When the stats are based upon a play by play analysis of that video, maybe disagreeing with reality is the moronic thing to do.
(Disagreeing with the fact that Keegan > Kofi would be moronic, I agree.)
Of course, asking an Iowa fan to self reflect on their basketball intelligence is the equivalent of asking a peanut to run a mile.
(Why do we need to reflect on our own self-intelligence when we know we're smarter than the Illini fans constantly trying to compare themselves to others by making sports intelligence jokes that nobody finds funny...........amirite? Isn't that how you do it?......just, ya know.....just say something like 'nobody finds your joke funny' and that immediately puts the person that posted said unfunny joke in their place?.......
Looking forward to the Iowa > blank post that for some reason you still think someone will find funny.
(What I find funny is that you still think that I only do that as a means to get a few people to laugh.....which they do, but that's besides the point.