Who are the golfers here and how do you shoot?

I had to quit playing after back surgery and haven't played in a long time, but I would love to play sleepy Joe Biden.

That whole argument was absurd. After watching their swings neither of them are the HC they say they are. Trumps swing at least has some good components, though there is zero chance he is consistent enough with it to be the HC he says he is. He could definitely be a single digit from the senior tees though.
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Played a course in Cincinnati called Maketewah Country Club yesterday. Played almost 6600 yards at a par 70 and had some of the thickest rough I’ve ever hit out of. Phenomenal course but damn, it kicked my ass.
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Really ? 8 back surgeries? Got any hardware ? Pussy? I think you're a liar and a coward for letting me call you that.

yea, 8. First one was when I was 26 and in law school. Took my exams that semester laying on my stomach on a yoga mat doped up on Vicodin. No hardware, all disketomies. Now have permanent nerve damage down my left leg and foot.

For golf I can't really turn my body so the swing is all arms. By the end of the round I often skip practice swings. Stopped going to the driving range about 4 years ago, figured I only have so many swings in me and not gonna waste them on the range.
You should cut back on the shoveling.
haven't lifted a shovel since that fateful day. It was a snow storm and I was still living in the city. My parking space was backed up to an alley and I ended up shoveling myself about 40 feet of space to get out. And we're talking over a foot of snow. All because I had to get to court. In retrospect that was one of the dumber decisions of my life.
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yea, 8. First one was when I was 26 and in law school. Took my exams that semester laying on my stomach on a yoga mat doped up on Vicodin. No hardware, all disketomies. Now have permanent nerve damage down my left leg and foot.

For golf I can't really turn my body so the swing is all arms. By the end of the round I often skip practice swings. Stopped going to the driving range about 4 years ago, figured I only have so many swings in me and not gonna waste them on the range.
Most diskettes are minimally invasive, some require disk removal, so you have no hardware in your back. and you don';t shovel snow anymore? What a pussy.
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Most diskettes are minimally invasive, some require disk removal, so you have no hardware in your back. and you don';t shovel snow anymore? What a pussy.
minimally invasive is such a funny term when describing a surgery where they open up your spine and start digging around nerves. Never understood that terminology. In retrospect I wish I went with a fusion at teh very start, but at the time the doc advised against it because I was young and played a lot of sports and a fusion would limit mobility. At my last surgery doc told me that my back is so messed up that if they want3ed to do a fusion now it would have to be a 5 level fusion. I'd basically be Robocop when it was completed.

I may refuse to shovel snow, but you live in a place where it doesn't even snow. What a pussy.
Played a course in Cincinnati called Maketewah Country Club yesterday. Played almost 6600 yards at a par 70 and had some of the thickest rough I’ve ever hit out of. Phenomenal course but damn, it kicked my ass.

Thick rough makes a course so difficult. My home course has let the first cut grow up to the point it is hard to even find your ball and it certainly makes it play several strokes more difficult than usual.
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Thick rough makes a course so difficult. My home course has let the first cut grow up to the point it is hard to even find your ball and it certainly makes it play several strokes more difficult than usual.
Yep. I hit a drive yesterday that was 2 feet into the 2nd cut and it took us 3 minutes to find it. It was a 440 yard par 4 and I still had 195 in. I tried to it a 4 iron and was 30 yards short of the green.
Yep. I hit a drive yesterday that was 2 feet into the 2nd cut and it took us 3 minutes to find it. It was a 440 yard par 4 and I still had 195 in. I tried to it a 4 iron and was 30 yards short of the green.

Yeah, it's tough. I've basically gone to clubbing up several numbers and flighting it down anytime I'm in rough like that. Sort of goes against what a lot of people do by adding loft but it puts the ball back in the stance and I have more success that way. If it's really buried I'll obviously take more loft though.

A four iron from rough like that is going to be tough.