Who are the golfers here and how do you shoot?


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Gold Member
Dec 5, 2017
I think we established years ago that @coryfly is probably our best golfer. Pretty sure he's a mid single digit index, but hopefully he'll confirm that or clarify in this thread.

I love golf, but it's a tough sport to play when you've had 8 back surgeries. I've found my niche though. Took me many years, but I finally found a set up and swing with the driver that allows me to get off the tee nicely without turning my body. I spread my legs as far as I can basically, bring the club back along a very flat plane and then it's all hands from there as I try and get an inside out swing in the ball. Luckily, despite all my health issues, my hands have never had an issue and are still elite. Yea, I said elite. I have elite hands, deal with it. Also elite hair, but that doesn't help me on the course. Anyway, with that swing my drive has become my most consistent club. I can poke it out there between 220-230 (240 if I really hit it great) with a nice baby draw. I hit a lot of fairways and I only have a one way miss, to the left if I over cook it. It's a comforting feeling being able to aim up the right side of the fairway and not have to worry about what's to the right of that. I play from the old man tees so hitting it 220ish is all I really need anyway.

Short game from 100 and especially around the green with a 60 degree in my hand has always been my strong suit. (see the elite hands portion of my post)

Weakness is long shots. I don't carry any fairway woods because it's a tough club to swing when you can't turn. My longest club is a 3 hybrid that goes about 185. So you can see where I would get in a little trouble out there if I don't "smoke" my drive.

Haven't played yet this year, but last year I was pretty consistent with my scoring. I don't play alot because of my back so probably only got in 10-15 rounds last year, but was in the low to mid 80s for most of them. Only was on the wrong side of 90 once. Did not break 80, but have a bunch of times in the past.

The back can change everything day to day. Not last year, but in years past I've had 2 weekends where I played same course back to back days. on day one I was under 80 and on day two I was over 105. Pretty crazy.
I love golf. Or love to hate it. Depends on the day. My HC is 13.6. I typically hit the ball pretty straight but don’t have very good distance and short game could definitely be better. Typical score is 86-92 and usually about 12-14 holes I am happy with. There is always 4 or 5 holes that ruin the day
I love golf. Or love to hate it. Depends on the day. My HC is 13.6. I typically hit the ball pretty straight but don’t have very good distance and short game could definitely be better. Typical score is 86-92 and usually about 12-14 holes I am happy with. There is always 4 or 5 holes that ruin the day
4-5 holes that ruin the day, but 2-3 pure shots that keep you coming back right?
Leaving in the morning on our annual golf trip. Playing 7 rounds in 5 days at Reunion Resort in Orlando (great tracks). Tweaked my back Saturday at Keeneland. Didn't realize how bad as the booze was flowing and I hit a trifecta and superfecta. Woke up yesterday morning and couldn't stand up straight. A trip to the Chiropractor and a massage have me hopeful it won't cause issues in Florida.

I've got my HCP down to 11.5. Goal this year is to get to single digits. Just need more consistency.

Driver is solid - average drive is about 240 with a range of 220-280 depending on how I connect.

Long irons are my biggest issue. Just hit them off line too often.

I carry 5 wedges (P, A, 50, 54 and 60) and that's the strongest part of my game.
Leaving in the morning on our annual golf trip. Playing 7 rounds in 5 days at Reunion Resort in Orlando (great tracks). Tweaked my back Saturday at Keeneland. Didn't realize how bad as the booze was flowing and I hit a trifecta and superfecta. Woke up yesterday morning and couldn't stand up straight. A trip to the Chiropractor and a massage have me hopeful it won't cause issues in Florida.

I've got my HCP down to 11.5. Goal this year is to get to single digits. Just need more consistency.

Driver is solid - average drive is about 240 with a range of 220-280 depending on how I connect.

Long irons are my biggest issue. Just hit them off line too often.

I carry 5 wedges (P, A, 50, 54 and 60) and that's the strongest part of my game.
So you had fun at Keenland?
Always. We usually take a party bus down once a year. It’s about 14 hours of drinking, betting on horses and trying to make sure my wife doesn’t catch me looking at all that eye candy.
get her one of those big floppy hats all the women wear at the Kentucky Derby. She won't be able to see shit with that thing hanging over her face.
I'm a 5.8. I generally shoot between 80 and 85, but will have a good month where I'll fire off a number of rounds in the mid to low 70s so that keeps my HC down. Had my first round int he 70s this past weekend so hopefully those will pick up now that I'm more into some sort of flow. In our amateur tournaments a round in the 70s really brings it down since it's a tournament score. I have gone almost exclusively to a modified stack and tilt method and have lost some distance, and wasn't long to begin with, but hardly ever lose a golf ball and my distances and dispersion is way more consistent. I think I've lost two golf balls all year and have played 10 or so rounds.

It's funny boiler said he carried all of those wedges. I have a PW as part of my set (Apex 21) but only two in terms of legit wedges (blade style-SM9 lob and gap is all I carry) and I play my gap almost exclusively from 20 to 80 yards. A lot of open face and different stance type shots. Just shows there are so many different ways to play the game. My advice to anyone would be to always play the ball down. That is the best way to get better IMO. Game is hard as crap though.
I'm a 5.8. I generally shoot between 80 and 85, but will have a good month where I'll fire off a number of rounds in the mid to low 70s so that keeps my HC down. Had my first round int he 70s this past weekend so hopefully those will pick up now that I'm more into some sort of flow. In our amateur tournaments a round in the 70s really brings it down since it's a tournament score. I have gone almost exclusively to a modified stack and tilt method and have lost some distance, and wasn't long to begin with, but hardly ever lose a golf ball and my distances and dispersion is way more consistent. I think I've lost two golf balls all year and have played 10 or so rounds.

It's funny boiler said he carried all of those wedges. I have a PW as part of my set (Apex 21) but only two in terms of legit wedges (blade style-SM9 lob and gap is all I carry) and I play my gap almost exclusively from 20 to 80 yards. A lot of open face and different stance type shots. Just shows there are so many different ways to play the game. My advice to anyone would be to always play the ball down. That is the best way to get better IMO. Game is hard as crap though.
And get clubs fitted to you. I would never buy a set of clubs or a driver off the rack without being fit. Do you think club fitting makes a big difference?
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And get clubs fitted to you. I would never buy a set of clubs or a driver off the rack without being fit. Do you think club fitting makes a big difference?

I got fitted years ago and everything was standard for me in terms of lie angle and all of that sort of thing. I think being fitted for club and shafts is a great idea though. I tend to buy a driver and multiple shafts and sort of fit myself and then sell off the shafts I don't use. I would like to get fitted for iron shafts one day though.

I think all fitting, even with the golf ball, is worth it if you can afford it though.
I was in Sales & Marketing at a large railroad. I played all the good courses, but I suck at the sport.

I can drive out the ass, except I don't know which direction it is going. I can't putt worth a crap.

But I still love golf.

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I love golf. Or love to hate it. Depends on the day. My HC is 13.6. I typically hit the ball pretty straight but don’t have very good distance and short game could definitely be better. Typical score is 86-92 and usually about 12-14 holes I am happy with. There is always 4 or 5 holes that ruin the day
Same here. When I was playing 27 holes a week, I was consistently in the low to mid 80's. I hit it well with the driver, but there are days when it gets away from me and I end up spraying it.
Now that I only play a few times a year, my Short game has been an issue for me. I could hit a 310 yard drive, center of the fairway, have 100 yards in and come away with a double.

So now, I usually come in high 80's to low 90's depending on the course.
Yeah, scoring well at our level, since we are amateurs whose swings will be wildly inconsistent, has to be based on the short game IMO. I spend a lot of time working on my distances from 20 yards up to 100 yards in 5 yard increments and know exactly what I want to do with my feet, ball position, and face angles for every one of those 5 yard distances. Doesn't mean I will always hit those spots but at least I know from hitting over and over what I want to do, because I'm sure as heck going to have those distances throughout a round to either get up and done to save some pars or really screw me over.
Yeah, scoring well at our level, since we are amateurs whose swings will be wildly inconsistent, has to be based on the short game IMO. I spend a lot of time working on my distances from 20 yards up to 100 yards in 5 yard increments and know exactly what I want to do with my feet, ball position, and face angles for every one of those 5 yard distances. Doesn't mean I will always hit those spots but at least I know from hitting over and over what I want to do, because I'm sure as heck going to have those distances throughout a round to either get up and done to save some pars or really screw me over.
I need to put in the work, right now, I would do better if I blindly picked a club out of the bag and swung blindfolded from 100 yards in. I’m amazed at how bad my short game is, I was never great at it, but I used to be good enough to be on the dance floor with confidence.
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It's funny boiler said he carried all of those wedges. I have a PW as part of my set (Apex 21) but only two in terms of legit wedges (blade style-SM9 lob and gap is all I carry) and I play my gap almost exclusively from 20 to 80 yards. A lot of open face and different stance type shots. Just shows there are so many different ways to play the game. My advice to anyone would be to always play the ball down. That is the best way to get better IMO. Game is hard as crap though.

Great advice about playing it down and also how there are many different ways to hit the same club. I mentioned I like to use my 60 whenever I am around the green. But, I’m not out there doing flops left and right. I like to play it in the back of my stance with all the weight on the front foot and the club face closed/hooded. I focus on striking the back of the ball and then it turns into a pitch and run type of shot.
Great advice about playing it down and also how there are many different ways to hit the same club. I mentioned I like to use my 60 whenever I am around the green. But, I’m not out there doing flops left and right. I like to play it in the back of my stance with all the weight on the front foot and the club face closed/hooded. I focus on striking the back of the ball and then it turns into a pitch and run type of shot.

The pros are so good at that. They can take almost any wedge and do any shot with it. When I went to Augusta few years back what amazed me the most was how low they played almost all of their pitch and chip shots. Whether they were using a 60* or 51* or whether they where 10 or 70 yards away they hit lows shots and could make them run or check on command. Just ridiculous skill.
The pros are so good at that. They can take almost any wedge and do any shot with it. When I went to Augusta few years back what amazed me the most was how low they played almost all of their pitch and chip shots. Whether they were using a 60* or 51* or whether they where 10 or 70 yards away they hit lows shots and could make them run or check on command. Just ridiculous skill.
The spin they put on the ball in nuts. I have a friend I have been playing with for over 30 years. I swear I have never seen him shoot out of the 70's. He went to watch a pro tournament several years ago and had a tee time to play with some member of the course the Monday after the tournament. They wanted to play from the tips, with the pro's greens, rough, ETC just to see how they would do. My buddy told me he couldn't have hit it any better and shot a 91. He said he never held a single green all day. Every ball he hit into a green ran off the back, but the pros are sucking it back 8 feet.
The spin they put on the ball in nuts. I have a friend I have been playing with for over 30 years. I swear I have never seen him shoot out of the 70's. He went to watch a pro tournament several years ago and had a tee time to play with some member of the course the Monday after the tournament. They wanted to play from the tips, with the pro's greens, rough, ETC just to see how they would do. My buddy told me he couldn't have hit it any better and shot a 91. He said he never held a single green all day. Every ball he hit into a green ran off the back, but the pros are sucking it back 8 feet.

That's wild. I always wondered how tough it would be. I course I play from time to time has ran as much as 12 before and that's really fast but they would still hold. The greens the pros play on are that fast and also difficult to hold. I can't imagine how scary some of those putts would be for people like us. I would probably hit my stroke limit every hole, lol.
15.7 down from a 22+ generally shoot around 90. Was walking a lot of quick 9s last spring just to get some steps in and really helped me shorten my swing and compact it. Had a swing I was comfortable with and could
generally move the ball how I wanted, within reason. Bombs off the tee. Shot a ton of low 40s. Haven't found that same swing yet but only playing twice a month instead of twice a week.
I think we established years ago that @coryfly is probably our best golfer. Pretty sure he's a mid single digit index, but hopefully he'll confirm that or clarify in this thread.

I love golf, but it's a tough sport to play when you've had 8 back surgeries. I've found my niche though. Took me many years, but I finally found a set up and swing with the driver that allows me to get off the tee nicely without turning my body. I spread my legs as far as I can basically, bring the club back along a very flat plane and then it's all hands from there as I try and get an inside out swing in the ball. Luckily, despite all my health issues, my hands have never had an issue and are still elite. Yea, I said elite. I have elite hands, deal with it. Also elite hair, but that doesn't help me on the course. Anyway, with that swing my drive has become my most consistent club. I can poke it out there between 220-230 (240 if I really hit it great) with a nice baby draw. I hit a lot of fairways and I only have a one way miss, to the left if I over cook it. It's a comforting feeling being able to aim up the right side of the fairway and not have to worry about what's to the right of that. I play from the old man tees so hitting it 220ish is all I really need anyway.

Short game from 100 and especially around the green with a 60 degree in my hand has always been my strong suit. (see the elite hands portion of my post)

Weakness is long shots. I don't carry any fairway woods because it's a tough club to swing when you can't turn. My longest club is a 3 hybrid that goes about 185. So you can see where I would get in a little trouble out there if I don't "smoke" my drive.

Haven't played yet this year, but last year I was pretty consistent with my scoring. I don't play alot because of my back so probably only got in 10-15 rounds last year, but was in the low to mid 80s for most of them. Only was on the wrong side of 90 once. Did not break 80, but have a bunch of times in the past.

The back can change everything day to day. Not last year, but in years past I've had 2 weekends where I played same course back to back days. on day one I was under 80 and on day two I was over 105. Pretty crazy.
My index is a 7.4 right now coming out of winter. Usually gets to a 6 or below during the summer.

Just go back from a week in Fla.
I'm a 5.8. I generally shoot between 80 and 85, but will have a good month where I'll fire off a number of rounds in the mid to low 70s so that keeps my HC down. Had my first round int he 70s this past weekend so hopefully those will pick up now that I'm more into some sort of flow. In our amateur tournaments a round in the 70s really brings it down since it's a tournament score. I have gone almost exclusively to a modified stack and tilt method and have lost some distance, and wasn't long to begin with, but hardly ever lose a golf ball and my distances and dispersion is way more consistent. I think I've lost two golf balls all year and have played 10 or so rounds.

It's funny boiler said he carried all of those wedges. I have a PW as part of my set (Apex 21) but only two in terms of legit wedges (blade style-SM9 lob and gap is all I carry) and I play my gap almost exclusively from 20 to 80 yards. A lot of open face and different stance type shots. Just shows there are so many different ways to play the game. My advice to anyone would be to always play the ball down. That is the best way to get better IMO. Game is hard as crap though.
I have never been in the mid 70's. I have few game in the high 70's.

I envy folks who can do it. At a driving range I am different than on the course and I could never correct that. My only good club is a sand wedge.
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I got fitted years ago and everything was standard for me in terms of lie angle and all of that sort of thing. I think being fitted for club and shafts is a great idea though. I tend to buy a driver and multiple shafts and sort of fit myself and then sell off the shafts I don't use. I would like to get fitted for iron shafts one day though.

I think all fitting, even with the golf ball, is worth it if you can afford it though.
I subscribe to a different approach with clubs and balls. I use the time and tested method of saying "if it costs more, it has to be better" when buying clubs and balls.
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That's wild. I always wondered how tough it would be. I course I play from time to time has ran as much as 12 before and that's really fast but they would still hold. The greens the pros play on are that fast and also difficult to hold. I can't imagine how scary some of those putts would be for people like us. I would probably hit my stroke limit every hole, lol.
my buddy is a member at South Bend CC. Played with him out there the day after they hosted some big tourney. If you missed the fairway there was about a 40% chance you would find your ball in the rough and then about a 5% chance you could do anything more than try and chunk it back to the fairway.
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best thing I did for my game was a few years ago I made the decision that I would never hit another ball at the range for the rest of my life. With 8 back surgeries on my CV I only have so many swings in me, can't be wasting them at the friggen range. Even on the course I often stop taking practice swings at some point on the back nine.

When I get to the course early I grab my 60 and putter and just warm up with greenside chips and putting. Or I skip that and go with the time and tested warmup of scarfing down a bacon egg and cheese while I watch people tee off of #1.
I'm a 5.8. I generally shoot between 80 and 85, but will have a good month where I'll fire off a number of rounds in the mid to low 70s so that keeps my HC down. Had my first round int he 70s this past weekend so hopefully those will pick up now that I'm more into some sort of flow. In our amateur tournaments a round in the 70s really brings it down since it's a tournament score. I have gone almost exclusively to a modified stack and tilt method and have lost some distance, and wasn't long to begin with, but hardly ever lose a golf ball and my distances and dispersion is way more consistent. I think I've lost two golf balls all year and have played 10 or so rounds.

It's funny boiler said he carried all of those wedges. I have a PW as part of my set (Apex 21) but only two in terms of legit wedges (blade style-SM9 lob and gap is all I carry) and I play my gap almost exclusively from 20 to 80 yards. A lot of open face and different stance type shots. Just shows there are so many different ways to play the game. My advice to anyone would be to always play the ball down. That is the best way to get better IMO. Game is hard as crap though.

We are similar handicaps. Try the new SM10 wedges. They are really (REALLY!) a leap forward.

In your other post about getting fitted for irons I would say the most important part of irons is the weight of the shaft. I think the shaft makes a bigger difference in driver/3 wood/hybrids and I'll pay up for a "better shaft", but as I have gotten older taking 10 grams out of the weight of the shaft (every few years) in the irons makes a difference. I play "stock" shafts for the irons, but as I've gotten older I get fitted and the best launch/ball speed seem to be in shafts that weigh a few grams less.
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best thing I did for my game was a few years ago I made the decision that I would never hit another ball at the range for the rest of my life. With 8 back surgeries on my CV I only have so many swings in me, can't be wasting them at the friggen range. Even on the course I often stop taking practice swings at some point on the back nine.

When I get to the course early I grab my 60 and putter and just warm up with greenside chips and putting. Or I skip that and go with the time and tested warmup of scarfing down a bacon egg and cheese while I watch people tee off of #1.
I would rather walk a few nines tweaking my swing than at the range.
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We are similar handicaps. Try the new SM10 wedges. They are really (REALLY!) a leap forward.

In your other post about getting fitted for irons I would say the most important part of irons is the weight of the shaft. I think the shaft makes a bigger difference in driver/3 wood/hybrids and I'll pay up for a "better shaft", but as I have gotten older taking 10 grams out of the weight of the shaft (every few years) in the irons makes a difference. I play "stock" shafts for the irons, but as I've gotten older I get fitted and the best launch/ball speed seem to be in shafts that weigh a few grams less.

Yeah, I really need to get fitted into iron shafts, which would give me the weight and flex and everything I need. Honestly, with the advancements in graphite I would like for my next set to have those. I'm almost 50 so assume at some point soon I'll move into R flex for most things. When I try to hit those now though I can't control them like a can a stiffer shaft. It may be a while though. I love the Apex 21s I currently have. Honestly, I almost wish I had just kept my old original Apex CF 16 irons.
I play 9 holes a week in league, my ghin hasn't been activated yet for some reason but think I'm a 14-16. I used to play a lot more and was around a 10, hard to get better as little as I play. Going on a golf trip in May and in June, usually I'm playing pretty good after those because I'm playing consistently then go back to sucking 9 holes a week.
Was an 11 as a young gun, owned 150 yards in including putting. Played/hosted waaaaay too many fundraiser scrambles and got lazy. Shoulder injury at 50 set me back again. Working my way back down but don't have the drive or the need to get good again.

FL winter play, midwest summer play.

Birdie juice!!