We're not inside the ropes. You, me, Baracus and everyone else on this forum has no clue what happens inside the ropes. So making statements like yours, is really just as bad as those of us that choose to believe our school is clean.
Why would I believe my school is cheating when I have nothing that proves that?
Are we just going on the Blanket Merl Code statement that mrBaracus keeps clinging to? MC said it right there in his quote, whether you give a kid a dollar or $100.000 dollars, it's cheating. So he's throwing a blanket over the whole damn thing. Sorry, but giving a kid a dollar is definitely NOT the same thing as giving a kid a hundred thousand dollars.
Saying my school is cheating when I have nothing that proves it, is the same action as me accusing you of being a serial killer. You obviously are, you're human, you're a guy, you have two arms, two legs and two hands. You match the description of almost every other serial killer, so obviously, you're a serial killer.
Yeah, it's ridiculous right? How do you think Calipari and his assistants feel? Being called a cheater when you haven't done anything wrong, really sucks.
Is it that far fetched to believe that the combination of Calipari/UK/proven results is good enough to land top recruits? Why is it so hard to believe?
I choose to believe innocence until I have a reason the believe differently. You and mrbaracus can continue to make accusations based on beliefs and rumors. Sounds fun.