Did UNC Basketball Get away with a Loophole?

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In the interests of making 30 pages...

Bad logic. That a student (that was at times living in a car) didn't pass a class in high school is not conclusive evidence that he "couldn't" pass the same, or a similar, class when retaking it. For example, Albert Einstein famously flunked the entrance exam to Zurich Polytechnic when he first took it. In any event, even if your evidence proved what you hope it does (it does not), it has little bearing on whether he could have passed one year's worth of classes at UK with the legitimate academic resources offered (not to mention a roof over his head). At best, you have the type of weak circumstantial evidence that drove Pete Thamel to head to Alabama and investigate, and he uncovered nothing.

Again, you suck at logic. It can be true that:
  • The classes nominally had a curriculum and a paper required; AND
  • The classes were nonetheless "fake" (for lack of a better term; maybe fraudulent is better?) as taken because they did not require any work by the student (the work was done by others, i.e. cheating).
This is not hard, brah.
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You live in Owensboro Ky. I live 75 miles from Chappell Hill NC. Why are you more of an expert than me on what went on at UNC? Plus I know 100’s of UNC fans.
I no longer live in Owensboro. I’m in the Bowling Green Ky area.
I’ve said from day 1 nothing would happen to UNC because the classes were approved & accredited courses. They were nothing more than easy classes & the ncaa couldn’t touch them.
I was surprised that the women’s team didn’t get hit, they did ask for certain grade & I assume they received them.
There’s nothing that says MBB had grades changed or papers written for them.
The football team did go on probation a few years before all this started for tutors writing papers. During that investigation the NCAA found the AFAM courses & said there was nothing wrong with them.

I’m willing to keep this civilized, ive never had any problems with you. Was I incorrect in any of that? Good luck this weekend.
Love the reference to Bledsoe....another example of UK detractors ignoring the facts. His High School had everything to do with his Algebra grades. UK did not. The NCAA CLEARED BLEDSOE.

McCants made the Dean's List without going to a single class for a full Semester. A good friend of mine is a UNC fan. When McCants started talking about the stuff going on at UNC, the first thing he did was attack McCants' intelligence and even his sanity level.
The question was asked of you, SHOULD Bledsoe have been cleared by the NCAA? Hey, get it, Ky fans want to vbelieve the NCAA a warm fuzzy for them but truth is the NCAA loves Ky and does not want to see them taken down, how erlse can you explain why Bledsoe was allowed to play? ANYONE in their right mind knows, anyone that has ever been to college knows, everyone that has taken Algebra 1 and 2 knows, you did not pass Algebra 2 after failing Algebra 2.

I love Ky fans having anything to say about our (UNC) AFAM issue. I have asked time and time again Ky fans about Jason parker, you a Ky fan, do you recall Jason Parker? UNC tried for 2 straight years to get Jason Parker enrolled, UNC admissions flatly said no, for good reason. Yet, he was not only admitted to Ky but he played for Ky for 2 years. Want to know what was interesting about Jason Parker, absolute truth is he could not read. I am not talking about not being able to read on a high school level, I am talking about he had to be told what was on the menu at McDonalds, he could not read see spot run! I have a freind that knew him, that actually had to tell him what was on a McDonalds menu!

Now tell me Ky fan, you are so worried about UNC's academic issues, HOW DID KY GET AND KEEP JASON PARKER ELIGIBLE FOR 2 SEASONS? I mean yes, we had some easy classes that athletes found and discovered were easy grade classes, gladly admit that, now I do not know of a D-1 college that does not have its own version of just that. Yes of course UNC not only had easy grade classes but athletes on scholarship found them and enrolled in them in large numbers. But UNC did not and was not able to get a great athlete that could not read at all eligible and keep him eligible for 2 seasons, I know, we tried but Ky was able to?

Kindly explain HOW Ky was able to do that and yet it's players be such respectable student athletes? Tell us please how bad UNC's academics were for it's student athletes and how pristine academics are at Ky??????
The question was asked of you, SHOULD Bledsoe have been cleared by the NCAA? Hey, get it, Ky fans want to vbelieve the NCAA a warm fuzzy for them but truth is the NCAA loves Ky and does not want to see them taken down, how erlse can you explain why Bledsoe was allowed to play? ANYONE in their right mind knows, anyone that has ever been to college knows, everyone that has taken Algebra 1 and 2 knows, you did not pass Algebra 2 after failing Algebra 2.

I love Ky fans having anything to say about our (UNC) AFAM issue. I have asked time and time again Ky fans about Jason parker, you a Ky fan, do you recall Jason Parker? UNC tried for 2 straight years to get Jason Parker enrolled, UNC admissions flatly said no, for good reason. Yet, he was not only admitted to Ky but he played for Ky for 2 years. Want to know what was interesting about Jason Parker, absolute truth is he could not read. I am not talking about not being able to read on a high school level, I am talking about he had to be told what was on the menu at McDonalds, he could not read see spot run! I have a freind that knew him, that actually had to tell him what was on a McDonalds menu!

Now tell me Ky fan, you are so worried about UNC's academic issues, HOW DID KY GET AND KEEP JASON PARKER ELIGIBLE FOR 2 SEASONS? I mean yes, we had some easy classes that athletes found and discovered were easy grade classes, gladly admit that, now I do not know of a D-1 college that does not have its own version of just that. Yes of course UNC not only had easy grade classes but athletes on scholarship found them and enrolled in them in large numbers. But UNC did not and was not able to get a great athlete that could not read at all eligible and keep him eligible for 2 seasons, I know, we tried but Ky was able to?

Kindly explain HOW Ky was able to do that and yet it's players be such respectable student athletes? Tell us please how bad UNC's academics were for it's student athletes and how pristine academics are at Ky??????
Or SKJ this year. Carolina wouldn’t touch his transcripts.
It’s so odd that people keep posting about things they know nothing about ( UNC scandal ).... things they claim they don’t know ( if I am other posters ) or things they don’t care about ( ME ).... keep on making me proud.

Nice to see you acknowledge what UNC was involved in was (is?) a scandal. That is step one in the right direction. Normal, run of the mill every day activities are rarely, if ever, referred to as a scandal.
The question was asked of you, SHOULD Bledsoe have been cleared by the NCAA? Hey, get it, Ky fans want to vbelieve the NCAA a warm fuzzy for them but truth is the NCAA loves Ky and does not want to see them taken down, how erlse can you explain why Bledsoe was allowed to play? ANYONE in their right mind knows, anyone that has ever been to college knows, everyone that has taken Algebra 1 and 2 knows, you did not pass Algebra 2 after failing Algebra 2.

I already posted about this on the last page, but go ahead and email Pete Thamel with your information. He spent time down in Alabama investigating, and he had an excitement boner at the outset, so I'm sure he'd love to hear your, um, "logic" here. Also, if you're going to be throwing around things like "ANYONE in their right mind knows," might want to edit your posts lest people conclude you are not "in (your) right mind."
The question was asked of you, SHOULD Bledsoe have been cleared by the NCAA? Hey, get it, Ky fans want to vbelieve the NCAA a warm fuzzy for them but truth is the NCAA loves Ky and does not want to see them taken down, how erlse can you explain why Bledsoe was allowed to play? ANYONE in their right mind knows, anyone that has ever been to college knows, everyone that has taken Algebra 1 and 2 knows, you did not pass Algebra 2 after failing Algebra 2.

I love Ky fans having anything to say about our (UNC) AFAM issue. I have asked time and time again Ky fans about Jason parker, you a Ky fan, do you recall Jason Parker? UNC tried for 2 straight years to get Jason Parker enrolled, UNC admissions flatly said no, for good reason. Yet, he was not only admitted to Ky but he played for Ky for 2 years. Want to know what was interesting about Jason Parker, absolute truth is he could not read. I am not talking about not being able to read on a high school level, I am talking about he had to be told what was on the menu at McDonalds, he could not read see spot run! I have a freind that knew him, that actually had to tell him what was on a McDonalds menu!

Now tell me Ky fan, you are so worried about UNC's academic issues, HOW DID KY GET AND KEEP JASON PARKER ELIGIBLE FOR 2 SEASONS? I mean yes, we had some easy classes that athletes found and discovered were easy grade classes, gladly admit that, now I do not know of a D-1 college that does not have its own version of just that. Yes of course UNC not only had easy grade classes but athletes on scholarship found them and enrolled in them in large numbers. But UNC did not and was not able to get a great athlete that could not read at all eligible and keep him eligible for 2 seasons, I know, we tried but Ky was able to?

Kindly explain HOW Ky was able to do that and yet it's players be such respectable student athletes? Tell us please how bad UNC's academics were for it's student athletes and how pristine academics are at Ky??????
Julius Peppers born in Wilson NC (where I live) went to Hunt High school 2 years, then went to Fike,then to Southern Nash. I know kids that went to school with him,played ball with him. They all say the same thing, terrible student, given passing grades to play ball. His college transcripts was posted on line and he admitted they were his, if not for AFAM multiple classes, he would have flunked out, got a D in drama of all things.

So, since you are so worried about Bledsoe(which I know nothing about except what I read) then how do you explain Peppers retaining elgibility, if not for multiple AFAM classes? All this is past history and I have moved on, but I felt a need to answer your question.

To my knowledge nothing has been made public regarding Bledsoe or Parker grades, BUT we do know 100% about Peppers.

I think all major schools have skeletons and no one school should be throwing stones at a glass house.
Nice to see you acknowledge what UNC was involved in was (is?) a scandal. That is step one in the right direction. Normal, run of the mill every day activities are rarely, if ever, referred to as a scandal.
Normally I call it a witch hunt but people gets their panties in a wad when I do.
I'm not really going to get back into this but leave this for you guys to get pissed about. The N&O just lost a lawsuit and apparently the courts say their 'primary objective was sensationalism rather than truth'. No surprise there.
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I'm not really going to get back into this but leave this for you guys to get pissed about. The N&O just lost a lawsuit and apparently the courts say their 'primary objective was sensationalism rather than truth'. No surprise there.
Was the judge a UNC alumnus/ booster?
The question was asked of you, SHOULD Bledsoe have been cleared by the NCAA? Hey, get it, Ky fans want to vbelieve the NCAA a warm fuzzy for them but truth is the NCAA loves Ky and does not want to see them taken down, how erlse can you explain why Bledsoe was allowed to play? ANYONE in their right mind knows, anyone that has ever been to college knows, everyone that has taken Algebra 1 and 2 knows, you did not pass Algebra 2 after failing Algebra 2.

I love Ky fans having anything to say about our (UNC) AFAM issue. I have asked time and time again Ky fans about Jason parker, you a Ky fan, do you recall Jason Parker? UNC tried for 2 straight years to get Jason Parker enrolled, UNC admissions flatly said no, for good reason. Yet, he was not only admitted to Ky but he played for Ky for 2 years. Want to know what was interesting about Jason Parker, absolute truth is he could not read. I am not talking about not being able to read on a high school level, I am talking about he had to be told what was on the menu at McDonalds, he could not read see spot run! I have a freind that knew him, that actually had to tell him what was on a McDonalds menu!

Now tell me Ky fan, you are so worried about UNC's academic issues, HOW DID KY GET AND KEEP JASON PARKER ELIGIBLE FOR 2 SEASONS? I mean yes, we had some easy classes that athletes found and discovered were easy grade classes, gladly admit that, now I do not know of a D-1 college that does not have its own version of just that. Yes of course UNC not only had easy grade classes but athletes on scholarship found them and enrolled in them in large numbers. But UNC did not and was not able to get a great athlete that could not read at all eligible and keep him eligible for 2 seasons, I know, we tried but Ky was able to?

Kindly explain HOW Ky was able to do that and yet it's players be such respectable student athletes? Tell us please how bad UNC's academics were for it's student athletes and how pristine academics are at Ky??????
Hey Sport, do you have an actual link that backs up what you're saying about Parker? Got anything besides your buddys sisters mothers girlfriends half grandmothers vag doctors word?

And if you think the NCAA gives UK some kind of special treatment, go read up on the Enes Kanter situation and get back to me.

Then read up on the kid that was cleared 2 years later that came from the same Turkish pro team and received similar financial cmpensation. The only difference? He wasn't trying to play college ball for UK.

Oh, how about the NCAA's actions toward UK when they wanted to celebrate Cal's 500th win? Do you think K or Roy would get treated like that?

Bottom line is, UK gets punished for any wrongdoing and even shit that wasn't really wrong.
Meanwhile over in Cheater Hill, NC.… .....

But hey, post that link up about Parker not being able to read.

Oh, and learn the real facts about the Bledsoe HIGH SCHOOL situation.

Thanks in advance bud.
Wait, you seriously think Kanter was punished because of UK? You could have led with that and have everyone classify you with the rest of the UK crazies we tend to ignore. I bet you think officials troll UK as well, right?
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Wait, you seriously think Kanter was punished because of UK? You could have led with that and have everyone classify you with the rest of the UK crazies we tend to ignore. I bet you think officials troll UK as well, right?
He wasn't punished Cory. You are saying it like the kid went to federal lock up for fitty years.
The NCAA chose to excersize their right to deem Kanter ineligible, but the next kid, that had the same issues coming in as Kanter, even played for the exact same prfesdional Turkish team, was given eligibility with terms. I believe he had to pay back the money he was paid.
The bottom line with the NCAA is they are incredibly inconsistent and yes, I do think there are people in the NCAA that don't like Calipari and take every chance they get to stick it to him.
Cal has rubbed a lot of guys the wrong way for a long time.
But you can't deny that the NCAA is inconsistent with their rulings.
But you know what was really funny? A couple of weeks ago, you said the NCAA was really trying hard to nail UNC*** on that AFAM scandal. Now that's funny right there.
The NCAA rules their organization however they want, they answer to nobody and if they wanted to bust the powder blue off of your university, they easily could have and then they would have unplugged their phones to avoid the calls.
The NCAA went out of their way to let UNC*** off the hook IMO.
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The NCAA messed up by breaking their own rules with the amended NOA in trying to slam UNC and that's when Sankey got personally involved. Also UNC requested Sankey to recuse himself and he wouldn't and right there we all knew it was personal. UNC dared the NCAA to put sanctions on them knowing they would of got killed in court, and that was something they didn't want no part of. From the outset UNC and the NCAA president said this was an academic issue but when Dan Kane and the N&O got a hold of this they put their own spin on it, fooled all the haters and look what happened. So it's fitting that the N&O got what they deserved.
The NCAA messed up by breaking their own rules with the amended NOA in trying to slam UNC and that's when Sankey got personally involved. Also UNC requested Sankey to recuse himself and he wouldn't and right there we all knew it was personal. UNC dared the NCAA to put sanctions on them knowing they would of got killed in court, and that was something they didn't want no part of. From the outset UNC and the NCAA president said this was an academic issue but when Dan Kane and the N&O got a hold of this they put their own spin on it, fooled all the haters and look what happened. So it's fitting that the N&O got what they deserved.
This reminds me of the Will Ferrell debate scene in Old School.
Oh really? Explain the joke to me then.

The joke has been on you for a while. You think about UNC more than I do so that right there isn't normal. Also trying to get us to see things your way and making yourself crazy in the process is funny so yeah the joke is on you.
The joke has been on you for a while. You think about UNC more than I do so that right there isn't normal. Also trying to get us to see things your way and making yourself crazy in the process is funny so yeah the joke is on you.
So, like uncfan, you lied, you have no clue what the joke was.
Also, my posts to you in this exchange, have nothing to do with any of the UNC*** scandals.
You're too easy.
So, like uncfan, you lied, you have no clue what the joke was.
Also, my posts to you in this exchange, have nothing to do with any of the UNC*** scandals.
You're too easy.

You're all over this thread and since you're so consumed with matters related to UNC. Debating this issue I have posted nothing but facts, you counter with opinions. I know it burns you up because we don't see certain things within this drama the same as you. The joke is on you because you think what you say is going to matter and it won't. It'll matter to a lot of people here but to UNC fans, it won't and that hurts. You'll reference McCants, I'll say scoreboard, you may say AFAM, I'll say No Sanctions. We are going to have a reply for whatever you say about this, you may not like it but that's life.
The joke has been on you for a while. You think about UNC more than I do so that right there isn't normal. Also trying to get us to see things your way and making yourself crazy in the process is funny so yeah the joke is on you.
So you're a liar, just like uncfan. Good to know.
Debating this issue I have posted nothing but facts

Let's test this claim.

Also UNC requested Sankey to recuse himself and he wouldn't and right there we all knew it was personal. UNC dared the NCAA to put sanctions on them knowing they would of got killed in court, and that was something they didn't want no part of.
  1. "we all knew it was personal" because Sankey refused to recuse himself based on UNC's allegation. If you can't see what's wrong with that (I'll help: the conclusion does not follow), consider that judges are routinely asked to recuse themselves and, in most cases, it is based on meaningless accusations that prove nothing. In other words, an allegation is just that until substantiated. Claim unsupported, 0-1.
  2. "knowing they would of got killed in court" - another allegation that converts to supposed knowledge through the power of belief. Actual evidence is lacking, 0-2.
  3. "something they didn't want no part of" - Claim unsupported, 0.5-3 (see edit below).
That's three falsities or unsupported conclusions in two sentences, or what you call "nothing but facts." I'll grant you that these are largely tangential issues, but your claim wasn't limited to key issues or similar. The evidence shows that, to you, "facts" are not objective reality, but are instead manifestations of your interpretations, wants, and desires. So let's use the transitive property to restate your claim in an accurate manner:

Debating this issue I have posted nothing but manifestations of my interpretations, wants, and desires.

Edit: I'll give you a half-point for #3 because it's a well-known general truth that people and organizations do not like to end up in litigation (but the fact that people often do bring lawsuits makes clear that sometimes it is worth the cost and hassle, so only a half-point).
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Let's test this claim.

  1. "we all knew it was personal" because Sankey refused to recuse himself based on UNC's allegation. If you can't see what's wrong with that (I'll help: the conclusion does not follow), consider that judges are routinely asked to recuse themselves and, in most cases, it is based on meaningless accusations that prove nothing. In other words, an allegation is just that until substantiated. Claim unsupported, 0-1.
  2. "knowing they would of (sic) got killed in court" - another allegation that converts to supposed knowledge through the power of belief. Actual evidence is lacking, 0-2.
  3. "something they didn't want no (sic) part of" - Claim unsupported, 0-3.
That's three falsities or unsupported conclusions in two sentences, or what you call "nothing but facts." I'll grant you that these are largely tangential issues, but your claim wasn't limited to key issues or similar. The evidence shows that, to you, "facts" are not objective reality, but are instead manifestations of your interpretations, wants, and desires. So let's use the transitive property to restate your claim in an accurate manner:

So why is your boy even debating this issue? All that you just said I can flip it and use it to make my argument. FWIW I have some more facts for you but some of your friends like debating them as well.
That's a weak reply but that's your MO when you don't have anything to say. Winking
No, it's my reply when it's obvious another UNC fan is lying. Seems to be a trend.
Looks like Coryfly is the only one of you three Amigos that knows whst he's talking about and can have a conversation without lying.

I'll ask again. Why did I say your post reminded me of the Will Ferrell debate scene in the movie Old School? The answer should he easy, you said you understood the joke, but it looks pretty clear to me that you don't get it.
I just want to see you explain the joke come on Willie, amuse me.
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No, it's my reply when it's obvious another UNC fan is lying. Seems to be a trend.
Looks like Coryfly is the only one of you three Amigos that knows whst he's talking about and can have a conversation without lying.

I'll ask again. Why did I say your post reminded me of the Will Ferrell debate scene in the movie Old School? The answer should he easy, you said you understood the joke, but it looks pretty clear to me that you don't get it.
I just want to see you explain the joke come on Willie, amuse me.

You’re out of ammo Junior. Try again tomorrow and bring some new material.
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You’re out of ammo Junior. Try again tomorrow and bring some new material.
Why won't you just answer the question?

Just man up and say you don't get it.

I'm starting to think all you UNC guys took a class on how to act like lying chumps.