Again blanket statements. Can you prove that statement or is it opinion, much like Plaschke's comments? That article provides a viewpoint of one guy who clearly hates UK and loves UL. Not exactly unbiased in my view, and he doesn't provide any information like if someone said that to him or where he heard it. Got news for you pal, the 50s-60 were a different time. If you think racism is/was confined to one fanbase you've got your head in the sand. You're gonna believe what you want to believe so I am through with this, but you should probably do some reading, from multiple sources, before spouting blanket statements.
Blanket statement must be BbNs favorite word. And Bill Plashce is one of the most respected sports journalist in America. Just bc he hates UK doesn’t mean that he made up the whole “blackbird” thing. I didn’t even know he was from Louisville till I went looking for ur naive ass some facts about Louisville being referred to as the black birds by racists uk fans. Plasche was living in Louisville, who do u think he heard calling Louisville the blackbirds? Fans of random teams that just so happened to live in Louisville? No, it was UK fans. Effin burden of proof and blanket statements must be the new bbn buzz words.
Go make a post on yalls homeboard and see if any uk fans remember calling Louisville the blackbirds as opposed to the cardinals. See if anyone has the balls to tell the truth, and you’ll see this isn’t something I’m making up. I know the crosses in tubbys lean killed my credibility, but arguing against this is arguing a fact, plain and simple.
And I know the 50/60s were a different time and racism certainly isn’t confined to one fan base, but just like basketball, UK is the King. And it didn’t stop in the 50/60s, we were the black birds to UK fans in the 70s-80s as well.
And I have read a million things outlining blantant racism among uk fans as well as coach rupp, maybe it’s you that has a little catching up to do, bc your right I’m not changing my mind, but if you are a rational person the facts will change yours.
Still waiting on how many times you heard tubby referred to as “that n*****” or “we will never win with a n**** coach” because I live in a town of about 3000 people and I heard it constantly, Hell I heard from older die hard UK fans at church of all places. And I know they grew up in a different era but that doesn’t excuse racism at least not to me.