Did UNC Basketball Get away with a Loophole?

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Dude, stop posting pics of yourself. It’s creepy
I disagree, you only owned up to the fake pictures, you're still lying about the rest Of the story. But that's clearly how you roll.
Rest of the story is true.
Odd you care so much about someone you’ve never met.
Haven’t been on RR in over 3 years
That's odd, considering these posts you made very early on in this thread. If you hadn't visited RR in over 3 years, how would you know this? You have told so many lies, you can't even keep up with them.

Dance my little bitches. Amazing how one random person can completely take over this board, RR & DI.

I see you’re the 1st obsessed rabbit to run to RR to tell them I’m back.
Who’s going to be the 1st dookie to go to DI?
That's odd, considering these posts you made very early on in this thread. If you hadn't visited RR in over 3 years, how would you know this? You have told so many lies, you can't even keep up with them.
Oh I read it, just don’t post. He asked if I trolled RR & I don’t because I don’t post over there.
I misquoted. I haven’t posted over there but I do read it.
Are we going to make it into a 24 page thread? Damn, get off my nuts
Compulsive liars are entertaining, that's all. Read it why? Because you're obsessed? Why fans of other programs would care to read another team's message board baffles me (especially a known troll of said team). I don't run around reading Kansas, Duke, UNC, Louisville, etc boards.
People that are obsessed with random people on a message board amazes me.
Don’t understand how so many people care what someone else does, especially a person they’ve never met.
Wasn’t you keeping track of how long it’s been since I posted while I was gone for 2 weeks?
Wasn't you? Laughing

Yeah, it took me a whole 3 seconds to see when your last post was following UNC's loss to UK. I suspect you wouldn't have been away so long had the result been different.... Silence speaks volumes sometimes.
Wasn't you? Laughing

Yeah, it took me a whole 3 seconds to see when your last post was following UNC's loss to UK. I suspect you wouldn't have been away so long had the result been different.... Silence speaks volumes sometimes.
Point is, you were keeping tabs on me. Nice to be the King!!!!
UNC fans don’t create alternative accounts
UK fans go incognito

Bullshit!Laughing You make up fake wife’s and kids so I kno damn well you make fake accounts FactCheckerUSA, I mean UNCheatinky!Laughing
My balls would cover your face which I’m sure you would like but I have no way of proving it’s you but we both kno it is you so come off the wanting to ban bet everybody. You wanna make a ban bet??? Meet me in Bowling Green and prove you are who you say you are! You say you’re a mixed 40 something year old dude with a wife and a kid...prove it? I don’t wanna fight you I’m simply giving you the chance to prove yourself. I’ll buy you and your family dinner at any place you wanna eat. Here’s your chance to step up but I’m gussing here’s where you say “you don’t have a damn thing to prove” or “you don’t care blah blah blah”. If you can meet me and prove you are who you say you are I’ll ban myself Sugar Tits how bout that??? You want some of that action????