We are so sensitive nowadays. We want everyone to feel like victims, or in this case, survivors. Just a bunch of pussies.
There rightfully needs to be pushback. If you cry victim at every unkind word or for every small argument, it begins to dilute the meaning of the word victim. The effect of that is it reduces the compassion that we have available for genuine victims of abuse.
Don't think we should be surprised, though, when our schools are better at teaching victimhood culture than they are at thinking critically.
I can tell you right now, I would pay a lot more attention to actual racist crimes (it would be a lot easier) if people didn't blame race for absolutely everything in todays world.There rightfully needs to be pushback. If you cry victim at every unkind word or for every small argument, it begins to dilute the meaning of the word victim. The effect of that is it reduces the compassion that we have available for genuine victims of abuse.
Don't think we should be surprised, though, when our schools are better at teaching victimhood culture than they are at thinking critically.
I can tell you right now, I would pay a lot more attention to actual racist crimes (it would be a lot easier) if people didn't blame race for absolutely everything in todays world.
It sounds like your public schools sucked.
The left has diluted a lot of words. Sexist, misogynist, xenophobic, homophobic, bigot and racist to name a few.There rightfully needs to be pushback. If you cry victim at every unkind word or for every small argument, it begins to dilute the meaning of the word victim. The effect of that is it reduces the compassion that we have available for genuine victims of abuse.
Don't think we should be surprised, though, when our schools are better at teaching victimhood culture than they are at thinking critically.
He opens himself up to this. The internet is an unforgiving world and he loves to spout his ignorance on the internet.![]()
LeBron James is 'by far' the most trolled athlete in the world, study says
Los Angeles Lakers superstar LeBron James is "by far" the most trolled athlete in the world.www.foxnews.com
Looking at the rankings from US News, my school district is in the 72nd percentile nationally. Halfway decent, at least. My kids go to a charter school which ranks in the 93rd percentile nationally. Obviously inferior to New York, but that's about as good as I can hope for a school in the lowly south.
And I'm talking about present-day schools. There's been a major shift in teachings methods in just the past 10 years.
If u dont think America has been pussified over the last say 30-40 years, your in fantasy land. If our grandparents could re-incarnate in their prime, theyd start a revolution/civil war with america.The ol’ ‘pussification of America” rhetoric. Got it.
Everybody else is just changing their tampon while Ghost is out here rolling up his sleeves and getting down to business.
What is the major shift in the last 10 years? I don’t think schools were teaching about the perils of communism and just stopped. I don’t think teachers were not discussing their political ideologies and then suddenly started pushing them on kids. You weren’t allowed to bully kids. I’d think you’re still not allowed to bully kids.
Idk, I just don’t see some monumental shift. Shitty common core curriculums are the biggest change I can think of. But my kids aren’t school-age yet. Then again, kids’ accounts of what happened in school aren’t the most reliable.
ftr, my school was a shitty school. Idk where it ranks nationally but we had student teachers tell us there was some kind of benefit to them teaching there because it ranked so poorly. My initial point about your public school sucking had to do with the comment that you didn’t learn much about the Soviet Union. Even at my shitty school, we had whole units on communism, and it wasn’t discussed favorably. “Communism = bad” was pretty much the gist of it.
I don’t know what ‘teaching/promoting victimhood culture’ looks like in schools or what that means. Is this like a student counselor coddling them type thing? Critical thinking was a pretty big part of learning. I can’t imagine learning something without also learning how to critically think. Is critical thought outlawed now?
If u dont think America has been pussified over the last say 30-40 years, your in fantasy land. If our grandparents could re-incarnate in their prime, theyd start a revolution/civil war with america.
January 6th was Pearl Harbor to these poor, coddled congressmen and journalists. I am not terribly older than lil brooke, but he is definitely a young soul too innocent to see the difference in today's society vs 20+ years ago. On 9/11 everyone, including journalists were rushed out of the capitol building in fear that terrorists were going to fly commercial jets into the building. I don't think any of them donated the clothes they were wearing to the Smithsonian. Again, lol. Maybe they did, idk. But they were anxious to get back to work. None of this sensationalism that has taken over politics and journalism over the past 10 or so years.If u dont think America has been pussified over the last say 30-40 years, your in fantasy land. If our grandparents could re-incarnate in their prime, theyd start a revolution/civil war with america.
-Anti-Racism/CRT agendas are infiltrating the curriculum (check out Christopher Rufos Twitter for hundreds of leaked documents).
-Bigger/Stronger teacher unions which heavily tilt towards the left
-Teachers that can't separate facts from opinions; they propagandize material in a way to normalize their views and say that it's not political
-Freedom of thought is discouraged when teachers openly share what they think is the correct interpretation of an idea. And yes, this absolutely happens. I know dozens of conservatives that have written papers on what they thought the teacher would like to hear, instead of what they truly felt.
Not all teachers engage in this, of course, but there is a growing trend of them that are using the tactics of propaganda and suppression (i.e. wrongthink) to point students towards a certain political direction, whether they realize it or not.
Kids today are much more likely to develop a victim mentality. Perhaps social media is more to blame for that. Perhaps it's a combination of several factors. My mom sat in a class recently and heard a teacher ask her class if any of her students have had grievances with friends putting them down, or parents not spending time with them, and 20 other examples of why others are responsible for them not succeeding. Eventually, everyone in the class was raising their hands. So, yeah, seemed like the teacher was okay with passing on the blame to others for their failures. Maybe that isn't common, but that's kind of what the Anti-Racism/CRT movement is encouraging. Let's blame society, and not ourselves. Basically saying that a policy in the governor's house, or the White House, is more influential than what happens in our own house. No one would admit that, certainly, but that's what the underlying message is.
January 6th was Pearl Harbor to these poor, coddled congressmen and journalists. I am not terribly older than lil brooke, but he is definitely a young soul too innocent to see the difference in today's society vs 20+ years ago. On 9/11 everyone, including journalists were rushed out of the capitol building in fear that terrorists were going to fly commercial jets into the building. I don't think any of them donated the clothes they were wearing to the Smithsonian. Again, lol. Maybe they did, idk. But they were anxious to get back to work. None of this sensationalism that has taken over politics and journalism over the past 10 or so years.
This is your way of deflecting from the actual point. I don't think we've reached our golden years, since you asked. I think the social focus from the progressive left is steering us further away from them, though. I do think that people worked harder, not even that long ago, than they do today. They at least had better ethics. If you don’t think today's next generation is a more lazy and entitled generation, then you are a fool. I know the last generation said the same thing, and they were right. And the one before them. Problem is, now we have the social aspects where a political movement is trying to manipulate the population by telling them that they deserve things that used to be earned. They try to divide the population through social issues as well by telling one demographic that they are oppressed due to their ancestors' plights and that another demographic is their oppressors because of their ancestors' sins. Only a blind idiot denies this.I think you have a warped sense of the past.
You probably view the 50’s like a golden era where men were men and women were women and everybody worked hard with no handouts.
This is your way of deflecting from the actual point. I don't think we've reached our golden years, since you asked. I think the social focus from the progressive left is steering us further away from them, though. I do think that people worked harder, not even that long ago, than they do today. They at least had better ethics. If you don’t think today's next generation is a more lazy and entitled generation, then you are a fool. I know the last generation said the same thing, and they were right. And the one before them. Problem is, now we have the social aspects where a political movement is trying to manipulate the population by telling them that they deserve things that used to be earned. They try to divide the population through social issues as well by telling one demographic that they are oppressed due to their ancestors' plights and that another demographic is their oppressors because of their ancestors' sins. Only a blind idiot denies this.
-Anti-Racism/CRT agendas are infiltrating the curriculum (check out Christopher Rufos Twitter for hundreds of leaked documents).
-Bigger/Stronger teacher unions which heavily tilt towards the left
-Teachers that can't separate facts from opinions; they propagandize material in a way to normalize their views and say that it's not political
-Freedom of thought is discouraged when teachers openly share what they think is the correct interpretation of an idea. And yes, this absolutely happens. I know dozens of conservatives that have written papers on what they thought the teacher would like to hear, instead of what they truly felt.
Not all teachers engage in this, of course, but there is a growing trend of them that are using the tactics of propaganda and suppression (i.e. wrongthink) to point students towards a certain political direction, whether they realize it or not.
Kids today are much more likely to develop a victim mentality. Perhaps social media is more to blame for that. Perhaps it's a combination of several factors. My mom sat in a class recently and heard a teacher ask her class if any of her students have had grievances with friends putting them down, or parents not spending time with them, and 20 other examples of why others are responsible for them not succeeding. Eventually, everyone in the class was raising their hands. So, yeah, seemed like the teacher was okay with passing on the blame to others for their failures. Maybe that isn't common, but that's kind of what the Anti-Racism/CRT movement is encouraging. Let's blame society, and not ourselves. Basically saying that a policy in the governor's house, or the White House, is more influential than what happens in our own house. No one would admit that, certainly, but that's what the underlying message is.
Kinda crazy we have such a diverse country and expect for everyone to have the same political theories.
oughta split the Mississippi, right for reps left for dems. Not like states loke new york have anything in common with iowa or florida and oregon or texas and michigan.
then have like a euro nation type deal. Cut out all the sinceless bickering that keeps stuff from getting done.
^^^^^ never heard that but it makes sense.
I'm so sick of hearing about this shit every other week. Just keep everyone in the locker room until it's time to play.
"critical race theorist" aka racist kunt.
I'm so sick of hearing about this shit every other week. Just keep everyone in the locker room until it's time to play.
Sit this one out.Fossil fuel companies should not be receiving subsidies. Gas prices are higher because OPEC decided so. Taxing US has companies doesn’t have anything to do with that. They’d still be able to compete. Alternative energy is the key to energy independence, which we all want.
Sit this one out.
Critical race theory, as it was initially created is great. Study how US laws may impact different races differently, etc.... Sounds fine.
White people are the devil and inherently racist, etc... doesn't seem the same.