LeBron James

Borden, you are aware that one of my undergrad degrees is in religion, right? Like... literal Bible study? Maybe you didn’t know. My other two are in History (with a focus on Middle Eastern history, the literal birthplace of the abrahamic religions religions) and African History, again with a big focus on the Middle East. I am quite familiar with the Bible and how people interpret it over time, thanks.

And again... people used biblical verses to explain why interracial marriage is wrong. This is factual history. You can argue that YOUR understanding of the Bible is different, or you understand the Bible better than they did, and that your disapproval of gay marriage is a Bibical truth but opposition to interracial marraige was a misinterpretation of Biblical verse, but it all ultimately supports the point that just because you believe the Bible is telling you an absolute truth does not mean everyone sees it that way or agrees, or indeed that you are necessarily correct.

And I get that you think it is hard for me to understand. I think you do not understand my stance either. So there we go.

The Bible forbids intermarriage between believer and unbeliever, not between members of different ethnic groups. First Corinthians 7:39 says, “A wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord.” So, there’s one key stipulation: only a believer, only a Christian. That was Paul’s way of expressing the Old Testament concern about intermarriage with pagan nations by the Jews. The issue back then was not race. The issue was faith, religion, allegiance to the true God, Yahweh.

So what is it I'm misinterpreting here??
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Speaking of systemic racism....anyone here support or donate to Planned Parenthood?
Right? What kind of shit is this?

And we disagree what constitutes judgment.

form an opinion or conclusion about.
For a guy with three degrees, you're not very smart. This definition doesn't fit the narrative. Totally different context. Here, I'll give some.examples:
1. I see a guy with tatoo"s, coming out of a bike bar. I assume he's some rough neck, back breaking , ass whooping thug.
That's being judgemental. That's forming an opinion. In other words, that's judging him.
Not judging:
I believe in the Bible. I believe every word in it. Through that faith, I feel same sex marriage is wrong.
That's not judging. That's a belief. Judging would be me thinking that since someone is gay, or in a same sex marriage, that they are some terrible person. A menace to society.

How you cannot see the difference is beyond me.
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Do you not understand that the Bible was used by people for DECADES to attack interracial marriage? That people literally said that God made white people and black people different, that God himself told the people to stay with their own people? And those people were just as sure about their understanding of the Bible as you are.

And when you say “Treat people with respect!” and then talk about how gay marriage makes you sick, something I would never say about anything short of pedophiles... do you not understand that that would be seen by MANY people as NOT treating people with respect?

So we aren’t going to get anywhere with this. We can be done with it.
This says different..Again, it was due to religion, beliefs. Not race. Not sure where you did your undergrad at, but ya might wanna ask for your money back.

The Bible
There is nothing in the Bible saying it is wrong to date or marry a person of a different race.
There are a few incidental mentions of race in the Bible (e.g., that Ethiopian's skin was different, Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), Jesus told of a Samaritan man who was kind to a Jewish man even thought they were enemies of different religions, nationalities and racial backgrounds. At the end, Jesus tells us, "Go and do likewise."

The apostle Paul stated the equality of all people without regard to racial/ethnic background, social status, etc.:

You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (NIV, Galatians 3:26-28)
This was a fun read. Datt and TheDude getting schooled as usual. Fun times.
You know, looking at this show, it actually looks quite interesting. James, Jon Stewart, Snoop, a bunch more, actually filmed in a different barbershop around the country each week, apparently talking about sports and also social issues. I’ve usually enjoyed listening to James in the past, and with Stewart to help guide, and Snoop... I don’t watch a lot of TV, but that sounds perfectly interesting.
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I mean, there is a lot of stuff in the Bible, especially the Pauline letters, that was very specific to whomever he was writing that particular letter to. I'm not sure using all of that literally to justify things is the right way to go. It doesn't mean it isn't beneficial to believers to study but lots of things are pretty contextual.
For a guy with three degrees, you're not very smart. This definition doesn't fit the narrative. Totally different context. Here, I'll give some.examples:
1. I see a guy with tatoo"s, coming out of a bike bar. I assume he's some rough neck, back breaking , ass whooping thug.
That's being judgemental. That's forming an opinion. In other words, that's judging him.
Not judging:
I believe in the Bible. I believe every word in it. Through that faith, I feel same sex marriage is wrong.
That's not judging. That's a belief. Judging would be me thinking that since someone is gay, or in a same sex marriage, that they are some terrible person. A menace to society.

How you cannot see the difference is beyond me.
I say this in the most kind way, but you’re not an intelligent person. Stick to reffing middle school baseball.
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I say this in the most kind way, but you’re not an intelligent person. Stick to reffing middle school baseball.
"Reffing" baseball? And, umm, you're on a sports forum? Ok. No baseball today. But tomorrow I guess I'm scheduled to"umpire" a basketball game.
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I mean, there is a lot of stuff in the Bible, especially the Pauline letters, that was very specific to whomever he was writing that particular letter to. I'm not sure using all of that literally to justify things is the right way to go. It doesn't mean it isn't beneficial to believers to study but lots of things are pretty contextual.
Are you implying it's wrong to use the bible, to justify my beliefs?
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Not sure what to say about that one. Sad.....embarrassing...and a sorry standard.
Disgusting is what came to my mind. It’s one thing to be for abortion. It’s a completely different issue to actively promote them like this sign does. Seriously disgusting.

“The last thing I want my son to be is another hashtag, so if that means I have to wear this shirt to create the conversation or go to community civil meetings, I will do whatever is necessary,” Richardson, who has a 3-year-old boy as well as her own vegan T-shirt line, tells Yahoo Lifestyle. “I just fear that the color of his skin would trump his character, [and] to the world he would just be viewed as a violent black male.”

Another example of AA children being raised to believe they are victims and taught to fear police. Instead of raising her son to respect authority and be a good, decent person. She is teaching him how he is going to be viewed before he ever had a chance to see the world through his own eyes.

Can someone please explain how this woman is creating ANYTHING positive here?

“The last thing I want my son to be is another hashtag, so if that means I have to wear this shirt to create the conversation or go to community civil meetings, I will do whatever is necessary,” Richardson, who has a 3-year-old boy as well as her own vegan T-shirt line, tells Yahoo Lifestyle. “I just fear that the color of his skin would trump his character, [and] to the world he would just be viewed as a violent black male.”

Another example of AA children being raised to believe they are victims and taught to fear police. Instead of raising her son to respect authority and be a good, decent person. She is teaching him how he is going to be viewed before he ever had a chance to see the world through his own eyes.

Can someone please explain how this woman is creating ANYTHING positive here?
I feel sorry for her kid. Honestly.

“The last thing I want my son to be is another hashtag, so if that means I have to wear this shirt to create the conversation or go to community civil meetings, I will do whatever is necessary,” Richardson, who has a 3-year-old boy as well as her own vegan T-shirt line, tells Yahoo Lifestyle. “I just fear that the color of his skin would trump his character, [and] to the world he would just be viewed as a violent black male.”

Another example of AA children being raised to believe they are victims and taught to fear police. Instead of raising her son to respect authority and be a good, decent person. She is teaching him how he is going to be viewed before he ever had a chance to see the world through his own eyes.

Can someone please explain how this woman is creating ANYTHING positive here?
Why do you all worry so much about the 5% of people that suck. Like 95% Of this world, left or right, black or white, are damn good people. Maybe focus on that, instead of worrying about the idiots. I bet you’ll sleep better.

I know I know. You sleep fine. Eyeroll
Why do you all worry so much about the 5% of people that suck. Like 95% Of this world, left or right, black or white, are damn good people. Maybe focus on that, instead of worrying about the idiots. I bet you’ll sleep better.

I know I know. You sleep fine. Eyeroll
Because this is Rivals. We like to focus on the 5%.
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“The last thing I want my son to be is another hashtag, so if that means I have to wear this shirt to create the conversation or go to community civil meetings, I will do whatever is necessary,” Richardson, who has a 3-year-old boy as well as her own vegan T-shirt line, tells Yahoo Lifestyle. “I just fear that the color of his skin would trump his character, [and] to the world he would just be viewed as a violent black male.”

Another example of AA children being raised to believe they are victims and taught to fear police. Instead of raising her son to respect authority and be a good, decent person. She is teaching him how he is going to be viewed before he ever had a chance to see the world through his own eyes.

Can someone please explain how this woman is creating ANYTHING positive here?
Someone should tell her a big part of whatever is necessary is.......nevermind. Can’t go over this again.
All I got out of his rant was, a white catholic school recruited black kids for sports.
Make private schools have their own post season, cheating fooks.!
Why do you all worry so much about the 5% of people that suck. Like 95% Of this world, left or right, black or white, are damn good people. Maybe focus on that, instead of worrying about the idiots. I bet you’ll sleep better.

I know I know. You sleep fine. Eyeroll
Because it's that 5% that causes most of the problems. I mean 5% onnyhe world's population is a lot of God damn people.

The Bible (aka a collection of books, not one single book) does not forbid interracial marriage. Go no further than Genesis and you will find Abraham, Ham, and Joseph with a wife of a different race.... so yeah.