Hmm... in some ways I am a pretty "typical" liberal I think. I support women being able to choose whether or not they want an abortion, rather than making it a government decision (which is strange, because that seems more libertarian, but what is and is not liberal is a bit of a mess now). I take the word of scientists when discussing science. I think there is still a pretty powerful undercurrent of racism and sexism in this country. There are a few ways I am a fairly "typical" liberal.
There are also ways I am not the "stereotype" of a liberal. I enjoy guns and shooting. I think our borders should be militarized. I support Gitmo and that sort of thing (which is a weird one, because conservatives should HATE something that circumvents our legal system, but exactly what is liberal and what is conservative seems to have been warped.) And I hate to admit it, but it's hard for me to call a transgender person the new gender in general discussions.
Of course, most people hopefully realize the difference between a stereotype and the real thing, even if we occasionally struggle with it when we are faced with what appears to be the stereotype.
Come on man. If faced with these two ideas:
A) a woman fought to take a man off of a bill and add a woman, and was attacked relentlessly on the internet with threats and curses on a public platform that is easily checked, and in fact
has been reported about before...
B) a woman fought to take a man off of a bill and add a woman, and then created an entire fake story of being attacked, even though it can easily be verified
... you are saying its a BIG if?
That's ridiculous. Come on, you are around the internet; you DOUBT that? We both know its true.
So you are saying it's been going downhill?