
There is no doubt Carolina cheated. Louisville would have been ok with the NCAA if they had offered prostitutes to not only basketball players but also a few regular students at the same time. Does that make you feel better?

They would have had to offer prostitutes to ALL students, not just a few, in order for your analogy to be correct (and also dismissing the illegalities of it).
They didn't conclude nothing was wrong, they concluded that it wasn't in their scope to do anything about it.

There was an independent group that looked into the issue before the NCAA investigation concluded and they found that the classes were "paper classes" I.E. fake. Student athletes were major benefactors of the class with many having an average GPA of ~1.91 and receiving a ~3.61 in that one class. The classes were only there to boost athletes GPA that would have been otherwise ineligible.

The NCAA didn't rule on it because they determined that they didn't want to be the ones deciding what classes schools can offer, or some BS along those lines.

So again, if you are ok with your school whoring out their academic status in order to win some basketball games then you have very low standards.

Apparently this went on for decades.

So if not in their scope, then not a violation. And since violations equal cheating and no violations were found, then no cheating occurred. Pretty simple.

And if Carolina whoring out academic reputation means that Carolina continues to be ranked like they are and receive grants like they do, then I am ok with it. Purdue would kill to be ranked within 20 spots of UNC and receive 50% of the grants Carolina does.
The way I see the UNC situation is this: 2 cops see a man shoot and kill another man on the street, they arrest him, killer gets a LAWYER, lawyer discovers that killer was not read his Miranda rights, goes to judge, judge dismisses case, killer is set free. Now, because he was set free, does that change the fact that he killed a man? No. He did kill the man, he got off because of a technicality. That is how I see the UNC fiasco, they cheated, everyone knows they cheated, but they got off because of a bylaw, that was inserted in 2016 btw, figure that one out. However the fans keep saying they were innocent, no, you are guilty, just not penalized.

If this is how you see the Carolina situation, then you might want to consider having your eyes checked.
You can quote everything you can find but it doesn’t matter. The ruling won’t change, you and the UK fans posting in this thread are butthurt. Have you all tried calling the NCAA about your concerns? If so let us know how that turns out.
Butt hurt? How so? I'm just stating facts. I don't give two shits if UNC want's to become the laughing stock of academics.
So if not in their scope, then not a violation. And since violations equal cheating and no violations were found, then no cheating occurred. Pretty simple.

And if Carolina whoring out academic reputation means that Carolina continues to be ranked like they are and receive grants like they do, then I am ok with it. Purdue would kill to be ranked within 20 spots of UNC and receive 50% of the grants Carolina does.
UNC started cheating the day they hired Frank McGuire to cheat for them, Trend continued unfettered until they got caught.
Butt hurt? How so? I'm just stating facts. I don't give two shits if UNC want's to become the laughing stock of academics.

And we are stating facts. You care because you keep commenting on it. As I said before we don’t care who’s laughing, talking about us. When are you fools gonna see this? Laughing
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And we are stating facts. You care because you keep commenting on it. As I said before we don’t care who’s laughing, talking about us. When are you fools gonna see this? Laughing
I only continued to comment on it in hopes that perhaps you guys just didn't understand what really happened. I'd be embarrassed if I were in your shoes but hey, I guess having standards isn't the thing to do these days.
I only continued to comment on it in hopes that perhaps you guys just didn't understand what really happened. I'd be embarrassed if I were in your shoes but hey, I guess having standards isn't the thing to do these days.

I think the issue is not who or who doesn't have standards but who actually understands what happened. That is a group you apparently do not belong to. That's ok though. You really shouldn't know all that much about it. That would be weird.
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I only continued to comment on it in hopes that perhaps you guys just didn't understand what really happened. I'd be embarrassed if I were in your shoes but hey, I guess having standards isn't the thing to do these days.

You obviously don’t get it. If I were you I’d be embarrassed also because you really don’t know what you’re talking about.
I only continued to comment on it in hopes that perhaps you guys just didn't understand what really happened. I'd be embarrassed if I were in your shoes but hey, I guess having standards isn't the thing to do these days.

If you were in our shoes, you would understand a lot more about this and wouldn't be bothered by what the gaggle of idiots thinks.
That is what UK fans said when Cal was hired at Memphis. I understand the confusion though.

It is pretty easy to feel good about our program though. So thanks I guess.

Yea I’m sure slot did because they/we didn’t give a shit about him then. We saw what happened at those places and assumed everything to be true like everyone else but when we hired him most of us read up on what happened in both situations and went from there. UK fans trashing Cal back then is a lot like UNC fans trashing Roy when he said “I don’t give a damn about UNC”.
I think the issue is not who or who doesn't have standards but who actually understands what happened. That is a group you apparently do not belong to. That's ok though. You really shouldn't know all that much about it. That would be weird.
You obviously don’t get it. If I were you I’d be embarrassed also because you really don’t know what you’re talking about.
If you were in our shoes, you would understand a lot more about this and wouldn't be bothered by what the gaggle of idiots thinks.
Look at them all rally on this. It's so comical. They try to play it off cool but always have to have the last word. True sign of the guilty. Laughing
Yea I’m sure slot did because they/we didn’t give a shit about him then. We saw what happened at those places and assumed everything to be true like everyone else but when we hired him most of us read up on what happened in both situations and went from there. UK fans trashing Cal back then is a lot like UNC fans trashing Roy when he said “I don’t give a damn about UNC”.

Right, so read up on what really happened and become enlightened. Or don't and keep talking about things the way you have been. Perhaps learn from your mistakes.
Look at them all rally on this. It's so comical. They try to play it off cool but always have to have the last word. True sign of the guilty. Laughing

I like it. That is a great way to prove something. Have a discussion and use the fact that someone else actually responds as proof that you are correct regardless of how the discussion went. Just brilliant stuff.
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Look at them all rally on this. It's so comical. They try to play it off cool but always have to have the last word. True sign of the guilty. Laughing

No, we will take the last word because we won and were proven correct by the people that matter.

Maybe you should actually read up on the whole saga before spouting off again.
I stayed out of this, but for me it's a matter of respect. I realize UNC fans give zero shits about what I think, but I hold a certain amount of respect for teams and how they do things. UNC had some remarkable teams and have done really well on the court, I just don't respect the way they gone about it off the court. They ran a huge scheme for a long time and I don't have any respect for them as a program. That's all. Again, I know they don't care my opinion, but that's it JMO and don't have the need to say any more or have the last word as I'm not defending anything.
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I stayed out of this, but for me it's a matter of respect. I realize UNC fans give zero shits about what I think, but I hold a certain amount of respect for teams and how they do things. UNC had some remarkable teams and have done really well on the court, I just don't respect the way they gone about it off the court. They ran a huge scheme for a long time and I don't have any respect for them as a program. That's all. Again, I know they don't care my opinion, but that's it JMO and don't have the need to say any more or have the last word as I'm not defending anything.

I have no doubts that Carolina is cheating in some form or fashion. However, this wasn't it.

If you are going to run a scheme to keep athletes eligible, why not just funnel them into classes with friendly professors who don't take attendance? Why bother with this AFAM stuff- what's the point? Why not just have the AFAM department hold lecture classes with no roll and work it out with the professor to give them all As? This would be completely undetectable.

Instead, Carolina has classes listed in the catalog that should be lecture classes yet are actually found later to be independent study classes. Seems like a very difficult way to go about accomplishing something that would otherwise be easy to do and also would leave no trace.

Use your brains people.
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I have no doubts that Carolina is cheating in some form or fashion. However, this wasn't it.

If you are going to run a scheme to keep athletes eligible, why not just funnel them into classes with friendly professors who don't take attendance? Why bother with this AFAM stuff- what's the point? Why not just have the AFAM department hold lecture classes with no roll and work it out with the professor to give them all As? This would be completely undetectable.

Instead, Carolina has classes listed in the catalog that should be lecture classes yet are actually found later to be independent study classes. Seems like a very difficult way to go about accomplishing something that would otherwise be easy to do and also would leave no trace.

Use your brains people.

Most of them are to lazy to do that. They rather listen to all the negativity and that's how they form their opinion without doing any research on the matter. I'm guessing the only people that did any reading on the matter were UNC fans and Bilas.
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No, we will take the last word because we won and were proven correct by the people that matter.

Maybe you should actually read up on the whole saga before spouting off again.
Proven correct? Since when is someone not having jurisdiction to give sanctions proving you not guilty? That's like saying if I killed a man in Illinois and a judge from California can't convict me because it's out of his jurisdiction. Does that make me innocent? So comical!
I stayed out of this, but for me it's a matter of respect. I realize UNC fans give zero shits about what I think, but I hold a certain amount of respect for teams and how they do things. UNC had some remarkable teams and have done really well on the court, I just don't respect the way they gone about it off the court. They ran a huge scheme for a long time and I don't have any respect for them as a program. That's all. Again, I know they don't care my opinion, but that's it JMO and don't have the need to say any more or have the last word as I'm not defending anything.
Bingo, I think this is what will really matter in the end. To some extent I've been trolling the UNC people and it's been fun, lol. In the end, most people will not have any respect for UNC and rightfully so.
I have no doubts that Carolina is cheating in some form or fashion. However, this wasn't it.

If you are going to run a scheme to keep athletes eligible, why not just funnel them into classes with friendly professors who don't take attendance? Why bother with this AFAM stuff- what's the point? Why not just have the AFAM department hold lecture classes with no roll and work it out with the professor to give them all As? This would be completely undetectable.

Instead, Carolina has classes listed in the catalog that should be lecture classes yet are actually found later to be independent study classes. Seems like a very difficult way to go about accomplishing something that would otherwise be easy to do and also would leave no trace.

Use your brains people.
Most of them are to lazy to do that. They rather listen to all the negativity and that's how they form their opinion without doing any research on the matter. I'm guessing the only people that did any reading on the matter were UNC fans and Bilas.
Apparently neither of you read the link I attached earlier about the independent study that UNC themselves paid for and found UNC guilty.

This post is from someone else, but It's worth reading.

I find it funny that the NCAA states that it was an academic issue and not an athletic issue, when UNC hired an independent study into the matter and in 2014 the findings were in fact that the athletic department and coaches knew about the bogus classes and pushed athletes to enroll in those classes. The findings also showed that when the secretary/paper grader retired, the coaches were made aware of that fact and that the old way of getting players to have a higher GPA were no longer going to be available. So if the athletic academic counselors knew about these classes and used them to benefit their athletes, it certainly became an athletic issue. From the report:

A PowerPoint presentation football academic counselors gave to the football coaching staff in the fall of 2009 — when Crowder was retiring — was the clearest piece of evidence Wainstein and his team collected that demonstrated coaches' knowledge of and participation in the athletes' academic misconduct.

“(The counselors) were painfully aware that Crowder’s retirement would require the whole football team to adjust to the new reality of having to meet the academic requirements with real academic work," the report said.

"(The counselors) conveyed this point loud and clear in a meeting with all of the football coaches in November 2009."

A PowerPoint slide included in the report was titled “What was part of the solution in the past?” and listed the ways players were able to avoid doing actual work in these classes, including not having to meet with professors, go to class or stay awake.

“THESE NO LONGER EXIST,” the bottom of the slide said, alerting the coaches.

The presentation also showed a breakdown of a few players’ GPAs in the paper classes versus traditional courses.

“The average (Afro and African-American studies) paper class GPAs for these players was 3.61 — far higher than their average GPA of 1.917 for their other classes,” the report said.
Bingo, I think this is what will really matter in the end. To some extent I've been trolling the UNC people and it's been fun, lol. In the end, most people will not have any respect for UNC and rightfully so.

You always go back to no one will like us, people laughing, no respect. I’ll say it again. We don’t care boil man! Laughing
UNC is basically the opposite of their rival Duke as far as repect goes, and judging by this thread, I'm sure UNC fans are ok with that.

Some like to have higher standards, others "don't care". I guess to put it bluntly, there's doing things the right way compared to doing things the Carolina way.
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The biggest issue with people's 'logic' is your 'lack of respect' that no one cares about isn't based on what actually happened. That's fine as it doesn't matter. You just need to know that what is at the base of your irreverence is a sham. You can certainly go on being willfully ignorant. You would follow the lead of others on the board here who have made fools of themselves.
Proven correct? Since when is someone not having jurisdiction to give sanctions proving you not guilty? That's like saying if I killed a man in Illinois and a judge from California can't convict me because it's out of his jurisdiction. Does that make me innocent? So comical!

You are terrible at analogies. If you killed a man in Illinois, you would be extradited to Illinois.

The sole governing body for college athletics, the NCAA, investigated this case and determined that no violations of NCAA rules occurred. That's all there is to it.
Apparently neither of you read the link I attached earlier about the independent study that UNC themselves paid for and found UNC guilty.

This post is from someone else, but It's worth reading.

I find it funny that the NCAA states that it was an academic issue and not an athletic issue, when UNC hired an independent study into the matter and in 2014 the findings were in fact that the athletic department and coaches knew about the bogus classes and pushed athletes to enroll in those classes. The findings also showed that when the secretary/paper grader retired, the coaches were made aware of that fact and that the old way of getting players to have a higher GPA were no longer going to be available. So if the athletic academic counselors knew about these classes and used them to benefit their athletes, it certainly became an athletic issue. From the report:

A PowerPoint presentation football academic counselors gave to the football coaching staff in the fall of 2009 — when Crowder was retiring — was the clearest piece of evidence Wainstein and his team collected that demonstrated coaches' knowledge of and participation in the athletes' academic misconduct.

“(The counselors) were painfully aware that Crowder’s retirement would require the whole football team to adjust to the new reality of having to meet the academic requirements with real academic work," the report said.

"(The counselors) conveyed this point loud and clear in a meeting with all of the football coaches in November 2009."

A PowerPoint slide included in the report was titled “What was part of the solution in the past?” and listed the ways players were able to avoid doing actual work in these classes, including not having to meet with professors, go to class or stay awake.

“THESE NO LONGER EXIST,” the bottom of the slide said, alerting the coaches.

The presentation also showed a breakdown of a few players’ GPAs in the paper classes versus traditional courses.

“The average (Afro and African-American studies) paper class GPAs for these players was 3.61 — far higher than their average GPA of 1.917 for their other classes,” the report said.

This has been responded to on numerous occasions and is what drove Jarms insane. I will give you 30 seconds of my time to explain why none of this matters.

  • The athletics department told academics administration in around 2002 that these classes seemed improper. Academics responded that there were no problems and that athletics should worry about athletics
  • The classes were available to everyone, not just athletes
  • The variance in GPA was consistent with athletes and non athletes
  • The NCAA is not in charge of determining how difficult a class is. If everyone in the student body can take the class, then no impermissible benefits.
You obviously have no idea about the facts of this case. We have told you a couple of times to learn about it. Why can't you take the time to do this?
This has been responded to on numerous occasions and is what drove Jarms insane. I will give you 30 seconds of my time to explain why none of this matters.

  • The athletics department told academics administration in around 2002 that these classes seemed improper. Academics responded that there were no problems and that athletics should worry about athletics
  • The classes were available to everyone, not just athletes
  • The variance in GPA was consistent with athletes and non athletes
  • The NCAA is not in charge of determining how difficult a class is. If everyone in the student body can take the class, then no impermissible benefits.
You obviously have no idea about the facts of this case. We have told you a couple of times to learn about it. Why can't you take the time to do this?
You crack me up. Just because other students could take it doesn't mean athletes weren't pushed into those classes to stay eligible. Your denial is strong.
UNC is basically the opposite of their rival Duke as far as repect goes, and judging by this thread, I'm sure UNC fans are ok with that.

Some like to have higher standards, others "don't care". I guess to put it bluntly, there's doing things the right way compared to doing things the Carolina way.

If you think Duke has higher standards for athletes, then anything I would ever have to say on the matter would be lost on you.

Everyone in P5 recruits the same athletes, especially the top tier schools going after the top tier athletes and academics are irrelevant when doing so.

You people really are naive or just plain stupid.