The correct, vinegar-based Eastern (NC) style vs the heathens who eat ketchup-based Lexington (NC) style is the rivalry that matters more here than any match-up beyond the NC borders.How so?
The correct, vinegar-based Eastern (NC) style vs the heathens who eat ketchup-based Lexington (NC) style is the rivalry that matters more here than any match-up beyond the NC borders.How so?
I called you other things until I learned it really, like real life bugged you. Nurse wasn't among them. I have a brother who is a nurse. He specializes in burns.I’m an ultrasound tech and a couple posters call me a nurse because they think it bothers me
I always hold the doors for whoever. It was ingrained in me as a child.Me, I hold the door open for anyone who is in close proximity to me. Doesn't matter if they are male, female, white, black or other. Tranny, gay and/or a unc fan.
So what is wrong with some people where men are assholes for opening the door for women? I always thought you were an asshole for not opening the door, not only for women, but anyone else.
Nathan E Michael knows what's up.
Given my experience with seeing how developed 2nd and especially 3rd trimester babies are, choosing to terminate a healthy and viable pregnancy at those stages is pretty sickening.
Meh, I don't recall either lol. If you don't think the left tries to claim those groups for their own though then you need to wake up. If you're a minority, woman, gay, etc and vote right, you're dumb because don't you know, the right is racist, misogynist, etc.I have lost the context for this. I don't recall having said anything about left or right with either of those.
I don't buy your narrative of the left-wing media brainwashing us into believing they're all on one side.
I totally agree there are a lot of people that have no business having children. However there's already a solution to that. It's called birth control. It isn't hard to use yet people still don't seem to want to.I don't care if women choose to have an abortion. Actually, given population growth and the amount of bad parents, it might be a good thing.
The majority of the overpopulation issues are coming from 3rd world countries. If we don't allow them to develop, the problem will only continue.This. Overpopulation is a deadly thing.
The Libertarian in me says I should allow others to do as they see fit as long as they aren't hurting anyone else. I personally would never sanction an abortion if it were my wife or kids because I feel it is killing a life.I don't care about abortion or gun control. At all. Just don't care.
Roe v. Wade isn't going to be overturned and the 2nd amendment will stand. Both seem like issues to fire up political bases but are largely a waste of time.
And I don't have a uterus. So, there's that.
I called you other things until I learned it really, like real life bugged you. Nurse wasn't among them. I have a brother who is a nurse. He specializes in burns.
With Pence, too?
Feminists are a joke. They think everything is against them and the man is trying to keep them down. Sadly, there's a lot of crazies like this in other groups on the far left. Our country is filling up with a bunch of snowflakes.
Note: I say far left, not liberals. To me, there's a difference. Liberals are reasonable and you can have a conversation with them, even if they disagree. The far left just wants you to stfu.
I have many family members that are liberal. Or at least vote Dem. Funny thing is that when I have conversations with them, we typically agree on most things. This has been my experience with most Liberals. So why is there such a divide in this country? Granted, I'm Libertarian, but I also have much I agree with on the right. I think more people are Libertarian that just don't know it. I had no idea what one was until several years ago. That's when I stopped voting Republican only. This polar political environment isn't good for our country and IMO is tearing it appart.
The left has a legitimate claim to them. There's no "tries to." There's also no absolute, as if every person in those groups votes left. While racism, misogyny, etc are more frequently tied to the right, that's not absolute, either.Meh, I don't recall either lol. If you don't think the left tries to claim those groups for their own though then you need to wake up. If you're a minority, woman, gay, etc and vote right, you're dumb because don't you know, the right is racist, misogynist, etc.
One American with an hour-long commute by car has a far worse carbon footprint than an entire family from an undeveloped country.The majority of the overpopulation issues are coming from 3rd world countries. If we don't allow them to develop, the problem will only continue.
The only fail-proof method is abstinence, and that's both morally subjective and biologically unnatural. Conservatives generally oppose abortions, but they often oppose birth control, education about birth control, and ultimately, choosing to have sex outside marriage at all (especially women). It ties in closely w/ seeking to control people ala Big Brother: sex, art, and just about any personal expression of independence.I totally agree there are a lot of people that have no business having children. However there's already a solution to that. It's called birth control. It isn't hard to use yet people still don't seem to want to.
Because Louisville hasn't done anything to talk about lately?Why in the world does this have 15 pages
Because people are passionate about holding the door open for strangers.Why in the world does this have 15 pages
You'd be an asshole for holding those.I only use revolving doors
LaughingYou'd be an asshole for holding those.
What a good group of guys and gal.
I enjoy all of you.
Because Louisville hasn't done anything to talk about lately?
It honestly has to be one of the oddest success stories in board history. I have managed to get us arguing about anything from feminism, to whether or not Cali is a shithole. Hell, bbq got brought into this.15 pages, lol.
Because everything in it is 10x more interesting than anything happening in CBB right now. And that includes Louisville hiring a new strength and conditioning coach (lol).Why in the world does this have 15 pages
Because everything in it is 10x more interesting than anything happening in CBB right now. And that includes Louisville hiring a new strength and conditioning coach (lol).
Safe-space leanings? Safe spaces are for the snowflakes. Way to decide you know more than I do even though you have no idea my experiences on the subject. Congrats.It's great that you think within the box they've built for you.
There's a lot of crazies in every group, but you are allowing those to mesh your perception, which is incredibly lazy and can be somewhat dangerous if/when continuously spread.
But I can tell you - without hesitation or any factual doubt - that you know next to nothing about feminism.
I don't give a fuch about your political leanings, nor those of your family or close friends.
You "know" what your safe-space leanings want you "know" about feminism.
With your blanket statement(s) you've outed yourself as a person who is much more apart of the problem, than ever will be apart of a solution.
This entire country would be better off if people didn't spread-talk about shit they know nothing of.
And just what claims do they have to them? I'd love to hear this one. Most claims to racism, misogyny etc are bogus. It still happens, yes but nowhere to the point to where one group or another can point and say, that group is to blame. It's total BS.The left has a legitimate claim to them. There's no "tries to." There's also no absolute, as if every person in those groups votes left. While racism, misogyny, etc are more frequently tied to the right, that's not absolute, either.
Was it that good? Should I?Did you instantly text all your friends a screenshot of this total ownage?
It's getting fewer and far between that people oppose birth control. I can't even think of a group that does. I'm sure they are out there, but it's pretty rare. You state that as if that's a big conservative issue. Abortions yes, birth control, no.The only fail-proof method is abstinence, and that's both morally subjective and biologically unnatural. Conservatives generally oppose abortions, but they often oppose birth control, education about birth control, and ultimately, choosing to have sex outside marriage at all (especially women). It ties in closely w/ seeking to control people ala Big Brother: sex, art, and just about any personal expression of independence.
That's what happens when I read through a thread I missed out on and see things I have a hard time not commenting on, lol.It honestly has to be one of the oddest success stories in board history. I have managed to get us arguing about anything from feminism, to whether or not Cali is a shithole. Hell, bbq got brought into this.
A special thanks to @Boilermaker03 for a shot of adrenaline to this once dying thread.
That most of them are liberal.And just what claims do they have to them? I'd love to hear this one. Most claims to racism, misogyny etc are bogus. It still happens, yes but nowhere to the point to where one group or another can point and say, that group is to blame. It's total BS.