Just a question. Where is Christ's love in celebrating tearing families apart?
Since I haven't been posting in these threads before you tagged me, this must be in reference to a post I liked. Is this one it?
Tell your friends torn away by ICE to come into our country legally and they won’t have that problem. Didn’t realize you hang out with criminals, Datt.
That is spot on and I gave it a like. Certainly no "celebrating tearing families apart" narrative you're trying to sell. That's egregious even for you.
Okay, say I'm not a Christian. What kind of witness for Christ are you providing? Why would anyone want to follow a deity
you claim to follow?
Reminds me of the times some say I don't like how you witness and spread the Gospel. I respond "oh, how do you do it?" They respond "I don't". I counter with Jesus likes the way I do it better than your way of not doing it. I've had the same signature gif for years in every post. I don't try and sneak up on anyone.
"Why would anyone want to follow a deity
you claim to follow?" That sounds like a Gospel question. Here you go...
When you die you are going to stand before almighty God and give an account for your life.
Because He is holy, righteous, and just He is going to judge you by His perfect moral standard in thought, word, and deed. If found guilty of breaking His law because He is holy, righteous, and just He must punish sin. The punishment God has ascribed for sin is eternity in hell.
In addition to being holy, righteous, and just God is also gracious, loving, kind, and merciful. There is only 1 way you can escape His holy wrath. That is through His Son Jesus Christ. 2000 years ago God the Father sent His Son to Earth in the person of Jesus Christ fully God and fully man without sin.
Unlike you or I He never broke God's law in thought, word, or deed. He was the perfect sinless Lamb of God. In about 30-33 years into that existence, He voluntarily went to the cross and suffered a bloody and horrible death that He did not deserve to take upon Himself the punishment that you and I rightfully deserve for our sins against God.
Then, 3 days later He forever defeated sin and death when He rose from the grave. Now what God has commanded of you and the same He commands of me and people everywhere is to repent, turn from your sin, and by faith and faith alone receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and your Savior.
God literally looked at His Son, who knew no sin, as though He lived your life. In return, God looks at you as though you lived His Son's perfect life. Jesus says unless a person is born again they will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. He will give you a new heart with new desires. You will begin to hate the things God hates and love the things God loves. When you do die and stand before Him instead of receiving what you deserve for your sin which is hell you will receive what you don't deserve which is grace, mercy, and eternal life with Jesus Christ the Lord.