If your side loses, rally people who you may be able to get you more votes next time. Don't go yelling shame shame shame at the people who vote against your beliefs and clearly will not be changing their minds because you yelled shame at them. I think that is the basis of the conversation here. It is how people treat each other based on politics. I think it is a safe bet that if you get approached by a political nut job in public, that nut job is most likely liberal. Not every time, but mostly.
How is calling someone a "nutjob" not just another version of "shame, shame, shame"?
So, we have 35% of the worried liberals thinking/saying: "You support the candidate of your political party? You're such an a-hole! I can't be friends with you." Hillary and Trump both have likability issues. No party should have trust issues that come close to 3 fold of the other party. Your party claims tolerance and justice for all, yet you only embrace those who share your same views. I could show you 40 different graphs which indicate similar findings, and you'd still find a way to dismiss it. Feelings and emotions are clearly more important to you and other liberals.
I already trashed your poll with context.

The views that differ from mine wish to oppress others. They vote against marriage equality; they deny systemic racism; they blame the poor for being poor, etc, etc.

This isn't a rye v bourbon disagreement. It's working for a more equitable society v not. There is no "agreeing to disagree" there because that would maintain the current unacceptable status quo. You can use all the polite words you want to justify that, but it's bloodless violence.
I already trashed your poll with context.

The views that differ from mine wish to oppress others. They vote against marriage equality; they deny systemic racism; they blame the poor for being poor, etc, etc.

This isn't a rye v bourbon disagreement. It's working for a more equitable society v not. There is no "agreeing to disagree" there because that would maintain the current unacceptable status quo. You can use all the polite words you want to justify that, but it's bloodless violence.

My views differ from your's, and I don't want to oppress anyone. I just don't want to financially support anyone. I don't have a problem with gay marriage. I just place more weight on other things, which is why I'll always lean Republican over Democrat. Having said that, I did not and will not vote for Trump, but that's for reasons beyond politics.
My views differ from your's, and I don't want to oppress anyone. I just don't want to financially support anyone. I don't have a problem with gay marriage. I just place more weight on other things, which is why I'll always lean Republican over Democrat. Having said that, I did not and will not vote for Trump, but that's for reasons beyond politics.

We were talking to a couple at a bar a couple of years ago. All was fine, they seemed nice, they were laughing and enjoying our company. Then out of nowhere, the lady asked us if were Trump supporters. My wife kind of shrugged her shoulders a little bit and I told the lady that we best leave politics alone. She said that she couldn't even sit at the same bar as a Trump supporter. I said that I thought that was a shame she felt that way. She asked me if I voted for Trump. I said I'd rather not say. She got up and started to leave, but her husband wasn't ready to. So she stood there with a shit look on her face while he had another beer and starting talking about football. It was too awkward to be funny at the time, but looking back, it is pretty funny.

I have definitely seen Republicans get loud and aggressive. Some of them are just as loony.
Do you think President Trump is a good person?
Do you approve of his personal behavior?
Do LGBTQ people and Dreamers and refugees and Muslims have good reason to fear him?
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I'm sure it happens both ways, but the reaction was over the GD top when Trump won. People crying on TV, people asking how they will explain it to their 3 yr old child----he is ****ing 3 for gods sake!!! People posting all over Facebook like their lives were over-----when lo and behold, their lives didn't change at all. But they sure managed to big baby all over the place. That Van somelastnametvguy was hilariously full of estrogen.
President Trump called Mexicans rapists and murderers, mocked a disabled reporter, insulted women based on their looks, bragged about sexually assaulting women, paid off porn stars he slept with, and is an apologist for white nationalists. Why wouldn't people freak out over his election?

Do you think he is a good person?
President Trump called Mexicans rapists and murderers, mocked a disabled reporter, insulted women based on their looks, bragged about sexually assaulting women, paid off porn stars he slept with, and is an apologist for white nationalists. Why wouldn't people freak out over his election?

Do you think he is a good person?
I don’t think he is a good person. I think he is a shithead thru and thru. He shouldn’t be leading the country.....bc there SHOULD have been someone better than him to vote for. Can’t believe he got the rep nod, but liberals running the only person more unlikable then trump—-Hilary, and the absurd Bernie Sanders.....made it possible. And it appears history will repeat itself again. For the love of god, stop moving further away from the middle.
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I can kick like a mule, though...

No, the status quo is preserving how things already are instead of trying to improve. The status quo is caring more about preserving the system that works for you instead of building systems that work for everyone. The status quo is inherently conservative b/c it toadies to the powers-that-be and fights change. Liberals have been behind every social gain and every extension of rights America has ever seen.

Pretty hypocritical, too, when you accuse those you disagree with of whining like the b-word while telling them they have the issue, as if you don't.
It’s called prioritizing. Fix the big problems first. Give them the lions share of the attention.
I can see how healthy economic growth and low unemployment would piss people off
Yeah, it’s absurd. I also think Obama would have crushed Trump if he was able to run for a third term (which thank God is not possible in this country because term limits are absolutely essential).
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My views differ from your's, and I don't want to oppress anyone. I just don't want to financially support anyone. I don't have a problem with gay marriage. I just place more weight on other things, which is why I'll always lean Republican over Democrat. Having said that, I did not and will not vote for Trump, but that's for reasons beyond politics.
Well, I'll walk that back a little... you don't have to want to oppress someone to play a role in it nonetheless. I trust, for example, that GOP politicians are willing to let marriage equality stand as the "law of the land" (w/o actually supporting LGBTQ people) if left to their own devices, but I do not yet trust they are free from doing the bidding of conservative religious extremists, so if a challenge to marriage equality makes it to SCOTUS...
Voting for someone means you're voting for the platform they will push. What you personally believe may differ, but if the candidate you choose for other reasons supports something directly harmful to others... part of the bad you're taking with the good includes the negative feelings of those for whom that particular issue really matters.
It's great when ppl use "you" and then explain to them what they did or didn't do/think.

"you are doing this because you think you're doing something different than what you should be doing."
I don’t think he is a good person. I think he is a shithead thru and thru. He shouldn’t be leading the country.....bc there SHOULD have been someone better than him to vote for. Can’t believe he got the rep nod, but liberals running the only person more unlikable then trump—-Hilary, and the absurd Bernie Sanders.....made it possible. And it appears history will repeat itself again. For the love of god, stop moving further away from the middle.
Hillary was not less likable. She got more votes.
If you recognize what a horrible person he is, why would you begrudge people from reacting strongly to that, especially if they or their loved ones stand to be specifically targeted?
I plan on answering them. But at least have the courage to tell me what they have to do with the post you quoted. If you have a question to ask me, just ask.
I guess I didn't think the straight question would get anything but defensiveness and mockery, based on the last time the issue of how people reacted to President Trump's election came up.

If you acknowledge the same policies so many of his worst supporters get all fired up about make reasonable people targeted by the same policy pretty freakin' scared, it shouldn't be something to laugh about. For that matter, if you have any human decency you shouldn't find others' fear humorous.
When has the Presidential election ever been decided by the popular vote?
Only crybabies complained, most were too stupid to know how the process works.

Who was saying elections are decided by the popular vote?
When has the Presidential election ever been decided by the popular vote?
Only crybabies complained, most were too stupid to know how the process works.
We know our team lost if the other team hit a buzzer beater from beyond the arc when they were down two, but that doesn't mean we won't have some groaning to do.
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