Borden, you are aware that one of my undergrad degrees is in religion, right? Like... literal Bible study? Maybe you didn’t know. My other two are in History (with a focus on Middle Eastern history, the literal birthplace of the abrahamic religions religions) and African History, again with a big focus on the Middle East. I am quite familiar with the Bible and how people interpret it over time, thanks.
And again... people used biblical verses to explain why interracial marriage is wrong. This is factual history. You can argue that YOUR understanding of the Bible is different, or you understand the Bible better than they did, and that your disapproval of gay marriage is a Bibical truth but opposition to interracial marraige was a misinterpretation of Biblical verse, but it all ultimately supports the point that just because you believe the Bible is telling you an absolute truth does not mean everyone sees it that way or agrees, or indeed that you are necessarily correct.
And I get that you think it is hard for me to understand. I think you do not understand my stance either. So there we go.
The Bible forbids intermarriage between believer and unbeliever, not between members of different ethnic groups. First Corinthians 7:39 says, “A wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord.” So, there’s one key stipulation: only a believer, only a Christian. That was Paul’s way of expressing the Old Testament concern about intermarriage with pagan nations by the Jews. The issue back then was not race. The issue was faith, religion, allegiance to the true God, Yahweh.
So what is it I'm misinterpreting here??