I was just pointing out that in the context of US government spending, $10 million is zero dollars

I was just pointing out that in the context of US government spending, $10 million is zero dollars
Does libs just like to hand out money? "meh, it's less than a drop in a bucket, who cares what we spend it on".I edited the post to expound.
$10 million is a drop in the bucket, except it’s less than a drop in the bucket.
I was just pointing out that in the context of US government spending, $10 million is zero dollars
That was just a small example of funds that libs love to give away for "foreign aid" as opposed to spending it here, where there are a million and one potential uses for it.I was just pointing out that in the context of US government spending, $10 million is zero dollars. Jeff Bezos is a very wealthy guy. His wealth is a small fraction of the country’s wealth. If he wouldn’t notice $10 million missing or $10 million in damage, the US government isn’t going to care about $10 million. So who cares what it gets spent on.
My issue with the girl that was abused was more with the white privilege talking points. She had a horrible childhood, clearly. And some teachers feel empowered to collectively judge a group of individuals. That's my biggest issue with CRT and other related topics. It collectively judges people, instead of advocating for individualism.
A key CRT concept is intersectionality, which emphasizes that race can intersect with other identities (such as gender and class) to produce complex combinations of power and disadvantage. Yet, if you keep fragmenting out further and further - say, wealth, attractiveness, intelligence, ability to socialize w/o anxiety, etc, the more you fragment out, the closer you get to a unique individual. And that is the proper way to look at things. CRT contends that colorblind laws aren't enough and we need to proactively redress what neutral laws can't address (i.e. fighting discrimination with discrimination).
You mention current events issues, such as BLM. Saying black lives matter is not controversial, of course (did anyone ever say, “black lives don’t matter??). And for that matter, saying all lives matter shouldn’t be controversial, either, since it's all-inclusive. Pretty sure bad stuff happens to people of all races. Would be fine to have discussions in class, except for the fact that there’s a heavy liberal bias which would invariably lead to intimidation factors, suppressing actual free thought. I don’t think most teachers could talk about these issues without being overtly political.
CRT has strong ties to Marxism. No, it doesn't need to be taught. It's propaganda. Here's what Britannica says on it.
Critical race theory (CRT) was officially organized in 1989, at the first annual Workshop on Critical Race Theory, though its intellectual origins go back much farther, to the 1960s and ’70s. Its immediate precursor was the critical legal studies (CLS) movement, which dedicated itself to examining how the law and legal institutions serve the interests of the wealthy and powerful at the expense of the poor and marginalized. (CLS, an offshoot of Marxist-oriented critical theory, may also be viewed as a radicalization of early 20th-century legal realism, a school of legal philosophy according to which judicial decision making, especially at the appellate level, is influenced as much by nonlegal—political or ideological—factors as by precedent and principles of legal reasoning.
And here's what some CRT scholars have said:
Karen Pyke: Authority and power in all aspects of society contribute to feelings of inequality.
Ibram X. Kendi: The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.
Richard Delgado: Critical race theorists (or “crits,” as they are sometimes called) hold that color blindness will allow us to redress only extremely egregious racial harms, ones that everyone would notice and condemn. But if racism is embedded in our thought processes and social structures as deeply as many crits believe, then the “ordinary business” of society—the routines, practices, and institutions that we rely on to effect the world’s work—will keep minorities in subordinate positions. Only aggressive, color-conscious efforts to change the way things are will do much to ameliorate misery.
Barbara Applebaum: “Wildman and Davis, for instance, contend that white supremacy is a system of oppression and privilege that all white people benefit from. Therefore, all white people “…are racist in this use of the term, because we benefit from systemic white privilege. Generally whites think of racism as voluntary, intentional conduct done by horrible others. Whites spend a lot of time trying to convince ourselves and each other that we are not racist. A big step would be for whites to admit that we are racist and then to consider what to do about it.”
Robin DiAngelo: “…a positive white identity is an impossible goal. White identity is inherently racist; white people do not exist outside the system of white supremacy.”
Does libs just like to hand out money? "meh, it's less than a drop in a bucket, who cares what we spend it on".
Apologize in advance if my paraphrasing is not what you're saying.
I just listed the gender studies funding because it is so outlandishly stupid. There are plenty of other things liberals spend a hell of a lot more money on, overseas, with US taxpayer money.$10 million doesn’t mean anything. Libs might spend it trying to teach dolphins that rape is bad. Cons would spend it on one half of one really cool missile, or something dumber like a fence along the border.
When you find a penny on the sidewalk with bird crap on it, do you pick it up?
I've actually debated if it's worth picking up a penny. Would you take a job where you picked up a penny all day? You can keep everyone. So what is the worth of bending over?$10 million doesn’t mean anything. Libs might spend it trying to teach dolphins that rape is bad. Cons would spend it on one half of one really cool missile, or something dumber like a fence along the border.
When you find a penny on the sidewalk with bird crap on it, do you pick it up?
I've actually debated if it's worth picking up a penny. Would you take a job where you picked up a penny all day? You can keep everyone. So what is the worth of bending over?
No one says black lives don't matter. The fraction of the people in this country that really do believe black lives don't matter are scum. You are, after all, all about fractions, right?CRT doesn’t suppress free thought.
The meaning of white privilege is too often misconstrued. It doesn’t mean that a white person can’t have a shitty life or that the factors contributing to that shitty life don’t matter or matter less.
All Lives Matter can be offensive, depending on context, because it’s typically not intended to promote equality. Its intent was to combat the idea that Black lives matter as much as other lives. BLM was never that Black Lives matter more; it was/is a response to a pretty clear trend (I know, I know, your stats say police are fair) of Black lives not mattering as much. BLM shouldn’t be offensive because it’s not putting down any other race. In comparison, All Lives Matter can be offensive because it’s intended to shout down those speaking up about racial inequality.
Oh you mean a measly $120 million for tanks? Drop in the bucket. It's like a penny to you or me. Did I do that right?Didn’t the Republicans spend a butt ton of money on tanks years ago that every US general said we have zero use for?
Idk, what’s worse? Spending some dough so poor countries learn what a gay is or spending a lot of money on stuff nobody wants or needs? Oh right, jobs.
No one says black lives don't matter. The fraction of the people in this country that really do believe black lives don't matter are scum. You are, after all, all about fractions, right?
That's why the group is a joke and hard to take serious. Its the biggest "Oh woah is me" scam ever.
Oh you mean a measly $120 million for tanks? Drop in the bucket. It's like a penny to you or me. Did I do that right?
Literally doesn't change my point at all. Fine, no one walks around treating people like black folks don't matter. The fraction that do are scum. But according to you fractions of groups aren't big deals. So which one is it?What people say and how they act are two different things. Cops that are more likely to engage Black folks and more likely to escalate arrests with them and more likely to assault them and more likely to kill them, aren’t walking around shouting “Black people don’t matter” from the rooftops.
Border wall certainly doesn't work since it's not complete and people just funnel in around it. 😆 Biden hugs and sniffs each one as they enter illegally.Drop for drop. So we agree it’s dumb to complain about spending that is inconsequential?
(btw, I deleted that post because I had to dig deeper into that spending bill because Dems did vote in favor of it. Full disclosure. The tank thing was added by the Republicans but I figured that would make the waters too murky. Was going to find a better example. Wanted to go with the dumb border fence that doesn’t/can’t work but people like that dumb fence.)
Literally doesn't change my point at all. Fine, no one walks around treating people like black folks don't matter. The fraction that do are scum. But according to you fractions of groups aren't big deals. So which one is it?
Border wall certainly doesn't work since it's not complete and people just funnel in around it. 😆 Biden hugs and sniffs each one as they enter illegally.
Give me a break. Just so I'm clear, "fraction" of protestors rioted and destroyed people's businesses and personal property. Brooky doesn't care. Fraction of police officers don't care about black lives. Brooky cares.One police officer will interact with hundreds of people in a community in a given year. When you have a few really bad apples in a police department, that’s no longer a fraction of encounters. When you have entire policing strategies or training environments centered around targeting Black people, that’s not going to be a fraction of encounters.
Oh well, it was only supposed to cost $20 billion anyway, which would be a drop in the bucket for Biden's 2022 proposed $6 trillion budget. It's that quarter you saw on the ground, but walked right past because it wasn't worth picking up.It was a) never going to be completed. b) it does a terrible job of being a fence. People go over it and through it without a lot of difficulty. Turns out, fences don’t work. Go figure.
The meaning of white privilege is too often misconstrued. It doesn’t mean that a white person can’t have a shitty life or that the factors contributing to that shitty life don’t matter or matter less.
All Lives Matter can be offensive, depending on context, because it’s typically not intended to promote equality. Its intent was to combat the idea that Black lives matter as much as other lives. BLM was never that Black Lives matter more; it was/is a response to a pretty clear trend (I know, I know, your stats say police are fair) of Black lives not mattering as much. BLM shouldn’t be offensive because it’s not putting down any other race. In comparison, All Lives Matter can be offensive because it’s intended to shout down those speaking up about racial inequality.
Give me a break. Just so I'm clear, "fraction" of protestors rioted and destroyed people's businesses and personal property. Brooky doesn't care. Fraction of police officers don't care about black lives. Brooky cares.
In all seriousness, itt you have made some strong counter points to the group of us Pubs on here. But this is being awful blind and biased. Any moderate person would be able to see the flaws of your position.
Oh well, it was only supposed to cost $20 billion anyway, which would be a drop in the bucket for Biden's 2022 proposed $6 trillion budget. It's that quarter you saw on the ground, but walked right past because it wasn't worth picking up.
I never said black lives matter was offensive. It's not. But, all lives matter should not be offensive, either. If only crappy things happened to black people, then perhaps the 'all lives matter' counterpoint could accurately be labeled offensive. But, that's a far cry from reality.
But BLM is intended to promote equality? 😆All Lives Matter can be offensive, depending on context, because it’s typically not intended to promote equality.
Bc they are children who might not understand why its okay to have blm or asian lives matter or any race other than white lives matter or all lives matter. Watch the video of the oldest boy again, if u ever did the first time.Why would it make them feel like their life doesn’t matter?
Right; so CRT, based on that, appears to be a far less radical version of Marxist thought. Socialist elements have been engrained in American law for 100 years or so, so some of it has merit. Many of those blurbs make good sense. Some of the opinions (not tenets of CRT itself) are a bit too extreme or poorly worded.
This doesn’t look like propaganda.
Why the huge uproar from libs then?Yes, you are proving my point
Bc they are children who might not understand why its okay to have blm or asian lives matter or any race other than white lives matter or all lives matter. Watch the video of the oldest boy again, if u ever did the first time.
We are talking about police officers that treat black people differently than other races. In context, yes, it is absolutely a fraction. A small number in the grand scheme of things. We will agree to disagree on that. The internet said it so it must be true. Things never get exaggerated on that place.Enough Black people feel from their life experience that they are treated as if their lives matter less that they mobilized across the country in tens of thousands to protest injustice in person. Hundreds of thousands of Black people expressed similar feelings online, along with millions of people irrespective of race. That’s not a fraction.
Some people wanted to claim they were riots instead of protests because after the protestors went home for the night hundreds of people across the country went out to cause damage.
So we have:
A large percentage of Black people feel they’re treated unjustly = Brooky cares
A small percentage of people rioted = Brooky doesn’t care (but Brooky says don’t riot. Rioting is bad)
A small percentage of cops police Black people differently (worse) than white people = Brooky cares (but Brooky doesn’t think all cops are bad)
Dumb. Yes, this is propaganda, just by the very definiton.
The very first definition of propaganda says: "information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view."
Richard Delgado, a co-founder of the theory, defined it in 2017 as "a collection of activists and scholars interested in studying and transforming the relationship among race, racism, and power."
"The theory [is] radical in the sense that it questions fundamental assumptions ... And unlike some strands of academic and legal thought, critical race theory has an open and activist agenda, with an emphasis on storytelling and personal experience. It's about righting wrongs, not just questing after knowledge."
You are all smelly buttholes
They are literally yelling at the skies how crazy they are, and people will still take BLM seriously.But BLM is intended to promote equality? 😆
Let me just leave this right here, from the founder of BLM Louisville:
1. White people, if you don’t have any descendants, will your property to a black or brown family. Preferably one that lives in generational poverty.
2. White people, if you’re inheriting property you intend to sell upon acceptance, give it to a black or brown family. You’re bound to make that money in some other white privileged way.
3. If you are a developer or realty owner of multi-family housing, build a sustainable complex in a black or brown blighted neighborhood and let black and brown people live in it for free.
4. White people, if you can afford to downsize, give up the home you own to a black or brown family. Preferably a family from generational poverty.
5. White people, if any of the people you intend to leave your property to are racists assholes, change the will, and will your property to a black or brown family. Preferably a family from generational poverty.
6. White people, re-budget your monthly so you can donate to black funds for land purchasing.
7. White people, especially white women (because this is yaw specialty — Nosey Jenny and Meddling Kathy), get a racist fired. Yaw know what the **** they be saying. You are complicit when you ignore them. Get your boss fired cause they racist too.
8. Backing up No. 7, this should be easy but all those sheetless Klan, Nazi’s and Other lil’ dick-white men will all be returning to work. Get they ass fired. Call the police even: they look suspicious.
9. OK, backing up No. 8, if any white person at your work, or as you enter in spaces and you overhear a white person praising the actions from yesterday, first, get a pic. Get their name and more info. Hell, find out where they work — Get Them Fired. But certainly address them, and, if you need to, you got hands: use them.
10. Commit to two things: Fighting white supremacy where and how you can (this doesn’t mean taking up knitting, unless you’re making scarves for black and brown kids in need), and funding black and brown people and their work.
#RunUsOurLand #Reparations #YouGonLearnToday #RunUsOurMoney •
But it’s not misleading...
All information is biased.
We are talking about police officers that treat black people differently than other races. In context, yes, it is absolutely a fraction. A small number in the grand scheme of things. We will agree to disagree on that. The internet said it so it must be true. Things never get exaggerated on that place.
"Hey Joe, did you hear Mike got beat up by the police yesterday?"
"No I didn't, but since you're telling me he did, let me go post online and share the horror that Mike surely encountered"
Thats nonsense. If you want to say the rioters were smaller than we are making them out to be, fine. Doesn't bother me. I just need consistency.