Happy Anniversary

Do you own damn research. I’ve schooled you on the nba draft lottery, on the AFAM classes counting as credits & now that the classes still exist but have been renamed.
Starting to think you don’t know Jack shit.

“Your” not “You”

Serious question... why were UK fans the only one to take the bait? There’s plenty of Dook fans on here & not many have responded.
Why is UNC so important to UK fans?

Right here sugar tits!!!^^^

So me starting a thread about the 1 year anniversary of UNC being cleared is me trolling UK fans?????

Read your above post dipshit! You said yourself you started this thread because you needed attention from UK fans but go ahead and tell us you ain’t obsessed againLaughing
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Why didn’t you call the UL & Virginia fan to see how rustled lil Scotty got?
Not as much fun when it’s one of your own?
Hell, they’re too rustled to even participate from the first time, much less give an impartial judgement. They may even be fellating each other? jumpingsmile
I’ll do the ban bet if you’ll meet me in BG! Deal???
Here’s what I’ll do.
If it’s proven that I’m FactCheckerUSA, I’ll save you the gas & meet you anywhere in the state you want.
If I’m not FactCheckerUSA, then you get banned from this site.
Deal? I’m sure you won’t accept because either way, you’ll lose.
I became a UNC when I was a little kid. Stop acting like you know jack shit about me.
If I was going to be a fan of a school to hate on UK, wouldn’t I have picked their rival, Louisville?
Dude, come on, Louisville? I mean, that would be some serious UK hate dedication right there.
To become a fan of a commuter school just to root against UK would be incredibly trollish, even for you.
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Dude, come on, Louisville? I mean, that would be some serious UK hate dedication right there.
To become a fan of a commuter school just to root against UK would be incredibly trollish, even for you.
To pick a school to cheer for just because you hate another school is literally the dumbest shit I’ve ever read.
Fun fact: my son is pretty good at baseball. In 7th grade he played varsity & JV. UK coaches personally invited him to their baseball camp. We went & had a great time. UK is building a great baseball program, no doubt.
To pick a school to cheer for just because you hate another school is literally the dumbest shit I’ve ever read.
Fun fact: my son is pretty good at baseball. In 7th grade he played varsity & JV. UK coaches personally invited him to their baseball camp. We went & had a great time. UK is building a great baseball program, no doubt.
Coach Mingeone (sp?) Is an incredibly good coach. UK baseball is coming. UK built some awesome facilities for them too.
So it's looking great for UK BBall, football and baseball now. It's a fun time to be a fan.

The UL fan thing was more of a shot at UL than anything else.
Coach Mingeone (sp?) Is an incredibly good coach. UK baseball is coming. UK built some awesome facilities for them too.
So it's looking great for UK BBall, football and baseball now. It's a fun time to be a fan.

The UL fan thing was more of a shot at UL than anything else.
We’ve talked with Coach Belanger more than anybody. We only met the head coach at their camp.
Here’s what I’ll do.
If it’s proven that I’m FactCheckerUSA, I’ll save you the gas & meet you anywhere in the state you want.
If I’m not FactCheckerUSA, then you get banned from this site.
Deal? I’m sure you won’t accept because either way, you’ll lose.

I told you what I would do take it or leave it???
what makes you think he's factcheckerusa?

also the whole bet sugar tits is trying to do is that the only way to prove it is to hack him and if you hack him you'll get banned from rivals and possible legal ramifications. So good on Scotty for not falling for it.
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You know what sugar tits never mind, I’m not wasting my time because we both kno you wouldn’t ever show. You just do your celebrating and talk shit about UK because he’s what I’ve learned in this thread.
1. You’re ate up with UK.
2. I still to this day get in your head so bad you can’t stand it.
3. You’re a puss
4. You need your two sisters here to defend you!
5. Here’s the biggie!!! You didn’t start this thread to celebrate anything. On the eve of the one year anniversary of unc’s scandal you couldn’t handle knowing what your school really is so you started a thread because you needed to defend unc to make yourself feel better. We all see right through you, we all know what “the carolina way” stands for and it’s clear you do also that’s why it bothers you so bad. Just know daddy loves you and is always here for you sport!!!
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what makes you think he's factcheckerusa?

also the whole bet sugar tits is trying to do is that the only way to prove it is to hack him and if you hack him you'll get banned from rivals and possible legal ramifications. So good on Scotty for not falling for it.

Posting styles are way to similar and they both come across as little bitches! Yea he thinks he’s smart but you can tell he’s a rookie.Laughing
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The way to find posing trolls is to attack certain rivals.... 99% of poser trolls cant help but come to the defense of their real school.
When people know where you live......... you really shouldnt be a keyboard clown like this.

That’s exactly what he is because everyone knows he wouldn’t talk shit like this in person. He knows what he is and it eats him alive.

I only kno what city he lives in because he made the comment on here one time that he moved to BG but that little stalker actually knows the street I live on and my kids name and says he just guessed both!Laughing
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I remember making a comment one time that my wife works with disabled children & was working with a kid one a day where you posted you was having sex with her.
Then you jumped in & “claimed” that was your sons name & I made it up.
Honestly I don’t teally care, I think you’re bat shit crazy & need help. I can see why I never engaged in conversation with you.
I remember making a comment one time that my wife works with disabled children & was working with a kid one a day where you posted you was having sex with her.
Then you jumped in & “claimed” that was your sons name & I made it up.
Honestly I don’t teally care, I think you’re bat shit crazy & need help. I can see why I never engaged in conversation with you.

Lol oh now I’m bat shit crazy and you don’t know why you ever talked to me!Laughing Could that be because you know I’m bout to bust your ass out and make you look dumb as hell. You’re a dumbass but if you really think or believe anybody on this board including your two sisters really believe you just “guessed” my kids name and what street I live on then you’re dumber than we all thought.Laughing
Sugar tits would you like me to post your exact comments??? I have them saved if you would!
Okay, color me curious.


The dude had been stalking me on Facebook or something I really don’t know but we got into a back and fourth one night and comments was made about my mom or something so I said something about how I use to plug his wife on the regular and for him to tell her I said hello and then he came off with “she’s over on Hill Street (the street I live on) working with a kid named Tucker (which is my kids name) and when I called him out on it he said he just guessed in both cases and then a few weeks later he started saying he never said it but I screen shot it I’m just not really sure how to post them on here.
I remember making a comment one time that my wife works with disabled children & was working with a kid one a day where you posted you was having sex with her.
Then you jumped in & “claimed” that was your sons name & I made it up.
Honestly I don’t teally care, I think you’re bat shit crazy & need help. I can see why I never engaged in conversation with you.
I believe I posted the same thing you just said. I don’t have Facebook, so again, that’s not me. Maybe it’s FactCheckerUSA.
The dude had been stalking me on Facebook or something I really don’t know but we got into a back and fourth one night and comments was made about my mom or something so I said something about how I use to plug his wife on the regular and for him to tell her I said hello and then he came off with “she’s over on Hill Street (the street I live on) working with a kid named Tucker (which is my kids name) and when I called him out on it he said he just guessed in both cases and then a few weeks later he started saying he never said it but I screen shot it I’m just not really sure how to post them on here.

Download the photobucket app. Upload the screenshots there and then you can copy the url from photobucket to this site. By far the easiest way to post pics on here.
I believe I posted the same thing you just said. I don’t have Facebook, so again, that’s not me. Maybe it’s FactCheckerUSA.

So just so we are clear are you saying you didn’t make those comments???
Download the photobucket app. Upload the screenshots there and then you can copy the url from photobucket to this site. By far the easiest way to post pics on here.

I’ve tried that and Its not letting me download photobucket for whatever reason. Anyway I can send them to you and you post them for me??
So just so we are clear are you saying you didn’t make those comments???
I told you what I said. I’ve never denied I said that.
You can a pic of whatever you want, what proof do you have that that’s really your street name & son’s name?
I told you what I said. I’ve never denied I said that.
You can a pic of whatever you want, what proof do you have that that’s really your street name & son’s name?

Lol are you serious right now sugar tits??Laughing @ThroughBlue can tell you my kids name is Tucker and that I live on Hill St.Laughing
Well then, that settles it. Some random person, that I don’t know confirmed another random person that I don’t know.
Move on, nobody cares but you.