For spouting off about Maggette so much, you sure have no clue about the issues involved. Maggette was paid by his AAU coach. That is not "fine"; that makes him ineligible until the NCAA reinstates his eligibility, as it sometimes does after the player sits for a number of games. The issue, which continues to elude you, is what to do about a situation where a player was paid, it was not established that the school knew, and the player is gone. The NCAA's options were to (1) vacate NCAA titles/appearances/$$ (its precedent), (2) punish the school prospectively, or (3) do nothing. The NCAA chose to do nothing, changing its precedent in the process. It's the
change in precedent in favor of Duke, a perceived golden child (right or wrong), that makes the situation so divisive.
Here's the precedent: "NCAA spokeswoman Jane Jankowski said vacating tournament finishes and returning winnings are established penalties if a school is found to have used an ineligible player.
The penalties still hold even if the school did not know the player was ineligible." Note the date of the article, which is over 4 years before the NCAA came down with its final ruling; this is an accurate statement of the NCAA's "established penalties" at the relevant time.
Had Maggette returned to school after the NCAA learned about the payments, he would have been ineligible until reinstated. Reinstatement can come through a successful appeal overturning the decision on his ineligibility or by sitting some number of games (as Rush and others have done). Or he could have been permanently ineligible like Kanter. But he didn't return, and the NCAA changed its guidelines in a way that favored Duke (whether by design or happenstance).
So, no, the fact that Maggette was paid is not "fine." But, please, continue to bleat on this topic. Your arrogance combined with your ignorance is good spectacle.