Do you hold the door open for strangers?

Dude you're talking about your opinions being proven wrong. You're also arguing in generalities. There is nothing here about policy, nothing about the developing economies of the world and even more... who a state votes in favor of for President basically has very little impact on state economic policy.

Also, California has traditionally been "liberal" for 100+ years. You're dumbing down the conversation with the pundit bs.
LOL, California hasn't been liberal for 100+ years. That's so wrong it's sad. What opinions did I state? Does California have a budge problem, yes or no? Does California have the highest percent per capita of homeless people, yes or no? Does California have one of the lowest school ratings in the country, yes or no? The answer to these questions are not a point of opinion. It's black and white.
Where did I say that? The point I was making is that the Dems claim to have all the answers and that answer is always to spend more (not that conservatives don't on many things either, but I'm Libertarian and believe spending more, or more clearly more government control is NOT the answer). Their spend more philosophy is blowing up in their face.
What? I don’t follow politics like most of you guys but historically Republicans are known as the big spenders, right? I know Obama drove the debt up but that was the new thing for Democrats, right? I thought when Jerry Brown was elected he stopped the spending done by the previous Governor and that led to a surplus.
Let me see how this conversation will ultimately end up, here goes...

Right wing posters: California can die in their own natural fire, we would flourish without their liberal non-sense, gat dang commie queers, UGHHH I HATE CALIFORNIA!!! jumpingsmile

Left wing posters: that’s kind of dumb, but proceed with your faux Cali outrage.

Me: eating a burrito in SF, enjoying some sunshine, and a cold brew. God it sucks out here. :rolleyes:
What? I don’t follow politics like most of you guys but historically Republicans are known as the big spenders, right? I know Obama drove the debt up but that was the new thing for Democrats, right? I thought when Jerry Brown was elected he stopped the spending done by the previous Governor and that led to a surplus.
No... most social programs are Democrats doing. Those are the biggest parts of our federal deficit other than defense (republican)
Dems want everyone to have horrible education and be poor? That's obviously not true.
The California left wants open borders and sanctuaries for criminals. They have gone from compassionate welcomers of the needy to enablers of worthless scum and dopeheads. They may not want everyone to be poor and have horrible education, but their policies make it impossible to have a healthy environment that encourages good living. California is great for the rich and famous, and it is a place for illegals, dopers and bums to migrate to. But it does not endorse the lifestyle of an everyday hard working middle class American. Which is fine, but don't get upset when people call it a shithole. They are destroying their beautiful state for political purposes and destroying lives along the way.
Let me see how this conversation will ultimately end up, here goes...

Right wing posters: California can die in their own natural fire, we would flourish without their liberal non-sense, gat dang commie queers, UGHHH I HATE CALIFORNIA!!! jumpingsmile

Left wing posters: that’s kind of dumb, but proceed with your faux Cali outrage.

Me: eating a burrito in SF, enjoying some sunshine, and a cold brew. God it sucks out here. :rolleyes:
Hey you enjoy it. Good for you. You couldn't drag me to live in that hell hole. So much stupid shit happens there it's insanity. Like when they had a meeting for a school district and they chose to speak in Spanish and if you wanted it in English you had to wear headphones.

People were screaming "we live in America!" "there's more English speaking people here than spanish"
I couldn't care less if he did either.
That's his normal response. He likes to tell people their views are wrong, his are right, and that he can't comprehend how someone wouldn't agree with him. Then he proceeds to assume those who have differing views are genuinely bad people. He's a stereotypical liberal who is responsible for getting Trump elected. Asshats like him are the real reason millions of Americans were fed up with the direction the country was heading after the prior eight years under Obama. He's a pathetic human being.
Hey you enjoy it. Good for you. You couldn't drag me to live in that hell hole. So much stupid shit happens there it's insanity. Like when they had a meeting for a school district and they chose to speak in Spanish and if you wanted it in English you had to wear headphones. WHAT?!
Cool, we wouldn’t want you here. Probably couldn’t afford it anyways, so go ahead and live in your hillbilly town. This might surprise you, but California has always had a large Latino community, that indeed speaks....(wait for it)...Spanish! Crazy shit, I know. California was also a part of Mexico for quite a long time, isn’t history weird! You silly billy!
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Let me see how this conversation will ultimately end up, here goes...

Right wing posters: California can die in their own natural fire, we would flourish without their liberal non-sense, gat dang commie queers, UGHHH I HATE CALIFORNIA!!! jumpingsmile

Left wing posters: that’s kind of dumb, but proceed with your faux Cali outrage.

Me: eating a burrito in SF, enjoying some sunshine, and a cold brew. God it sucks out here. :rolleyes:
Texas is better bro! Winking
The California left wants open borders and sanctuaries for criminals. They have gone from compassionate welcomers of the needy to enablers of worthless scum and dopeheads. They may not want everyone to be poor and have horrible education, but their policies make it impossible to have a healthy environment that encourages good living. California is great for the rich and famous, and it is a place for illegals, dopers and bums to migrate to. But it does not endorse the lifestyle of an everyday hard working middle class American. Which is fine, but don't get upset when people call it a shithole. They are destroying their beautiful state for political purposes and destroying lives along the way.

Woof. Those are some massive generalizations and stereotypes.

Okay... Letsgo, you were right before, I've gotta bow out. California sucks, its terrible, etc.
Texas is better bro! Winking
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Cool, we wouldn’t want you here. Probably couldn’t afford it anyways, so go ahead and live in your hillbilly town. This might surprise you, but California has always had a large Latino community, that indeed speaks....(wait for it)...Spanish! Crazy shit, I know. California was also a part of Mexico for quite a long time, isn’t history weird! You silly billy!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!!!!! You have no idea who you are talking to. Couldn't afford it. LMFAO!!

Yes, I'm fully aware that there is a large latino community, but you cannot tell me that the majority of the community cannot speak english.
Oh Lord.....You just opened Pandora's Box. Prepare for a nine paragraph response filled with total non-sense that outlines how your thoughts are ignorant and @TheDude1's comments are ALWAYS right. After all, he's self proclaimed "really really really really really really really really smart."
Can @UL1986 tell me what I said that was not a fact?
The California left wants open borders and sanctuaries for criminals. They have gone from compassionate welcomers of the needy to enablers of worthless scum and dopeheads. They may not want everyone to be poor and have horrible education, but their policies make it impossible to have a healthy environment that encourages good living. California is great for the rich and famous, and it is a place for illegals, dopers and bums to migrate to. But it does not endorse the lifestyle of an everyday hard working middle class American. Which is fine, but don't get upset when people call it a shithole. They are destroying their beautiful state for political purposes and destroying lives along the way.
LOL, California hasn't been liberal for 100+ years. That's so wrong it's sad. What opinions did I state? Does California have a budge problem, yes or no? Does California have the highest percent per capita of homeless people, yes or no? Does California have one of the lowest school ratings in the country, yes or no? The answer to these questions are not a point of opinion. It's black and white.

Yeah, I think maybe the reason you have superficial takes is because you actually think it's black and white instead of acknowledging complexity,

I'm not taking the time to research any of your claims. That's on you. However, Kentucky has Republican governor and Kentucky has all these problems. And let's include Mississippi too. Is that a poor state because of Republicans?

You're also completely wrong. California, since its inception, has drawn people seeking life on the new frontier. It was triggered by the gold rush, as well as people trying to at away from the established east coast and Midwest. It's always been alternative because of that tradition.
Yeah, I think maybe the reason you have superficial takes is because you actually think it's black and white instead of acknowledging complexity,

I'm not taking the time to research any of your claims. That's on you. However, Kentucky has Republican governor and Kentucky has all these problems. And let's include Mississippi too. Is that a poor state because of Republicans?

You're also completely wrong. California, since its inception, has drawn people seeking life on the new frontier. It was triggered by the gold rush, as well as people trying to at away from the established east coast and Midwest. It's always been alternative because of that tradition.
Notice how Asians are never brought into that discussion, or like you said, people from the midwest or east trying to start a new life, i.e. the Donner Party. History is the knowledge of the gods.
Don't make me repost the wrong meme again, Letsgo.
So they are not a sanctuary for illegals? The drug problem is not so bad that people shoot up in public like there's nothing wrong with it? The homeless problem hasn't gotten so bad that human piss is effecting the transportation system?

All of that is his fake news?
Yep, hand made tortillas with really fresh meat and ingredients. Burritos rolled so tight they basically look like missiles. Under 7$ too.
I could buy into that! I'm actually out in that area relatively frequently. Will give you a heads up next time!
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You sound about 12, back away from the keyboard, you little warrior you!
Ok, in sincerity, I apologize to most for that response. I usually try to be tactful when speaking about money. In fact it's a point of issue with me but that's a whole other story. You on the other hand, saying I sound like I'm 12 after trying to call me out on my abilities or lack there of to afford something? Please...