Wait... what? I called you "a bunch of dumbasses, dipwads, a basket of deplorables" in this thread? Uh... I think you are lying.
Bert, the thing is... you are either a
massive snowflake, or a
massive hypocrite and liar, and I cannot figure out which it is.
From this exact thread, in order...
Let's look at my crazy personal attacks:
Whoa. Did I just acknowledge that both sides have boogeymen? That seems fair.
Whoops; here I am admitting that I may have the same take as a conservative poster.
Hm... did I just acknowledge extreme lefties?
Hm. I think I just actually said "I don't know." That's a pretty modest take.
Huh. Just acknowledged that I might use the same terms as some conservatives.
Oh man... I called someone UNREASONABLE. Them's is fighting words!
And then, once again, I acknowledged a left wing boogieman.
And again, me trying to make sure that nobody took something I posted as anything more than a joke.
Hm. Giving some conservative positions I take, and then, on top of it, admitting I struggle with stereotypes, same as anyone else.
So yeah. Pretty vitriolic stuff, right Bert?
Now; let's see your contributions:
So, your first shot at me.
Your second shot at me.
Nice. You aren't one to call anyone names.
Woof. Then this self-congratulatory nonsense... you are the first and only person to call yourself a bunch of dumbasses, dipwads, a basket of deplorables. Only you open doors for people? I literally in this very thread said that I do it, you liar. You pay taxes? We all pay taxes. Surely you know that? Then you call yourself dumb a lot.
Oh. But yeah, when you insulted me a bunch I went all CRAZY and called you a...
But yeah... I was slinging around insults and not putting together actual points or arguments because I can't posit a reasonable argument.
@Bert Higginbotha...
Are you a knowing liar?
Are you WAY-too-easy-to-offend little snowflake?
Are you going to coward out and complain about having to read too much?
Or are you MAYBE enough of a gentleman to admit that I didn't actually go after you at all in this thread beyond "goofy" after you went after me, and that you got YOUR panties all in a wad (your words) and started attacking?