Well you just twisted my words per usual.You just said that no work was done & then in the next sentence said papers were written for players... make up your mind.
It was an easy class. Students were required to turn in a 25 page paper.
Try having someone use Wiki on a term paper in school. At my daughters school Wiki isn’t allowed as a source because it’s not reliable information.
I didn't say "no work was done", I said players didn't even have to do the work. There's a big difference between the two statements.
Oh there was work being done, but in a lot of cases it was the instructors doing the work.
So tell me what was inaccurate in the link I provided? What is false on that wiki page?
every bit of it is true.
So besides misquoting me, you literally replied with nothing but garbage and want to claim that you're winning some sort of debate.
That's all you do, you deflect attention away from your posts in an effort to make others believe that you're winning when in fact you didn't provide a damn thing. Are you trying to Billy Madison your way out of this?
Answer these:
-Did instructors complete papers for athletes to keep them eligible?
-Did instructors give grades to athletes that didn't turn papers in just for the sole purpose of keeping them eligible?
-is an AFAM degree worth the paper it's written on?
-if this happened at UK, what would your take be?
-what false information can be found in the Wiki link I provided?
I'll wait.