Do you hold the door open for strangers?

I'd much rather be considered liberal than conservative. While politically, I am not either of these things technically, I'd much rather be associated with academia, science, philosophy, tech, free thinking and art than merely defending social normatives. I somewhat feel sorry for social conservatives because I feel like they don't know any better. But I do like money.
Don't forget rioting in the streets when things don't go your way! :)
Don't forget rioting in the streets when things don't go your way! :)

Is that Jimbo or Sean Hannity? Can easily respond by bringing up The Oklahoma City bombing, right? That's easy. And that's the bullshit seesaw of pundit politics.

One of the best books I've ever read was How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World by Harry Browne.

Thankfully helped me get past bullshit political labels and focus on what I think instead of forming my views to fit what other people think I should think. You guys should read it.
Is that Jimbo or Sean Hannity? Can easily respond by bringing up The Oklahoma City bombing, right? That's easy. And that's the bullshit seesaw of pundit politics.

One of the best books I've ever read was How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World by Harry Browne.

Thankfully helped me get past bullshit political labels and focus on what I think instead of forming my views to fit what other people think I should think. You guys should read it.
Just having some fun. I definitely lean right and am a republican, but I'm not sure about conservative. I tend to lean left on a thing or two and certainly don't hold right views just because I'm supposed to. I never got into politics until I was able to form my own views and opinions on things, and now here I am. On page 7 of a door opening thread on rivals!
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I'd much rather be considered liberal than conservative. While politically, I am not either of these things technically, I'd much rather be associated with academia, science, philosophy, tech, free thinking and art than merely defending social normatives. I somewhat feel sorry for social conservatives because I feel like they don't know any better. But I do like money.
I don't like being told what I should or shouldn't think/feel. It happens on both sides of this conversation. I'm all about letting people be whoever they want to be, just don't force your beliefs on me. For example, the bakery and gay marriage issue, if the baker thinks making a cake for a gay wedding ceremony, don't force him to go against his/her deeply held religious beliefs, just go find another baker. Another example, I don't think transgender is a real thing. But I'm not going to go around and tell a trans person (my own male cousin is/claims to be) to not be one. I can disagree without making him/her change. Same on the other side. I don't want them to force me to call him by his girl name or whatever. Just be who you want and let me be who I want to be.
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Literally all of your criteria for a stereotypical liberal satisfies the criteria for a stereotypical conservative.

Also, I don't think @TheDude1 is a stereotypical liberal. Rush Limbaugh and Fox News have done this for years. They define what a "liberal" is with extreme or trivial criteria then deem anything that makes them uncomfortable as liberal.

Being liberal is a compliment, to be honest. I'll gladly own the idea of throwing away tradition and being open to better ideas. Because that's the definition of a liberal.

And thank God for these people, who've brought us science, the internet and nearly every modern convenience. You can't be on the cutting edge and be conservative.

Hmm... in some ways I am a pretty "typical" liberal I think. I support women being able to choose whether or not they want an abortion, rather than making it a government decision (which is strange, because that seems more libertarian, but what is and is not liberal is a bit of a mess now). I take the word of scientists when discussing science. I think there is still a pretty powerful undercurrent of racism and sexism in this country. I think that committed gay couples should enjoy the legal and tax benefits of straight couples. There are a few ways I am a fairly "typical" liberal.

There are also ways I am not the "stereotype" of a liberal. I enjoy guns and shooting. I think our borders should be militarized. I support Gitmo and that sort of thing (which is a weird one, because conservatives should HATE something that circumvents our legal system, but exactly what is liberal and what is conservative seems to have been warped.) And I hate to admit it, but it's hard for me to call a transgender person the new gender in general discussions.

Of course, most people hopefully realize the difference between a stereotype and the real thing, even if we occasionally struggle with it when we are faced with what appears to be the stereotype. I've struggled with that on occasion. Lord knows, there are a few posters here who struggle with it non-stop.

It is disgusting, if its all true. Big IF there.

Come on man. If faced with these two ideas:

A) a woman fought to take a man off of a bill and add a woman, and was attacked relentlessly on the internet with threats and curses on a public platform that is easily checked, and in fact has been reported about before...


B) a woman fought to take a man off of a bill and add a woman, and then created an entire fake story of being attacked, even though it can easily be verified

... you are saying its a BIG if?

That's ridiculous. Come on, you are around the internet; you DOUBT that? We both know its true.

Just having some fun. I definitely lean right and am a republican, but I'm not sure about conservative. I tend to lean left on a thing or two and certainly don't hold right views just because I'm supposed to. I never got into politics until I was able to form my own views and opinions on things, and now here I am. On page 7 of a door opening thread on rivals!

So you are saying it's been going downhill? ;)
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Hmm... in some ways I am a pretty "typical" liberal I think. I support women being able to choose whether or not they want an abortion, rather than making it a government decision (which is strange, because that seems more libertarian, but what is and is not liberal is a bit of a mess now). I take the word of scientists when discussing science. I think there is still a pretty powerful undercurrent of racism and sexism in this country. There are a few ways I am a fairly "typical" liberal.

There are also ways I am not the "stereotype" of a liberal. I enjoy guns and shooting. I think our borders should be militarized. I support Gitmo and that sort of thing (which is a weird one, because conservatives should HATE something that circumvents our legal system, but exactly what is liberal and what is conservative seems to have been warped.) And I hate to admit it, but it's hard for me to call a transgender person the new gender in general discussions.

Of course, most people hopefully realize the difference between a stereotype and the real thing, even if we occasionally struggle with it when we are faced with what appears to be the stereotype.

Come on man. If faced with these two ideas:

A) a woman fought to take a man off of a bill and add a woman, and was attacked relentlessly on the internet with threats and curses on a public platform that is easily checked, and in fact has been reported about before...


B) a woman fought to take a man off of a bill and add a woman, and then created an entire fake story of being attacked, even though it can easily be verified

... you are saying its a BIG if?

That's ridiculous. Come on, you are around the internet; you DOUBT that? We both know its true.

So you are saying it's been going downhill? ;)
Come on, man. No one has ever made up a story on the internet before, right? If true, like I said, totally disgusting. I hope she filed a police report for all of the threats she got, considering how seriously she took them.
Come on, man. No one has ever made up a story on the internet before, right? If true, like I said, totally disgusting. I hope she filed a police report for all of the threats she got, considering how seriously she took them.

Sure, people have, but it is pretty rare for someone who is a public figure to do it so publically. Yes, she did go to the police; I linked several articles about it. People actually got arrested over it.

My initial instinct is to believe a story like that; I am shocked if anyones first instinct isn't to believe it. I simply look at that story and, knowing what I know about how ****ing aggressive and disgusting people (especially men) can be on the internet and when they are angry... there is no reason NOT to believe it, especially given that it is literally a public platform where you can go yourself and READ the exact threats she is talking about.
While I think it is reasonable for people to want others to use more gender neutral language I think it is also reasonable for people to not do that and for it to be ok.
I know you teach elementary school, but your own balls have dropped, haven't they?

If people understand the need and refuse just b/c they don't want to put forth any effort, they're being rude, inconsiderate jerks. That's quite different from using it by habit b/c no one has ever made an issue of it before.
I know you teach elementary school, but your own balls have dropped, haven't they?

If people understand the need and refuse just b/c they don't want to put forth any effort, they're being rude, inconsiderate jerks. That's quite different from using it by habit b/c no one has ever made an issue of it before.

Again, we are arguing over a line whether you admit/realize that or not. There sometimes isn't a need so the refusal is pretty irrelevant. Everyone makes that decision about certain things or else you are just one who capitulates to everyone else's whim so appear to be uber tolerant and liberal. That isn't really what it is all about.
TheDude is the stereotypical liberal in society today. He thinks he knows what the right answers are/should be on all issues. He honestly can’t comprehend how others don’t think just like he does and he looks down on those that don’t. People just like him are the reason Trump won and will win again in 2020.
Didn't bert just do the exact same thing in the post you liked, then responded to?

Take personal responsibility for your own vote.
Didn't bert just do the exact same thing in the post you liked, then responded to?

Take personal responsibility for your own vote.
Oh I'm totally happy with my vote for Trump. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I haven't seen anything from any democrat that would make me think twice about voting for Trump in 2020. In fact, what I've seen is pretty much guaranteeing I'm going to vote for Trump in 2020 assuming he'll be the candidate on the Republican side.
I know you teach elementary school, but your own balls have dropped, haven't they?

If people understand the need and refuse just b/c they don't want to put forth any effort, they're being rude, inconsiderate jerks. That's quite different from using it by habit b/c no one has ever made an issue of it before.
Wrong. Has nothing to do with "effort" and every thing to do with biology. Some of us don't believe you get to choose whether you're a female or a male. Biology determines that. So until there is concrete evidence (not hermaphrodites and other extremely rare genetic issues) transgender stuff is actually a real thing, I'm not buying into it. I'm not being a jerk. I'm not being rude. I'm just not agreeing with their made up cry for help.
This is your first problem. CNN is a complete garbage network. They're the worst of all the major outlets.

And this type of thing happens to everyone. Liberals, Conservatives, men, women, kids. EVERYONE. With the spread of social media, unfortunately this is a norm.
People post links or quotations from conservative sites here all the time. You don't question their objectivity.

Unless they made this woman up, or every other network determined she was lying and only CNN got fooled, your overall opinion of CNN is irrelevant to what TheDude posted.

You're equivocating to act as if this happens to "everyone." It definitely happens worse with women. I never heard the first complaint about the proposal to put Reagan on the $50. But put a woman's face on money? (British, b/c they've actually done it, but we're no different.)
People post links or quotations from conservative sites here all the time. You don't question their objectivity.

Unless they made this woman up, or every other network determined she was lying and only CNN got fooled, your overall opinion of CNN is irrelevant to what TheDude posted.

You're equivocating to act as if this happens to "everyone." It definitely happens worse with women. I never heard the first complaint about the proposal to put Reagan on the $50. But put a woman's face on money? (British, b/c they've actually done it, but we're no different.)
Wrong. It happens to all sorts of people. One group doesn't have it worse than another.
Wrong. Has nothing to do with "effort" and every thing to do with biology. Some of us don't believe you get to choose whether you're a female or a male. Biology determines that. So until there is concrete evidence (not hermaphrodites and other extremely rare genetic issues) transgender stuff is actually a real thing, I'm not buying into it. I'm not being a jerk. I'm not being rude. I'm just not agreeing with their made up cry for help.
We weren't talking about transgenderism. We were talking about using terms like "humanity" instead of "mankind."

If someone gets married by an Elvis impersonator in Vegas instead of a preacher in a church, do you refuse to acknowledge their marriage? What you think privately is one thing. If you worked with a transgendered person and refused to use their preferred pronouns, you'd be jeopardizing your job and legal action against your employer. Surely your human decency and understanding of context would lead you to "play along" in such situations.
Uh, the story isn't made up. It's a well known story that many papers and news sites have reported on for years. People actually got arrested over it.

I think it is just amazing that anyone would have any reaction other than "Shit, some guys are assholes when they see what they perceive as a challenge to the status quo." Because some guys really are.

So bizarre. I guess some people have the first reaction of "No way, this isn't true!" despite all evidence to the contrary, and despite the fact that every single one of us, if we are honest for even a second, know what a POS underbelly there is among men on the internet.
Oh I'm totally happy with my vote for Trump. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I haven't seen anything from any democrat that would make me think twice about voting for Trump in 2020. In fact, what I've seen is pretty much guaranteeing I'm going to vote for Trump in 2020 assuming he'll be the candidate on the Republican side.
Then stop claiming anything else will be the reason he gets reelected.
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We weren't talking about transgenderism. We were talking about using terms like "humanity" instead of "mankind."

If someone gets married by an Elvis impersonator in Vegas instead of a preacher in a church, do you refuse to acknowledge their marriage? What you think privately is one thing. If you worked with a transgendered person and refused to use their preferred pronouns, you'd be jeopardizing your job and legal action against your employer. Surely your human decency and understanding of context would lead you to "play along" in such situations.
Again, wrong. You don't know who I work for or how they would react to a situation like you outline. In fact, I believe they would respect my perspective to call a biological man a man instead of a woman because they "feel" they're a woman even though everything we know points to them being a man.
Then stop claiming anything else will be the reason he gets reelected.
But people like TheDude1, and how he acts here, is exactly why people couldn't vote for the status quo democrat. They elected Donald f'ing Trump because they were fed up with the prior eight years.
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That's just not accurate or even a reasonable hypothesis.
Have you ever been on Twitter? People get death threats, called racial slurs, etc. all the time. Doesn't matter if they're black/white, republican/democrat, male/female. Twitter is an absolute shithole and breeding ground for disgusting stuff like this.
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I don't like being told what I should or shouldn't think/feel.
I don't know many people who do, but many of our run-ins here come across to me as your refusing for no other reason than that you felt ordered to do something. Like, if you were inclined to be upset about something, but then I told you to be upset, you'd be happy instead, just to spite me. That just doesn't make much sense to me.
Again, wrong. You don't know who I work for or how they would react to a situation like you outline. In fact, I believe they would respect my perspective to call a biological man a man instead of a woman because they "feel" they're a woman even though everything we know points to them being a man.
Okay, this is about the third time in a page you've either replied to half of one of my posts or totally missed the point. It's not about your specific job and who, exactly, you work for. It's about context. If a transgendered man introduces himself as "Steve," you are not going to refuse to call him that and try to find out what his female birth name was and call him that instead.

What you personally think about something and how you interact with others in public do not always align. We keep certain things to ourselves in certain situations b/c it's not the time or place and a different principle takes priority in that exact situation.
I think the extreme left gives the good ones a bad name. I'm totally with you on the science thing (we've had that discussion before and seem to be on the same page)

Just because you're a republican doesn't mean you don't believe in science or progression. More like you're just against changing things that work because people feel offended by them. I use that term offended loosely, more like clinging to something to complain about. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. A lot on the left are wanting to fix things that aren't broken.
The extreme right gives the good ones a bad name.
I'd much rather be considered liberal than conservative ...I'd much rather be associated with academia, science, philosophy, tech, free thinking and art than merely defending social normatives.
Me, too. I trust others here feel as strongly as I do in the opposite direction. I think both sides should gain some perspective and humility from that fact... but I bet only liberals do.
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Another example, I don't think transgender is a real thing. But I'm not going to go around and tell a trans person (my own male cousin is/claims to be) to not be one. I can disagree without making him/her change. Same on the other side. I don't want them to force me to call him by his girl name or whatever. Just be who you want and let me be who I want to be.
And I called you on not reading my full posts earlier, then I went and did the same thing.
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There are a couple panties that have gotten into a wad here suddenly.

We folks who voted for Trump are a bunch of dumbasses, dipwads, a basket of deplorables, you name it and we are it. We realize that quite well because only a fool would vote for Trump.

But we are the folks who open doors for ladies. We are the folks who work and pay our taxes. Some of us do quite well even with our lower intellect.

All smart folks voted for Hillary or Berney, the commie. So, this last election just proves that 30 of the 50 states have more dumbasses living and voting in them than smart folks on the two coasts.

But I do get confused because I just don’t understand how we dumbasses go to college and graduate. Some of us get graduate degrees. Some of us have intellectual property which is supposed to be the province of the left-wing liberals. Some of us start companies. Some of us even can be labeled liberal on most issues. Some of us get promoted into big jobs that pay well. Some of us get to retire early and still live well off past earnings.

I take great pride in being a Trump dumbass. I became a well-paid middle manager in a large corporation. I retired at 53 years old. I am so damned dumb that I bet I still make more money than a whole bunch of smart people on this thread. How in hell can you smart folks live with the fact that an old dumbass like Bert has been successful when he is so fvcking dumb?

How did I figure out life and commerce; then be stupid enough to move and live in fly-over country? I should have stayed on the coast with the smart folks. How did I get so dumb as to vote for Trump, McConnell and Paul?

Holy shit! I am one dumb dude.SmokinSmileEyerollWinking
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