Place to put my Nonsense Thread.

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I’ll go through the bullet points then get to your paragraphs after my drive home.

- CRT has merit. It should go through the proper channels to be added to the curriculum. I think the history of racism being taught traditionally ends with “MLK Jr. got black people civil rights and now everything is good.” That’s probably not sufficient.

- I don’t like unions. Teacher unions have always had quite a bit of power, iirc.

- These types of teachers aren’t common and aren’t more common.

- This cuts both directions. Most primary school papers are on facts, not opinion, though. Most papers in general are on facts rather than opinions. English papers are probably the exception. I’d be interested to learn what topics they were writing about that they felt had to be slanted to favor the teacher’s bias. Business/economics tends to have a Right lean, so it’s unlikely it would occur there. English, maybe, but you’re usually just analyzing novels. History, perhaps? History teachers tend to be bigger on the facts of history though, in my experience; not a lot of wiggle room for opinion.

CRT does not have merit. If you want to teach history, fine, teach that, by all means. CRT, on the other hand, is not history, but rather a theory. CRT is closer to be propaganda than it is to actually addressing historical facts. It's a very broad subject and I understand people have all sorts of interpretations of what it actually means. What matters more than anything is what the teachers are actually presenting in the classroom.

Twitter is littered with stories like the videos below. Yes, teachers may not think they're addressing political issues, but they often are (i.e. normalizing an idea that is overtly political). These are not isolated incidents. Parents are worried that social justice literature is taking precedence over the core elements of a quality education. To pretend that the liberal bias is minimal or neutral is unbelievably naïve. The funny thing is, far right activists generally are not respected or admired in the public eye, but the opposite can't be said for far left activists. They can hold important positions of power in academia, express their views, and not face any backlash. The time to push back is long overdue.

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CRT does not have merit. If you want to teach history, fine, teach that, by all means. CRT, on the other hand, is not history, but rather a theory. CRT is closer to be propaganda than it is to actually addressing historical facts. It's a very broad subject and I understand people have all sorts of interpretations of what it actually means. What matters more than anything is what the teachers are actually presenting in the classroom.

Twitter is littered with stories like the videos below. Yes, teachers may not think they're addressing political issues, but they often are (i.e. normalizing an idea that is overtly political). These are not isolated incidents. Parents are worried that social justice literature is taking precedence over the core elements of a quality education. To pretend that the liberal bias is minimal or neutral is unbelievably naïve. The funny thing is, far right activists generally are not respected or admired in the public eye, but the opposite can't be said for far left activists. They can hold important positions of power in academia, express their views, and not face any backlash. The time to push back is long overdue.

Wow, that 9 year old is a firecracker.
CRT does not have merit. If you want to teach history, fine, teach that, by all means. CRT, on the other hand, is not history, but rather a theory. CRT is closer to be propaganda than it is to actually addressing historical facts. It's a very broad subject and I understand people have all sorts of interpretations of what it actually means. What matters more than anything is what the teachers are actually presenting in the classroom.

Twitter is littered with stories like the videos below. Yes, teachers may not think they're addressing political issues, but they often are (i.e. normalizing an idea that is overtly political). These are not isolated incidents. Parents are worried that social justice literature is taking precedence over the core elements of a quality education. To pretend that the liberal bias is minimal or neutral is unbelievably naïve. The funny thing is, far right activists generally are not respected or admired in the public eye, but the opposite can't be said for far left activists. They can hold important positions of power in academia, express their views, and not face any backlash. The time to push back is long overdue.

Those videos don’t really prove anything though, right? There are kids who think regular sex education is blasphemy. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t teach kids about safe sex and STI’s. Likewise, her objection to teaching students about gender identity or sexuality isn’t best decided by her feelings on the matter. Furthermore, there shouldn’t be anything political about gender identity/sexuality.

Current events are also very important to discuss in schools. It’s the best place to discuss them. The BLM movement, like it or not, is a significant current event. Schools shouldn’t just ignore it because it’s controversial. Again, black lives mattering shouldn’t be political.

Are schools replacing core education elements or topics with social justice propaganda? Unlikely.

Right wing activists might get less attention because they’re more wrong than Left wing activists. Unbiased thought is unlikely to be in the exact middle of the two at any given time. Pivoting back to education, what Right wing topics are struck down in schools? What are the Right wing talking points that aren’t discussed? Capitalism gets a lot of attention in school. I presume immigration is covered in historical and current terms. Nationalism/isolationism gets its shine. Religion is a no-no and gun ed is probably a bad idea. Is that it? Religion and guns?

CRT does have merit. It’s simply looking at history through a different lens. It doesn’t replace or supersede the existing core history topics. It doesn’t and shouldn’t teach ‘whitey bad, blacky good.’
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Kid at the end killed it too, all of em did honestly.

Amazing how children can so easily see problems the people we elect to run the government cant see smdh.
Those videos don’t really prove anything though, right? There are kids who think regular sex education is blasphemy. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t teach kids about safe sex and STI’s. Likewise, her objection to teaching students about gender identity or sexuality isn’t best decided by her feelings on the matter. Furthermore, there shouldn’t be anything political about gender identity/sexuality.

Current events are also very important to discuss in schools. It’s the best place to discuss them. The BLM movement, like it or not, is a significant current event. Schools shouldn’t just ignore it because it’s controversial. Again, black lives mattering shouldn’t be political.

Are schools replacing core education elements or topics with social justice propaganda? Unlikely.

Right wing activists might get less attention because they’re more wrong than Left wing activists. Unbiased thought is unlikely to be in the exact middle of the two at any given time. Pivoting back to education, what Right wing topics are struck down in schools? What are the Right wing talking points that aren’t discussed? Capitalism gets a lot of attention in school. I presume immigration is covered in historical and current terms. Nationalism/isolationism gets its shine. Religion is a no-no and gun ed is probably a bad idea. Is that it? Religion and guns?

CRT does have merit. It’s simply looking at history through a different lens. It doesn’t replace or supersede the existing core history topics. It doesn’t and shouldn’t teach ‘whitey bad, blacky good.’
Did u watch the last one? A teacher telling students dems care about all people and reps only care about themselves?

Or u cant hang an All Lives Matter sign bc white ppl got it pretty good right now? Like damn dude just have fun defending that blatant nonsense.

thats the damn definition of what ghost is saying.
She would beat the shit out of Greta Thunberg.

Speaking of indoctrination, you guys who say Greta was brainwashed/indoctrinated by her parents see how the parents of these kids likely did the same thing, yes? That can’t be lost on you.
Did u watch the last one? A teacher telling students dems care about all people and reps only care about themselves?

Or u cant hang an All Lives Matter sign bc white ppl got it pretty good right now? Like damn dude just have fun defending that blatant nonsense.

thats the damn definition of what ghost is saying.

Some teachers will say crazy shit. That’s been true for a long time. And kids are the most unreliable of witnesses. If a 40 year old and a 14 year old witness a murder, the 40 year old is probably going to be the one the cops want to talk to. “Batman came in and shot the guy with laser beams” is probably not going to help the police catch the perp.

Who the hell knows how that conversation went. Do we have the teacher’s side? Both would have reason to lie, anyway.
As far as the question posed to him, I’m searching for the video to see what was actually asked. That video is conveniently edited. We’ve seen a lot of cases before of somebody distorting what was said prior to the video they posted.
Here, I'll give you a recap----He's gonna tax the shit out gas companies---At the tune of $90 Billion a year. What the **** does it matter what the fukin question was....??

JFC, you go to all circles to defend this assclown.
Here, I'll give you a recap----He's gonna tax the shit out gas companies---At the tune of $90 Billion a year. What the **** does it matter what the fukin question was....??

JFC, you go to all circles to defend this assclown.

Removing their subsidies is good. I’m on board with it. He’s removing their tax breaks, not increasing their tax rate. At least, that’s where the $90 billion figure is coming from.

I’m in favor of taking away tax breaks for most corporations. You’re not?
Removing their subsidies is good. I’m on board with it. He’s removing their tax breaks, not increasing g their tax rate. At least, that’s where the $90 billion figure is coming from.

I’m in favor of taking away tax breaks for most corporations. You’re not?
Guess who pays the difference? Yes, that's right, the consumer.
Removing their subsidies is good. I’m on board with it. He’s removing their tax breaks, not increasing g their tax rate. At least, that’s where the $90 billion figure is coming from.

I’m in favor of taking away tax breaks for most corporations. You’re not?
At what cost? And split hairs however you like----removing this, or increasing that---It doesn't matter. At the end of the day, who do you think the gas companies are gonna pass this off to? Yeah, thats right, Brooky---Me and you, brother. They will simply raise prices to offset the loss.
8 pennies per gallon x 20 gallons x 26 fill-ups a year = An extra $42 a year out of your pocket because Biden likes to sniff little girls.

Well the time value of money on the monthly child tax credit makes up for it. So I break even and large oil companies pay their fair share in taxes while reducing the national debt. That’s a W in my book.
Boy----THis administration has a lot of folk blind folded. For sure.
At what cost? And split hairs however you like----removing this, or increasing that---It doesn't matter. At the end of the day, who do you think the gas companies are gonna pass this off to? Yeah, thats right, Brooky---Me and you, brother. They will simply raise prices to offset the loss.

So they raise prices a little bit. You care that much about an extra dime per gallon? $2 more per fill-up is breaking the bank?
Well the time value of money on the monthly child tax credit makes up for it. So I break even and large oil companies pay their fair share in taxes while reducing the national debt. That’s a W in my book.
Reducing national debt...LOL. Good one!
Well the time value of money on the monthly child tax credit makes up for it. So I break even and large oil companies pay their fair share in taxes while reducing the national debt. That’s a W in my book.
WHo do you think suffers when large companies, oil, etc, etc...are taxed larger amounts, or lose tax credits? We do. Its a doubled-edge sword. All I know, is everything has went up. Avg gas price under Trump was $2.49. Its now at $3.29, here.

I get it.....Big bad companies. Blah, blah.blah...Let me ask, though. What impacts you more----Less tax, or more?

Bidens tax ideas are fukin scary..
I could untie yours if you’d just hold still
Riiiiight. Its funny, TBH. Really is. I oft wonder---Does Brooky watch/listen to the same President I do?

Honestly, Brooky. Can you not admit how fragile he(Biden) is? How protected he is, b/c of how fragile he is? Look what happens when he goes off script...He walks as if he's had a stroke---More of a shuffle, TBH. I mean, seriously. How can you watch him walk, speak, and not be concerned?
WHo do you think suffers when large companies, oil, etc, etc...are taxed larger amounts, or lose tax credits? We do. Its a doubled-edge sword. All I know, is everything has went up. Avg gas price under Trump was $2.49. Its now at $3.29, here.

I get it.....Big bad companies. Blah, blah.blah...Let me ask, though. What impacts you more----Less tax, or more?

Bidens tax ideas are fukin scary..

Gas prices started rising while Trump was still in office. Economist consensus is that OPEC’s restrictions on supply and the winding down of the pandemic (increased demand) have caused the uptick in gas prices.

I’m curious. Which Biden policies do you think have caused gas prices to increase? Or is this more of a, ‘well, he’s President so it must be his polices causing it’ thing?
Gas prices started rising while Trump was still in office. Economist consensus is that OPEC’s restrictions on supply and the winding down of the pandemic (increased demand) have caused the uptick in gas prices.

I’m curious. Which Biden policies do you think have caused gas prices to increase? Or is this more of a, ‘well, he’s President so it must be his polices causing it’ thing?
Are you suggesting the President shouldn't be blamed for everything?
Oh right, you’re a Republican and your Presidents love spending money because we can just print more.
President Biden has proposed a $6 trillion budget for the fiscal year starting Oct. 1, part of a plan to overhaul the U.S. economy that would also mean running up deficits of at least $1.3 trillion a year for the rest of the decade despite new tax increases on the wealthy.

Funny shit....Biden has propsed one of the largest budgets in a long time----And you are talking about Republicans, "loving to spend"??


I know, I know---THis is different. Its gonna help lower the national debt---Excpet, well, its not.

But hey, its Joe----ANd not Donald---So, I mean, that makes it better.
Would you rather have your tax rate increase to generate more tax revenue or large corporations get fewer tax breaks?
What you don't understand Brooky, is when large coops gets fewer tax breaks, that falls in our laps..
Gas prices started rising while Trump was still in office. Economist consensus is that OPEC’s restrictions on supply and the winding down of the pandemic (increased demand) have caused the uptick in gas prices.

I’m curious. Which Biden policies do you think have caused gas prices to increase? Or is this more of a, ‘well, he’s President so it must be his polices causing it’ thing?
🤣....Funny shit, right here. Trump was blamed for everything. But give your dude some grief, and well, this is the answer we get..🤣.

Man the irony---And the hypocrisy...Just, wow.