Bo’s worst conf. records were 9-7 and 10-8.Crazy, really. Izzo has never had a losing record in the Big 10. Thats nuts..
Need Cowan to come alive
Thought the Turge 2nd half collapse was going to start at MSU. I was only off by two games.hopefully nobody on Saturday goes for a career high like tonight and this past Sunday
Pitino jr should be fired for this one
Dude did not brick those free throws. Christ Minny free throw misses tossed that one away.Pitino jr should be fired for this one
Jesus how doesn’t he put someone on the ball there after Michigan last year.Fvck this is going to suck when Oturu hits this game winner
Lickliter finally just got a job at Evansville. All it took was the actual head coach getting fired for some Title IX and them having no coach in the middle of the season. Lickliter didn't have to move or anything.That’s all she wrote for Pitino. Hopefully he’s invested his money well because this dude may not coach anywhere for a long time.
Morsell can’t make a lay up, but chucks one in from Wisconsin.6/27