Another school shooting

I didn’t. He might have and that’s why I figured he may be laughing at that (and not the gun part of the post).

SNU is a dumbass if that is truly what he was LOL on my post. I wasn’t getting into anything specific about abortion in my post. I can agree that third trimester is questionable and meh.
Go look through twitter and I’m not talking about trolls. I’m talking about verified individuals. There are plenty of prominent liberals and even some democratic senators that have gone and called for full repeal or an outright gun ban. It’s talked about more than I think people believe.
I wouldn't deny the fact there are people in positions of power that genuinely want a full repeal. But I also think members of both parties play hard to the base on this issue and a couple others - abortion and the debate over single-payer healthcare to name a couple - without having any genuine interest in following through on those words.

As a Republican, I think one of the worst things members of my party have done over the years is generalize most any suggested gun reform legislation as an attempt to repeal the Second Amendment. For years, elected officials argued in bad-faith that President Obama was trying to take citizens' guns. Just one of many examples where politicians and talking heads on both sides of the aisle continue to appeal to the lowest common denominator among us and cheapen our public discourse along the way.
Why are there so many people still supporting a woman’s right to abortion in the third trimester if no one ever does it for any reason outside of pregnancy complications?
B/c conservatives mischaracterize them and try to ban them.
I wouldn't deny the fact there are people in positions of power that genuinely want a full repeal. But I also think members of both parties play hard to the base on this issue and a couple others - abortion and the debate over single-payer healthcare to name a couple - without having any genuine interest in following through on those words.

As a Republican, I think one of the worst things members of my party have done over the years is generalize most any suggested gun reform legislation as an attempt to repeal the Second Amendment. For years, elected officials argued in bad-faith that President Obama was trying to take citizens' guns. Just one of many examples where politicians and talking heads on both sides of the aisle continue to appeal to the lowest common denominator among us and cheapen our public discourse along the way.

The bottom 30% on both sides.
See, I think anyone okay with allowing abortion in viable, uncomplicated, 3rd trimester pregnancies is an idiot in the same way we agree that people that oppose all gun legislation are. That is a baby capable of sustaining life outside of the womb and killing said baby outside of pregnancy complicatinons is disgusting. When you support a woman’s right to terminate a healthy pregnancy at 39 weeks for any reason she chooses then you look every bit as bad as the gun nuts that can’t see a middle ground on gun control.

Are there people who actualy support that?
I thought all 3rd trimester abortions were illegal?
I consider myself prolife, I'm catholic So I believe life begins at conception.
But I get how reasonable people can believe that life doesn't begin till later.
I do think that no abortion should be allowed after the point of viability.
I think he might be laughing at your take on abortion. A 39 week baby is cable or sustaining life outside of the womb. You’re okay with killing an intrauterine 39 week old but a prematurely born 32 week old is murder to you. That is the logic a lot of common sense folks find laughable,
Yes. This. Hail got it.
Are there people who actualy support that?
I thought all 3rd trimester abortions were illegal?
I consider myself prolife, I'm catholic So I believe life begins at conception.
But I get how reasonable people can believe that life doesn't begin till later.
I do think that no abortion should be allowed after the point of viability.

Yes there a people (and not just a few) that believe it’s the mother’s right to abort a pregnancy up until birth. Her body her choice.

This article says that 29% believe abortion should be legal in all circumstances (which would include viable late term pregnancies).
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And being safe and responsible is ridiculous too?
I think abortion is one of the toughest, most difficult political topics of our generation. I think there are very compelling arguments on both sides of the issue, and I'm glad I've never had to face the choice that comes with an unplanned pregnancy.

But one thing that I think is pretty cut-and-dry is the importance of public health clinics that provide free- and/or low-cost contraceptives. If you are someone who genuinely abhors the idea of abortions, you should be in favor of extensive sex education and readily available contraceptives. Any other position is either hypocritical or wildly impractical.
Suggesting abstinence is pretty ridiculous.
But @IU_Btown_Chicago suggesting that having an abortion because of being poor is not ridiculous? Plus. You completely ignored where he said "or at least be safe." What is ridiculous about that comment?

I don't get too heated when it comes to abortion. I know there are other circumstances that play a role other than just getting rid of the baby, but I think "woman's body, woman's choice" is an overused phrase to support abortion, but whatever. What I find ridiculous is how some people can use abortion as a form of birth control and still sleep at night knowing that they made the choice because it was their body, their choice. I understand that it is a tough choice to make and most people in those situations have it weigh heavy on their hearts, but for the ones who can sit back and say "my body, my choice", those are disgusting people IMO.
I think abortion is one of the toughest, most difficult political topics of our generation. I think there are very compelling arguments on both sides of the issue, and I'm glad I've never had to face the choice that comes with an unplanned pregnancy.

But one thing that I think is pretty cut-and-dry is the importance of public health clinics that provide free- and/or low-cost contraceptives. If you are someone who genuinely abhors the idea of abortions, you should be in favor of extensive sex education and readily available contraceptives. Any other position is either hypocritical or wildly impractical.
Good post
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I think abortion is one of the toughest, most difficult political topics of our generation. I think there are very compelling arguments on both sides of the issue, and I'm glad I've never had to face the choice that comes with an unplanned pregnancy.

But one thing that I think is pretty cut-and-dry is the importance of public health clinics that provide free- and/or low-cost contraceptives. If you are someone who genuinely abhors the idea of abortions, you should be in favor of extensive sex education and readily available contraceptives. Any other position is either hypocritical or wildly impractical.
Personally, I wish it wasn't a topic that political parties take sides on. This should be a moral discussion based on personal beliefs and circumstances. It's another example of political pandering.
I said or be safe. Birth control items are relatively inexpensive for literally everyone.
I agree w/ that part.
We have a biological imperative to reproduce, which pretty much means it's inevitable that people will have sex. It's some Puritanical urge to control even that when we suggest not doing it.
Yes there a people (and not just a few) that believe it’s the mother’s right to abort a pregnancy up until birth. Her body her choice.

This article says that 29% believe abortion should be legal in all circumstances (which would include viable late term pregnancies).
The article does not specify what "all circumstances" truly entails. We don't know that it's any more than "all circumstances I can think of off the top of my head."
The article does not specify what "all circumstances" truly entails. We don't know that it's any more than "all circumstances I can think of off the top of my head."

Um....? You drinking again? All circumstances means all circumstances. As in no circumstances excluded. Pretty simple.

What an odd reach.
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Um....? You drinking again? All circumstances means all circumstances. As in no circumstances excluded. Pretty simple.

What an odd reach.
Nope. I wasn't drinking any previous time, either. Totally serious. I am highly skeptical of the results, w/ 29% supporting it no matter what. I find it much easier to believe and much more logical that people gave hyperbolic answers to a broad question than that 29% support viable, 39th week abortions. I'm sure they didn't ask it that way, but that's how you're spinning it. What were the exact questions, I wonder?
Nope. I wasn't drinking any previous time, either. Totally serious. I am highly skeptical of the results, w/ 29% supporting it no matter what. I find it much easier to believe and much more logical that people gave hyperbolic answers to a broad question than that 29% support viable, 39th week abortions. I'm sure they didn't ask it that way, but that's how you're spinning it. What were the exact questions, I wonder?

I mean I’m sure they didn’t phrase it that way either but at the end of the day if people are voting to make ALL abortions legal then that is included.

Another study that article cites:

“Quinnipiac University’s January 2017 question, which is worded differently, finds 28 percent of registered voters say abortion should always be legal and 11 percent always illegal.”

Edit: I linked this poll down below.
Militias are part of the constitution but I'm cool getting rid of that.

1) I'm not sure any militia in the US could defeat a local police force yet alone the US government
2) Militia people are batshit nuts and I'm cool with them not having guns. They are towards the top of the crazy list. Add KKK to that too. Also, known gang members. Gun ban for them all
“The abortion issue continues to divide the nation, with stronger support among women and younger voters:
  • 21 percent of voters, including 28 percent of voters 18 to 34 years old, say abortion should be legal in all cases;
  • 39 percent of voters, including 42 percent of 18 to 34-year-olds, say it should be legal in most cases;
  • 22 percent of voters, including 18 percent of 18 to 34-year-olds, say it should be illegal in most cases;
  • 12 percent of voters, including 9 percent of 18 to 34-year-olds, say it should be illegal in all cases.”
But @IU_Btown_Chicago suggesting that having an abortion because of being poor is not ridiculous? Plus. You completely ignored where he said "or at least be safe." What is ridiculous about that comment?

I don't get too heated when it comes to abortion. I know there are other circumstances that play a role other than just getting rid of the baby, but I think "woman's body, woman's choice" is an overused phrase to support abortion, but whatever. What I find ridiculous is how some people can use abortion as a form of birth control and still sleep at night knowing that they made the choice because it was their body, their choice. I understand that it is a tough choice to make and most people in those situations have it weigh heavy on their hearts, but for the ones who can sit back and say "my body, my choice", those are disgusting people IMO.

Well, 75% of people that have abortions are below poverty or right at it. They can't afford to keep them and America doesn't want to help them. Republicans want to defund Planned Parenthood which is a lot of poor people's way of getting contraception and sex education.
Well, 75% of people that have abortions are below poverty or right at it. They can't afford to keep them and America doesn't want to help them. Republicans want to defund Planned Parenthood which is a lot of poor people's way of getting contraception and sex education.
BIRTH CONTROL. If they don't want to have a kid, be responsible and use birth control in any of it's forms. If they don't want to be responsible and end up with a kid, that's their fault and now their responsibility. It's call PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY. I know you never like to blame people for their bad decisions, but at some point we're going to have to.

I would be really happy to see Planned Parenthood defunded. I hope Trump makes that happen.
BIRTH CONTROL. If they don't want to have a kid, be responsible and use birth control in any of it's forms. If they don't want to be responsible and end up with a kid, that's their fault and now their responsibility. It's call PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY. I know you never like to blame people for their bad decisions, but at some point we're going to have to.

I would be really happy to see Planned Parenthood defunded. I hope Trump makes that happen.
Where do you propose people learn about birth control? Even where parents are knowledgable, it's hit-or-miss whether that's something they or the kids are willing to bring up b/c it implies the HAVING of the sex, beyond just the theoretical. Sex ed in schools is often abstinence-only and doesn't cover bc. Planned Parenthood is another resource for that kind of education. You'd see it defunded.
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BIRTH CONTROL. If they don't want to have a kid, be responsible and use birth control in any of it's forms. If they don't want to be responsible and end up with a kid, that's their responsibility. It's call PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY. I know you never like to blame people for their bad decisions, but at some point we're going to have to.

I would be really happy to see Planned Parenthood defunded. I hope Trump makes that happen.

Where is this accountability on guns?

So you’re a classist? You want to defund the affordable way these people get birth control because of 3% of their services....yeah that is going to solve the pregnancy issue.......most of these people cannot afford it without Planned Parenthood. Let’s not let people get their freak on which is human nature because some dummies want to cut the main resource to these people.

As the reason abortion talk started...and I am regretting mentioning it because I hate rednecks like yourself.....then you have an increase in crime as more kids with less funds are introduced into the world......abortion is abortion. It’s legal so says the Supreme Court. Now, the government does have a right to regulate guns.....
Where is this accountability on guns?

So you’re a classist? You want to defund the affordable way these people get birth control because of 3% of their services....yeah that is going to solve the pregnancy issue.......most of these people cannot afford it without Planned Parenthood. Let’s not let people get their freak on which is human nature because some dummies want to cut the main resource to these people.

As the reason abortion talk started...and I am regretting mentioning it because I hate rednecks like yourself.....then you have an increase in crime as more kids with less funds are introduced into the world......abortion is abortion. It’s legal so says the Supreme Court. Now, the government does have a right to regulate guns.....
I'm fine with talking about personal accountability as it relates to guns. I've offered multiple things we can do for gun control.

The affordable way people get birth control? Are you f'ing that dumb? Condoms aren't expensive. If you try and honestly tell me people can't afford condoms, then you're literally more stupid than I thought. So now it's the governments responsibility to provide people with birth control? GTFO. If people can't take care of their kids, they probably shouldn't be having kids. Birth control is WIDELY available and EXTREMELY cheap. It's not as if condoms are some hidden tool that doesn't get discussed by anyone other than Planned Parenthood. What a joke.

You're absolutely trolling with this, right? You can't be this mentally challenged.
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Well, 75% of people that have abortions are below poverty or right at it. They can't afford to keep them and America doesn't want to help them. Republicans want to defund Planned Parenthood which is a lot of poor people's way of getting contraception and sex education.

I'm okay with funding planned parenthood as long as they stop providing abortions.
Hey @IU_Btown_Chicago - Just to let you know, I am at a happy hour with a group of work colleagues and we're all laughing at how dumb your posts are. I've read a handful of the ones you posted today to the group. The interesting part of it is they think you're even dumber than I do, which is a tall task in itself.

Good times man! Well done.
Hey @IU_Btown_Chicago - Just to let you know, I am at a happy hour with a group of work colleagues and we're all laughing at how dumb your posts are. I've read a handful of the ones you posted today to the group. The interesting part of it is they think you're even dumber than I do, which is a tall task in itself.

Good times man! Well done.

Well you live in Indiana right? The only people are laughing are at you. Supreme Court. Like I said you are a moron.
Hahaha. Nah, bro. I live in one of the largest cities in the country (in Texas). I also work for a Fortune 15 company.

Texas...that is a diverse background there....every thing I have said is backed up by studies. It isn’t my fault you are too stupid to realize that.
Texas...that is a diverse background there....every thing I have said is backed up by studies. It isn’t my fault you are too stupid to realize that.
It's not my fault you're a piece of shit. You've demonstrated that here constantly. Do I need to remind you that you've actually posted that anyone who disagrees with kneeling during the National Anthem is racist. Not to mention that you are literally too stupid to understand people don't share all of your values. But hey, not everyone can be smart and you've got the stupid thing covered. Thanks for that.