No... I do not, but understand you don't leave your keys in a vehicle unless it's in your garage. What you did was beyond stupid, even after the woman you live with warned you..... Waste of time for police that have better things to do than to tend to a dumb ass... Yet you want to criticize how they handled it?
Not walking on water... Just wading thru your bull shit..
One thing, I live in a very nice area---Nothing around...No houses...No other apartments...Nothing. Been here a year---never had an issue. Nothing. No vandalism...No break-in's....No thefts....Nadda. Zero. Our complex is very well lit, with multiple camera's...Police actually set up on the other side of a fence, looking for speeders...
Was it stupid? Naaaah. Stupid is playing in traffic..Was it irresponsible? Probably. But again, given the circumstances, I never thought anythng would happen. Should I have went out to the truck, and locked it? Yep. But since I didn't, in your opinion that,
A) gives some wandering crack head from Ohio, the right to steal my vehicle,
B) Makes it ok for the police to do a half ass job? They could have caught this dude right, then and there...There were 4 knives and 9mm shells, in the truck...Needles...Meth...Two car titles from Plainfield, Indiana and Louisville...About 10 backpacks, full of ID's....and credit/debit cards.
They passed on that. Rather stupid or not, you don't just shrug at someting like that. This dude could've killed someone next time around----He has a rap sheet dating back to the 80's---multiple car thefts....attempted murder---robbery...
And b/c I did something "stupid", it was ok for police to just walk away?
Yeah OK, there slick...