Such the smart guy. Food order wrong for a black guy, by a white waiter: Racism. Not a waiter simply getting an order wrong. But done so because the customer was black. That's the attitude that's been injected by people like you. Of course racism exist. It's a problem in this country. But until.folks like YOU quit implying it happens ALL.THE.TIME, it won't end. And let's be honest...People such as you and Dat Don t want it to end. You need it. You live for the shit. You love the shit. Your life would be shit w/o the drama. Of course every time a black guybis pulled over, his life flashes before his eyes.It’s normal for the far righties to virtue signal at every turn, and claim something is racist when it fits your narrative, as I explained to Borden without him being able to comprehend it, per usual.
Your entire life is consumed with the agenda of pushing every corner. And at all.cost. IMO, anyone who supports a person wearing a shirt that reads, "Blue lives Murder" has huge, huge issues. It's a terrible message. It teaches hate. And why? Because small portion of the countrys police force has committed some heinous acts towards black people? What about the millions of cops that havent? Are they murders too?