Kansas - Kansas State Fight

LETS BACK IT UP FURTHER, this bush league shit started with Bruce Weber calling for KSU to full court press DOWN 20 to 25pts with 6mins left in the game.

What Desousa and McCormick did in the brawl afterwards was totally unacceptable but the adults leading these teams caused the tension.

The KSU player in street clothes came off the bench to pursue SIlvo, followed by the other bench KSU players to start the physical stuff, its just a better story to leave that part out.
lol Bruce was pressing our walk-ons with 2 minutes left. WTF was he thinking?
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You forgot the part about the KSU player stealing the ball as the KU player was dribbling out the clock. He was trying to do the old “steal from a walk-on and dunk it with authority when we’re down 20+ to show what a badass I am“ as time expired, but Silvio DeSousa shut that shit down. He stares him down, which imo was fair in that situation, cause that’s a dick move and like the third time in recent years a KSU player has tried that shit.

Dick move does not cancel out dick move- ESPN halftime analyst just said Silivo also broke an"unwritten" rule of bball by standing over the KSU player after the block...
You forgot the part about the KSU player stealing the ball as the KU player was dribbling out the clock. He was trying to do the old “steal from a walk-on and dunk it with authority when we’re down 20+ to show what a badass I am“ as time expired, but Silvio DeSousa shut that shit down. He stares him down, which imo was fair in that situation, cause that’s a dick move and like the third time in recent years a KSU player has tried that shit.

I never saw that part, but still doesn't mean that he should've stood over him.

Regardless, it doesn't matter what caused the fight. De Sousa picked up a chair with the intent to use it as a weapon. McCormick was stepping on a guy who was on the ground. Lol.
As much as I’d love to rag on Kansas was such a bitch move to steal the ball. Guy got his shit thrown and stood over and rightfully so. But yeah ya can’t really throw haymakers and stomp people and pick up chairs lol.
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KSU player was a freshman. Needed to learn you can’t do that shit in AFH and get away with it.

If DeSousa stands over him for 2 seconds, nothing happens. He stayed over him until the KSU bench cleared and that’s when the shoving started and then things escalated from there.

I’d give DeSousa 3 games. Everyone else who is shown shoving 1 game.
De Sosa is an absolute thug. He tried to pick up a chair and bash someone with it.
Why is he a thug? Because he stated pushing swinging back at the KSU players that cleared the bench and started pushing/swinging first?

I’ll give you that the taunt was bs, but that was after the KSU player pulled a bs move to steal the ball as we were dribbling out the clock. It’s even at that point. It was the KSU players who escalated it at that point by clearing the bench and shoving De Sousa. If anybody is a punk, it’s those guys.

Yeah he picked up a chair, then put it back down...the horror!!
KSU player was a freshman. Needed to learn you can’t do that shit in AFH and get away with it.

If DeSousa stands over him for 2 seconds, nothing happens. He stayed over him until the KSU bench cleared and that’s when the shoving started and then things escalated from there.

I’d give DeSousa 3 games. Everyone else who is shown shoving 1 game.

You call that.......Shoving? LOL
LETS BACK IT UP FURTHER, this bush league shit started with Bruce Weber calling for KSU to full court press DOWN 20 to 25pts with 6mins left in the game.

What Desousa and McCormick did in the brawl afterwards was totally unacceptable but the adults leading these teams caused the tension.

The KSU player in street clothes came off the bench to pursue SIlvo, followed by the other bench KSU players to start the physical stuff, its just a better story to leave that part out.

40 minute game bruh. Steal was fine. Block was fine. Acting like an idiot after the block is not fine. That program is out of control. Laughing Y’all gonna drive Self to the league.
You forgot the part about the KSU player stealing the ball as the KU player was dribbling out the clock. He was trying to do the old “steal from a walk-on and dunk it with authority when we’re down 20+ to show what a badass I am“ as time expired, but Silvio DeSousa shut that shit down. He stares him down, which imo was fair in that situation, cause that’s a dick move and like the third time in recent years a KSU player has tried that shit.
Clearly Desousa did no wrong. Once everyone realizes he grabbed that stool to set it down, and then read everyone his favorite bible verse, he will get sportsmen of the year.
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Dickie V just said Silvio should be out the rest of the season....

I still need to take a closer look, but I don’t think anything justifies that. And that’s not because I think they need him. He’s done nothing this season.

Frankly, the team would improve if they replaced him with Lightfoot and/or Wilson.
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They should have picked him up and launched him.

Oh man, if De Sousa had picked up the wheel chair instead of the stool I don't think I'd ever stop laughing.
Most people would say these jokes were totally wrong to make but as a person in a wheelchair I’ll admit that I laughed at both of them. lol
Lol I'm the one putting a spin on this? Most teams don't quit with 6 minutes left but you rationalize all you want.
Jesus...AGAIN, he was pressing our walk-ons with 2 minutes left, down 25.

And then the KSU player steals it when we are dribbling the ball out to end the game. Which is complete Bush league. And Bruce allows this shit. It’s like the 3rd time in recent years a KSTATE player has tried to do this against us as time is expiring, and Bruce has never said anything. Any other coach would have nipped that in the bud a long time ago. Hell, Brennan Green did that a few years back and Self suspended him for a game and ripped him a new one in the post game.
I still need to take a closer look, but I don’t think anything justifies that. And that’s not because I think they need him. He’s done nothing this season.

Frankly, the team would improve if they replaced him with Lightfoot and/or Wilson.

Good point- so I have to ask- do you think Self is thinking the same thing? Sacrifice Silvio's season to show KU is doing the right thing, and making the team better replacing him with Lightfoot or Wilson?
Dick move does not cancel out dick move- ESPN halftime analyst just said Silivo also broke an"unwritten" rule of bball by standing over the KSU player after the block...
After said basketball player broke an unwritten rule that you don’t steal the damn ball as your walk-ons are trying to dribble out the clock.

So two dick moves. Great. Let’s call it even.

It was the KSU players that cleared the bench and went after De Sousa and got physical first.
You forgot the part about the KSU player stealing the ball as the KU player was dribbling out the clock. He was trying to do the old “steal from a walk-on and dunk it with authority when we’re down 20+ to show what a badass I am“ as time expired, but Silvio DeSousa shut that shit down. He stares him down, which imo was fair in that situation, cause that’s a dick move and like the third time in recent years a KSU player has tried that shit.

you sound white trash
Jesus...AGAIN, he was pressing our walk-ons with 2 minutes left, down 25.

And then the KSU player steals it when we are dribbling the ball out to end the game. Which is complete Bush league. And Bruce allows this shit. It’s like the 3rd time in recent years a KSTATE player has tried to do this against us as time is expiring, and Bruce has never said anything. Any other coach would have nipped that in the bud a long time ago. Hell, Brennan Green did that a few years back and Self suspended him for a game and ripped him a new one in the post game.
Didn’t watch the game but if he was pressing your walk ons why was De Sousa in the game?
All these Kansas fans talking about pressing walkons. Y’all know damned well DeSousa ain’t no walk on. Y’all paid good money for him and he let that little dude pick his pocket. Laughing

It’s usually not hard for little dudes to pick big dudes’ pockets, especially when they’re running out the clock.