How do you feel about the unemployment rate dropping to 3.8%?
Also, I looked at the S&P numbers. Here's the data I found:
Jan 2017: 2,275.12
Jun 2018: 2,786.73
Change: 22.49% Increase
Jan 2009: 865.58
Jun 2010: 1083.36
Change: 25.16% Increase
While the increase was slightly higher with Obama, it wasn't significantly higher. Also, our economy had tanked when Obama took office. It's like taking over the 10-win 2016 76ers. Increasing 25% really isn't that impressive - that puts you at 12.5 wins. If you take over a 41-41 team and increase your win total by 22.49%, you'd be looking at 50 wins (which is more what it looks like for Trump).
Also, the last 17 months for Obama only saw an 11.53% increase.
Aug 2015: 2,039.87
Jan 2017: 2,275.12
Increase: 11.53%
I'm not here to say a President has much control over an economy, because they obviously don't. There are simply too many variables. But when you're taxed less, it makes sense that there's more money going back into businesses, which is where real growth occurs.