Here's when it all changed for me regarding MJ. There were the countless stories of him being an asshole, but I got to see what I think was an example of this in the flesh. When I taught in NC for a few years, it just so happened that a childhood friend of MJ's was in our school, well at the high school next door to us (I was teaching 7th grade at the time). Anyway, a guy I work with is friends with MJ's friend so we started going golfing with him. I was skeptical that it was actually a true friend of MJ's until I saw him carrying MJ's dead dad's body in the casket at the funeral on the news. So, yeah. He was VERY tight with MJ. So, how did he behave on the golf course?
Well, he carried a 5th of crown and chain-smoked cigars at all times, which hell, I respected that. What I didn't is the way he acted on the course. ALWAYS running his mouth, talking shit, and thought he was the coolest guy on the planet. He was so loud and obnoxious and all I could think is, "He thinks it's okay to act like this because MJ does when they golf together." To this day I'm convinced he was a spitting image of MJ on the course. And it just disgusted me that the GOAT was a douche bag. There are more stories, but other than my dad seeing him run a couple autograph seekers off the golf course, it's all I can vouch for personally. Anyway, he can be the GOAT, but he's also an asshole.