Are you freaking kidding me??? Sugar Tits has been lying about his life this whole time?Laughing I always new he was full of shit but damn son, you’re nothing but a straight up A1 nut job! Not to brag on myself but I called him out on the “that’s my wife in my avatar pic” a while back. Now I seriously wonder if I should be concerned that he knows my address and my sons name! I can understand rubbing 1 or 2 out to a hot pic of a model but saying she’s your wife when everyone knows better is just dumb! You’ve went to far this time young man, I want your ass off of that computer and don’t get back on here until you can come in here and apologize to everyone for being a little shit head! Daddy has spoken!!! I also want you to know that daddy knows you’re sitting there and have no clue what to say and you’re wondering what you’re gonna do and wishing that there was some way I wouldn’t find out about this but I did Sugar Tits, I did and I want you you to know that because of you and your great idea to start a “Tar Heel celebration” thread every year in honor of UNC getting through a loop hole I’ll be starting my own celebration thread. On this day, December 5th of every year, I shall start a ”UNCheatinky is full of shit” thread! So it is written, so it shall be done!
And to you the real MVP!!!