President Biden has proposed a $6 trillion budget for the fiscal year starting Oct. 1, part of a plan to overhaul the U.S. economy that would also mean running up deficits of at least $1.3 trillion a year for the rest of the decade despite new tax increases on the wealthy.
Funny shit....Biden has propsed one of the largest budgets in a long time----And you are talking about Republicans, "loving to spend"??
I know, I know---THis is different. Its gonna help lower the national debt---Excpet, well, its not.
But hey, its Joe----ANd not Donald---So, I mean, that makes it better.
Donald Trump facilitated the third largest national debt increase in US history. In his 4 years, the national debt increased nearly $8 trillion. In Obama’s 8 years, the national debt increased about $10 trillion. Trump would have only needed 5 years in office to surpass the national debt increase under Obama. If you’ve forgotten, Trump was a Republican and Obama was a Democrat. I could go back further and discuss more Presidents, but you would not like how the results shake out. It has been a longggg longgggg time since the Republican party has practiced fiscal conservatism.
1.3 x 4 = $5.2 trillion
5.2 < 8