Louisville could be hit with more penalties

your answer has nothing to do with my question

why do so many ul fans struggle so hard with knowing the difference between the city of Louisville and ul the school
they are two totally separate entities
They’re one in the same, not too hard to understand. You’re a smart guy.
They’re one in the same, not too hard to understand. You’re a smart guy.
no they are not
just like UK and Lexington are not the same, Duke and Durham are not the same, and so on and so on

why the struggle to know the difference?
I don’t really care one way or the other, but I don’t get the line of thinking “we did some shit and got into trouble, and did some more shit while we were on probation, but now everybody is gone so we should be good”. The punishment is for the SCHOOL not an individual.
All this is going to do is punish players who were in middle school when all of this happened.
no they are not
just like UK and Lexington are not the same, Duke and Durham are not the same, and so on and so on

why the struggle to know the difference?
The city of Louisville and the University of Louisville are practically one in the same in terms of economic value. Take a look at how U of L bought out Jewish hospital and Frazier rehab. Their money flows through Louisville’s economy. Brown Foreman and Yum Brands being the other two major players aside from UPS who has a deal with U of L offering free tuition to in-state students (contractual agreement) Yum Brands obviously being a major player, as with the Brown family and their programs that flow through the engineering school (Speed school)

The city isn’t some giant metropolis such as New York City, SF, Chicago, or LA. Giant markets with corporations galore that add to the city’s value or GDP.

Like I said, the school and the city are intertwined. Not too difficult to grasp.
All this is going to do is punish players who were in middle school when all of this happened.

I understand that. And it sucks for them. But they had to have known this was a possibility when they signed to go there.
i agree on the unc deal. the ncaa were cowards
but ul is not a scapegoat, they very much earned their penalties
I disagree, and if other programs come out of this unscathed, it’ll prove my point.
I disagree, and if other programs come out of this unscathed, it’ll prove my point.
i think ul is not alone this time around
i think a few schools are going to get hammered
just too much bad press with the fbi investigation for the ncaa to do nothing to the guilty parties
i think ul is not alone this time around
i think a few schools are going to get hammered
just too much bad press with the fbi investigation for the ncaa to do nothing to the guilty parties
I'd be shocked if UL gets anything near KU, Zona, LSU, Auburn, S. Carolina gets.
I'd be shocked if UL gets anything near KU, Zona, LSU, Auburn, S. Carolina gets.
ul was on probation and committed a level 1 infraction
not to mention having an assistant coach caught saying they had to keep it on the "down low" because of the probation

i do not think ul has given the ncaa much of a choice but to hammer them
What could their defense possible be? “We offered every member of the student body $100K”? I don’t think the whole “we cleaned house” defense makes any sense either.

Adidas paid 100k not Louisville. Have you not paid attention to any of this. The university of Louisville was found as a “victim” of adidas pay to play scheme. I mean I get it’s all shady as shit but Louisville technically isn’t on the hook for paying 100k.
Adidas paid 100k not Louisville. Have you not paid attention to any of this. The university of Louisville was found as a “victim” of adidas pay to play scheme. I mean I get it’s all shady as shit but Louisville technically isn’t on the hook for paying 100k.

From the Athletic:

“No one is a winner here. But who is the biggest loser with this NOA? The University of Louisville, Rick Pitino or someone else?
Dana O’Neil:
Louisville. Among the aggravating factors listed in the notice of allegations is the school’s “Intentional, willful or blatant disregard for the NCAA constitution and bylaws.’’ This is not good. In fact, this is very bad. The NCAA is rather pissed at the member institutions that brought college basketball into the FBI’s crosshairs, and it isn’t going to take any of this lightly. Louisville got yanked into a federal investigation while on probation for bringing strippers in to perform for recruits. (There’s a sentence.)

The university will argue, and rightly so, that it has all but emptied its athletic department of the scoundrels involved, and slapped itself with a postseason ban. Except neither of those is mentioned in the mitigating factors, the place where the NCAA mentions the good deeds the accused has performed. That’s a tell. Jordan Fair and Kenny Johnson (presuming he’s not still working at La Salle) will have a hard time working again; Rick Pitino most likely will get benched for a few games. Louisville, not to mention its athletes, coaches, fans and alumni, is looking at serious penalties. The school is eligible for a two- to five-year postseason ban, and up to 10 years probation. My guess is at least two years without the tourney for the Cards.”

So while technically a “victim” an asst coach is on tape trying to broker a deal. And apparently the NCAA is pissed at the schools that are responsible for the FBI climbing in their ass. Fact is, UL is no more a victim than I am. UL fans tried using the same defense with the strippers; “ well yea, there were strippers, but they didn’t help us win”. Oh, and have the victims at UL severed ties with the company that victimized them?
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All this is going to do is punish players who were in middle school when all of this happened.
that is a lousy excuse, these players were well aware of what happened at Stripper/money U, there were/are other schools that they could have gone to. but oh no they went to play for a school that was built on cheaters and nothing more.

the only thing is Pitino should get banned from coaching College BB Again.

there are other BB teams out there that these players can go play for, so they won't be punished as you put it. THE SCHOOL broke the RULES so it is the school that should get punished,
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Adidas paid 100k not Louisville. Have you not paid attention to any of this. The university of Louisville was found as a “victim” of adidas pay to play scheme. I mean I get it’s all shady as shit but Louisville technically isn’t on the hook for paying 100k.

very seldom (almost never) is any school the one that technically pays the money
what is going to hurt ul is the fact that an assistant coach was neck deep in the pay-to-play scheme
I don’t really care one way or the other, but I don’t get the line of thinking “we did some shit and got into trouble, and did some more shit while we were on probation, but now everybody is gone so we should be good”. The punishment is for the SCHOOL not an individual.
Which IMO, needs some tweaking. I have a problem that a coach can walk away damn near unscathed, but the program gets gutted, etc, etc...Kids that are coming to UL NOW, shouldn't be punished. Look, you start hammering coaches and AD's?? Yeah, shit might just change a little.
very seldom (almost never) is any school the one that technically pays the money
what is going to hurt ul is the fact that an assistant coach was neck deep in the pay-to-play scheme

The one that left the room within 60 seconds of hearing the plan to pay Bowen or the one that did or didn’t give Bowen Sr. 3000$.
The one that left the room within 60 seconds of hearing the plan to pay Bowen or the one that did or didn’t give Bowen Sr. 3000$.
try the one that said we are on probation so we need to keep it on the down-low
Honestly I’m just numb to it, I just dgaf about anything the NCAA decides to do. They’ve repeatedly proved how enept and corrup they are that I couldn’t care less. I’ll still be a cards fan regardless. It’s not like I have any control in what goes on behind the scenes with coaches and recruiting, or who the fbi entraps errrrr targets, or who the ncaa decides to punish and who they let skate.

And I know who won a game I watched, I don’t need a banner to remind me. NCAA should drop the hammer on themselves, and yes I’ve felt this way long before Louisville got caught.

It mainly started when Randolph Morris declared for the nba, hired and agent (before that was allowed), went undrafted and came back and played for UK the following season. Literally the only person ever to do such. And of course the unc academic fraud debacle didn’t help my attitude after they had just hammered us over a few thousand $ worth of stripper parties. Or Making Syracuse and boeheim vacate seasons, but keep their banners (that one always got me the most).

And I’m not trashing or blaming uk or unc or cuse fans or the schools for those situations, just pointing out random instances of the ncaas biased garbage. Wish we had gotten as lucky.
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Which IMO, needs some tweaking. I have a problem that a coach can walk away damn near unscathed, but the program gets gutted, etc, etc...Kids that are coming to UL NOW, shouldn't be punished. Look, you start hammering coaches and AD's?? Yeah, shit might just change a little.

they have been giving coaches show cause
i think anytime a coach is caught cheating he should have to repay what his contract paid him for the time he was cheating
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try the one that said we are on probation so we need to keep it on the down-low

That’s the one that left the room within 60 seconds. Aka do what u gotta do keep us out of it, and they get effin wire tapped smh.

Unless u think our fourth assistant down the bench was ochestrating 6 figure payments, which I mean I can’t prove he wasn’t lol.
that is a lousy excuse, these players were well aware of what happened at Stripper/money U, there were/are other schools that they could have gone to. but oh no they went to play for a school that was built on cheaters and nothing more.

the only thing is Pitino should get banned from coaching College BB Again.

there are other BB teams out there that these players can go play for, so they won't be punished as you put it. THE SCHOOL broke the RULES so it is the school that should get punished,
Idk, I feel like we’re the punching bag.
As a UK fan I take offense to that. You guys are OUR punching bag. No one else's.

I can beat my little brother to a pulp, but if someone else lays a hand on him, it's on.

You're still Kentuckians and better than all the other programs outside the state. Remember all the Final fours in Louisville? Your history goes all the way back.

This could just be the Librium talking.
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As a UK fan I take offense to that. You guys are OUR punching bag. No one else's.

I can beat my little brother to a pulp, but if someone else lays a hand on him, it's on.

You're still Kentuckians and better than all the other programs outside the state. Remember all the Final fours in Louisville? Your history goes all the way back.

This could just be the Librium talking.
What time did you start drinking bourbon today? Winking
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I don't understand the line of thinking, "I hope they get the worst".

Louisville adds to the state of Kentucky basketball.they don't threaten us, so why bother kicking when they're down.Did someone say something that hurt your feelings?

Can you please get your head out of ULol1986's lap please? If cannot understand why a UK fan would point and laugh at ULol getting impregnated by the NCAA with baby #2 in less than 5 years you are either trolling or not a true UK fan.
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Louisville found not guilty of paying players after they gave out similar payments to every student attending the same classes as Bowen ;)

I was gonna say that UL should just take a page outta UNc’s book and say that they paid a few regular students too and then the NCAA couldn’t touch them!Laughing
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