The question was asked of you, SHOULD Bledsoe have been cleared by the NCAA? Hey, get it, Ky fans want to vbelieve the NCAA a warm fuzzy for them but truth is the NCAA loves Ky and does not want to see them taken down, how erlse can you explain why Bledsoe was allowed to play? ANYONE in their right mind knows, anyone that has ever been to college knows, everyone that has taken Algebra 1 and 2 knows, you did not pass Algebra 2 after failing Algebra 2.
I love Ky fans having anything to say about our (UNC) AFAM issue. I have asked time and time again Ky fans about Jason parker, you a Ky fan, do you recall Jason Parker? UNC tried for 2 straight years to get Jason Parker enrolled, UNC admissions flatly said no, for good reason. Yet, he was not only admitted to Ky but he played for Ky for 2 years. Want to know what was interesting about Jason Parker, absolute truth is he could not read. I am not talking about not being able to read on a high school level, I am talking about he had to be told what was on the menu at McDonalds, he could not read see spot run! I have a freind that knew him, that actually had to tell him what was on a McDonalds menu!
Now tell me Ky fan, you are so worried about UNC's academic issues, HOW DID KY GET AND KEEP JASON PARKER ELIGIBLE FOR 2 SEASONS? I mean yes, we had some easy classes that athletes found and discovered were easy grade classes, gladly admit that, now I do not know of a D-1 college that does not have its own version of just that. Yes of course UNC not only had easy grade classes but athletes on scholarship found them and enrolled in them in large numbers. But UNC did not and was not able to get a great athlete that could not read at all eligible and keep him eligible for 2 seasons, I know, we tried but Ky was able to?
Kindly explain HOW Ky was able to do that and yet it's players be such respectable student athletes? Tell us please how bad UNC's academics were for it's student athletes and how pristine academics are at Ky??????