
"They should be a fan of my son whose going to be in college for one year over the program they've rooted for and followed their whole life"

That's some delusional shit right there. I guess people are often delusional when it comes to their kids though.
"They should be a fan of my son whose going to be in college for one year over the program they've rooted for and followed their whole life"

That's some delusional shit right there. I guess people are often delusional when it comes to their kids though.
lol he will find out pretty quickly who they are a fan of if Romeo doesn't pick IU.
Romeo: “I don’t think it is going to be a negative reaction if I don’t pick IU,” Langford said. “I think they will support me either way, wherever I go.”

"If it's not IU and I don't know for sure if it's them or not," Tim Langford said. "If they are truly Romeo fans, the difference between being school fans not my son's fans. So when all is said and done, who's really for my son, who's a fan of him."

Epic meltdown coming?Laughing
Why did you only bold the word, "is"? Why not the word, "if".........Or "wherever"....... Weird you simply chose to only bold the word "is".
"They should be a fan of my son whose going to be in college for one year over the program they've rooted for and followed their whole life"

That's some delusional shit right there. I guess people are often delusional when it comes to their kids though.
Yeah, that's pretty naive. I mean folks from New Albany are always gonna love this kid. No doubt. But the rest of the state? Meh....He'll simply be another kid who left the state; if he goes elsewhere.
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Yeah, that's pretty naive. I mean folks from New Albany are always gonna love this kid. No doubt. But the rest of the state? Meh....He'll simply be another kid who left the state; if he goes elsewhere.
By far, the greatest two players from Indiana are Oscar Robertson and Larry Bird, and neither experienced problems playing somewhere else than IU. Maybe Romeo will make it a troika. Let's hope it's Vandy for him.
By far, the greatest two players from Indiana are Oscar Robertson and Larry Bird, and neither experienced problems playing somewhere else than IU. Maybe Romeo will make it a troika. Let's hope it's Vandy for him.
To be fair Larry Bird committed to IU then dropped out pretty quickly and probably didn't announce his commitment on ESPN.
By far, the greatest two players from Indiana are Oscar Robertson and Larry Bird, and neither experienced problems playing somewhere else than IU. Maybe Romeo will make it a troika. Let's hope it's Vandy for him.
Where did I say it would cause a problem? Bird did commit to Indiana. Then left.

Oscar played in 1956, bro. I mean-----1956.

Not sure what you were trying to prove here????
To be fair Larry Bird committed to IU then dropped out pretty quickly and probably didn't announce his commitment on ESPN.
Yes, I'm aware about Larry Bird committing to IU and then being scared off by the bright lights and towering sky scrapers of Bloomington.
Where did I say it would cause a problem? Bird did commit to Indiana. Then left.

Oscar played in 1956, bro. I mean-----1956.

Not sure what you were trying to prove here????
Relax dude. You painted a picture where a player would be downplayed by Hoosiers if he didn't commit to Big Red. Sure, the times might change, but if Romeo is as good as advertised the home state will embrace him within and without the city limits of New Albany.
Relax dude. You painted a picture where a player would be downplayed by Hoosiers if he didn't commit to Big Red. Sure, the times might change, but if Romeo is as good as advertised the home state will embrace him within and without the city limits of New Albany.
And then you painted a picture that implied something totally different. If you think Romeo's legacy will be the same if he were to choose VU or IU, then well my friend, you don't understand Indiana basketball. As said, Langford will forever be revered in New Albany. But him choosing Kansas or Vandy will most certainly effect how he is viewed across the state. Here's the thing:

He's loved in New Albany. He's liked everywhere else. He goes to IU---that changes. He's loved everywhere. He doesn;t go to IU------It stays how it is now.
Yes, I'm aware about Larry Bird committing to IU and then being scared off by the bright lights and towering sky scrapers of Bloomington.
Ever been to West Baden, Indiana? Or French Lick? Doubt you have. A kid coming from there would make Bloomington look like NYC.
Probably just didn't like getting yelled at by Knight. What a pussy.
I saw him play again in the bandbox that was Loyola of Chicago's gym back in the day. He was magnificent, scoring something like 35 points, but Indiana State lost. He had to be restrained by his teammates from going after the fans who were taunting him with chants of "Bird Shit." Larry's grown up a little since then.
And then you painted a picture that implied something totally different. If you think Romeo's legacy will be the same if he were to choose VU or IU, then well my friend, you don't understand Indiana basketball. As said, Langford will forever be revered in New Albany. But him choosing Kansas or Vandy will most certainly effect how he is viewed across the state. Here's the thing:

He's loved in New Albany. He's liked everywhere else. He goes to IU---that changes. He's loved everywhere. He doesn;t go to IU------It stays how it is now.
Totally disagree, and this is based on my actually understanding Indiana basketball. I give the state a little more credit for being less provincial than you do. As I stated, Bird and Robertson will always be revered Hoosier icons, and where they went to college doesn't alter that.
Totally disagree, and this is based on my actually understanding Indiana basketball. I give the state a little more credit for being less provincial than you do. As I stated, Bird and Robertson will always be revered Hoosier icons, and where they went to college doesn't alter that.
You're right, if Romeo ends up being a top 10 NBA player of all time and legend, it won't matter where he went to college.
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By far, the greatest two players from Indiana are Oscar Robertson and Larry Bird, and neither experienced problems playing somewhere else than IU. Maybe Romeo will make it a troika. Let's hope it's Vandy for him.

We all know that Jimmy Chitwood is simply the best player ever to come out of the state of Indiana, and it isn't even close! Winking
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On the other hand, the Indianapolis media is going to be an insufferable cesspool of slack-jawed fanboys for the next 13 months, so this is going to blow.
i've heard from reliable sources inside indystar newsroom there's a significant and noticeable push being made to get to 3,498 stories written about romeo in the last 6 months by the decision date but that they might fall just short of that number. stay tuned. i'll update you guys as i hear more
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Yes, I'm aware about Larry Bird committing to IU and then being scared off by the bright lights and towering sky scrapers of Bloomington.

Although that's plausible the story is Bird's first weekend on campus he walked past coach in town and said hey, knight didn't respond and kept on walking. Somehow Bird became the NBAs best @TheDude1 talker.
Although that's plausible the story is Bird's first weekend on campus he walked past coach in town and said hey, knight didn't respond and kept on walking. Somehow Bird became the NBAs best @TheDude1 talker.
What can you say, Bobby Knight was no Bill Hodges.
The Langford's have handled his whole recruitment with class and dignity. The media and fans have turned him into a bit of a celebrity, especially local, yet they say and do all the right things. There's no reason to think this will be any different. This isn't the Ball family we're dealing with.

He's in a position to be a name remembered forever; speaking for $$$, clinics, book deals, endorsements etc. if he goes to Indiana. That's not to say he wouldn't do very well at Vandy or KU. But he would sour millions of people in his current and future marketing base.

We live in a world of twitter followers and social status. This has turned into a business decision unlike most recruitments. He has a cult following and celebrity status in Indiana that few people experience. The smart move is to protect your product/brand by selling to the people who will already buy it. The risky move is to alienate your core customer and start over with a new brand/product in an unfair world in an unfamiliar market.

People in Indiana treat local basketball legends like royalty. Forever. The NBA is no sure thing even at this point for him. Anything can happen like injuries being the main threat.
Millions of dollars and a lifelong journey are a sure thing if he picks the home state school. Multiply it by whatever you want if he takes IU to a final four.

Millions of dollars in the NBA? All three schools offer that. Life long investment in your likeness? Only one school offers that. The Langfords aren't stupid. He picks IU
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Yeah, that's pretty naive. I mean folks from New Albany are always gonna love this kid. No doubt. But the rest of the state? Meh....He'll simply be another kid who left the state; if he goes elsewhere.
By far, the greatest two players from Indiana are Oscar Robertson and Larry Bird, and neither experienced problems playing somewhere else than IU. Maybe Romeo will make it a troika. Let's hope it's Vandy for him.

Bird and Oscar weren't high school legends with social media and instant highlight videos. Their recruitment was probably followed by 12 people. They made their names because they are among the best all time in the sport. Romeo is experiencing something that few people experience. Is it a sure thing that he will be a top ten NBA legend?
Bird and Oscar weren't high school legends with social media and instant highlight videos. Their recruitment was probably followed by 12 people. They made their names because they are among the best all time in the sport. Romeo is experiencing something that few people experience. Is it a sure thing that he will be a top ten NBA legend?
Obviously, times have changed over the decades, but you never had to be an elite all time player or go to IU to become a legend and Indiana icon. Rick Mount is proof of that. I have no idea about Langford's motivation, but if he chooses IU to realize the poetic saga of local boy makes good, that will be more because of his idiosyncratic taste than any life sustaining benefit.
Just goes to show that you can never trust "insiders" until the decision is actually made. Hopefully Romeo does end up a Jayhawk.