AAU is defense is optional and only showcases the stars on certain teams that these evaluators pay attention to ignoring 90% of the other players, after the 1st 25, the next are hard to judge out of the 1000's of players as to who is a 2*, 3* and 4*'s its why teams like WSU, Butler and even Illinois-Chicago reach the FF,I also don’t think AAU is the devil like some but it’s pretty garbage basketball all things considered.
ITS the coaches that spend countless hours watching and evaluating players that FIT THEIR SYSTEM whose opinions that matter, not some biased over rated evaluators opinion.
coaches like Painter and Bielien that recruit players that fit their system and have the success that they had, even Fran recruits player that fit his system.
his 1st 3 seasons he was in rebuild mode, in the last 6 seasons he has quided Iowa to 4 NCAAT and a 3-4 record and 3 more NIT's with a NIT Championship appearance. the future is getting brighter with the improved talent level in Iowa getting more of them instate.