Avenatti on Duke

Why did we stop getting top 5 recruits after 2015?

From 2010-2015 we had three #1 picks and 13 lottery picks and every player that stayed more than 1 year played in a final four. There is literally ZERO reason we stopped getting the elite of the elite except that other schools started payimg and we didn't.

Since 2015, duke has had ZERO #1 picks, 7 lottery picks (almost half what we had in the previous 5 years) and has only been to one final four.

So what has made them the "hot" school? Money. That's what.
Dear God, you all are some of the most delusional people I'll ever come across! So let me make sure I fully understand here...

UK hasn't ever gotten the types of classes Cal pulls in each year on a consistent basis. I know that this is hard to accept, but players aren't coming to UK because its something special. If that was the case, you all would have consistently gotten these types of classes before he got there year after year.

You all hire a coach who's been at 2 separate schools that were found to be dirty programs while he was in charge. You all say that even though he's in charge of the program, and UK fans love to label Pitino, Self, Miller, Roy and coach K as cheaters because of what's recently happened (even though the NCAA hasn't accused them) somehow Cal wasn't cheating. Within a few weeks of being hired, you all had the #1 recruiting class. The foreseeable future saw UK consistently year in and year out have the top 1 or 2 class rank each year. Even though neither UK, or cal had ever shown the ability to pull in these types of classes...but you all say he wasn't cheating then.

After seeing the success that Cal was having, Coach K decided to also play the OAD game. After a couple years, he showed that he was better then cal at this game. In your mind, the only explanation is that the best coach in the game who's shown that hes capable of pulling in big recruits in the past has to be cheating. Even though Durham is a better place then Lexington. (He is cheating, but so is cal)

The only way anyone could say that cal isn't cheating is by completely ignoring common sense and a ridiculous amount of coincidences. If you were being honest with yourself ,you would admit that if cal was at any other school, you would say he's cheating.
Not the point. The ultra talented, elite recruits are most often ranked in the top 5, no?

Even if 6-10 get paid, it's bullshit that Nike would funnel 3 of the top 5 to one school.
Honestly, I'm completely fine with this argument. I'm at a point where I really don't blame any of these coaches for doing it. Its just crazy when its painfully obvious that its happening , but a fanbase will act like they're the only ones who aren't doing it.
Not saying that it will happen here, but the NCAA has often applied strict liability and forced schools to vacate wins with ineligible players. I'm pretty certain that's what happened with Camby and many others. The idea isn't so much that the school is punished, per se, but that the school is not able to benefit from the services of an ineligible player.

The questions you ask about Camby show you don't have an accurate assessment of the situation.

There is not a single question about Camby, let alone questions, so I think I'll take your "assessment of the situation" with the big of a grain of salt called "you might be illiterate." You've quickly become one of the most insufferable posters in recent memory. But in the event that you can read, here's something you might find interesting:

"Officials and coaches at both UMass and UConn have maintained that they were unaware that the players had violated any N.C.A.A. rules. And N.C.A.A. enforcement officials have conceded that neither school knew that Camby, King and Moore had competed in the 1996 tournament while they were ineligible. That lack of knowledge was a mitigating factor against even more severe sanctions." There's also the Corey Maggette issue (here's where Q perks up and comments rashly), but I'm not going to try to discuss something nuanced with someone who comes off like an angry teenager on a message board, so here's where we part ways with a hearty "EAD, Afamu" from me.

You will never get through to that guy.

In this case, what has the player done to be ineligible?

In the hypothetical where Zion (or his family since the NCAA closed the Cam loophole) accepted money, he's forfeited at least part of his eligibility; not remotely controversial. Did that happen? I don't know, but it's been alleged.
There is not a single question about Camby, let alone questions, so I think I'll take your "assessment of the situation" with the big of a grain of salt called "you might be illiterate." You've quickly become one of the most insufferable posters in recent memory. But in the event that you can read, here's something you might find interesting:

"Officials and coaches at both UMass and UConn have maintained that they were unaware that the players had violated any N.C.A.A. rules. And N.C.A.A. enforcement officials have conceded that neither school knew that Camby, King and Moore had competed in the 1996 tournament while they were ineligible. That lack of knowledge was a mitigating factor against even more severe sanctions." There's also the Corey Maggette issue (here's where Q perks up and comments rashly), but I'm not going to try to discuss something nuanced with someone who comes off like an angry teenager on a message board, so here's where we part ways with a hearty "EAD, Afamu" from me.

Hmmmmm. So the FF that was vacated at Umass.

You know when you get that robot spam call that's actually a program that hits on keywords and tries to simulate a real human? Your posts are those calls.

Yes, the Camby situation resulted in a vacated FF appearance despite a finding that the university knew nothing. Which is exactly what I said could happen re: Zion/Duke if the allegations are true.
All of that is a hit on Nike. Not Duke. He's literally telling Duke to ask about Nike's dealings. Who here has denied believing that Nike has paid players.

Why won't you answer my question about why Nike would care about players going to Duke instead of Kentucky? Krzyzewski has owned the recruiting trail since adopting the OAD strategy and it upsets you. You are clinging to any reason other than Krzyzewski out recruiting Calipari.
You're not really going to use the argument that coach k didn't know that player after player that went to Duke was getting paid? One of the smartest minds the game has ever known is too dumb to realize that the kid he just recruited who lived in the projects somehow was able to afford a $50k car?
You're not really going to use the argument that coach k didn't know that player after player that went to Duke was getting paid? One of the smartest minds the game has ever known is too dumb to realize that the kid he just recruited who lived in the projects somehow was able to afford a $50k car?
Are you providing breaking news regarding a $50k car that Zion was driving?
It was a legit question.
No ot wasn' knew exactly what I meant. I've seen enough of your posts over the years to know that you're definitely smart enough to understand my statement about a car was a general statement. I could have just as easily have said jewelry, clothes or anything else a 19 year old kid would want. When 3 months prior he was sitting in the projects seeing a family struggling to make ends meet, its obvious that that family can't afford any frivolous stuff. But just 3 months later, that same kid is living like a kid whose family just won a 200k lottery.

Or, are you saying that these kids who have never had any money before are smart enough and conniving enough to keep up the act that they're still poor? Do you think that none of that money is being spent on anything flashy like cars, jewelry , clothes and anything else that they want?

Don't worry, it's not just Duke, it's any fan when someone starts to ask questions because common sense says something isn't quite right with the program they're a fan of.

I've said it before, I don't blame any of these coaches for doing it. I wish it wasn't apart of the game, but it is unfortunately. So, if a coach wants to compete ,he's got to play the game because that kid isn't coming for free when 4 other schools have already offered him 100k.
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It is if you are a fan of those two programs. UNC proved they are untouchable with the fake classes and I believe Duke probably falls into that same category.
Nobody is untouchable when the feds get involved. Any school or individual that wasn't mentioned or involved in the FBI sting will get off completely scott free when it comes to the NCAA, imo. The likelihood that Duke played a player that should be ruled ineligible, is quite high but I will be astonished if anything happens. Revenue will always be king.
Nobody is untouchable when the feds get involved. Any school or individual that wasn't mentioned or involved in the FBI sting will get off completely scott free when it comes to the NCAA, imo. The likelihood that Duke played a player that should be ruled ineligible, is quite high but I will be astonished if anything happens. Revenue will always be king.
And what brought you to the conclusion that it is quite high he was ineligible.
You're not really going to use the argument that coach k didn't know that player after player that went to Duke was getting paid? One of the smartest minds the game has ever known is too dumb to realize that the kid he just recruited who lived in the projects somehow was able to afford a $50k car?
Picture of Zion’s house. How do you know he lived in the projects. And who says projects anymore.
Dear God, you all are some of the most delusional people I'll ever come across! So let me make sure I fully understand here...

UK hasn't ever gotten the types of classes Cal pulls in each year on a consistent basis. I know that this is hard to accept, but players aren't coming to UK because its something special. If that was the case, you all would have consistently gotten these types of classes before he got there year after year.

You all hire a coach who's been at 2 separate schools that were found to be dirty programs while he was in charge. You all say that even though he's in charge of the program, and UK fans love to label Pitino, Self, Miller, Roy and coach K as cheaters because of what's recently happened (even though the NCAA hasn't accused them) somehow Cal wasn't cheating. Within a few weeks of being hired, you all had the #1 recruiting class. The foreseeable future saw UK consistently year in and year out have the top 1 or 2 class rank each year. Even though neither UK, or cal had ever shown the ability to pull in these types of classes...but you all say he wasn't cheating then.

After seeing the success that Cal was having, Coach K decided to also play the OAD game. After a couple years, he showed that he was better then cal at this game. In your mind, the only explanation is that the best coach in the game who's shown that hes capable of pulling in big recruits in the past has to be cheating. Even though Durham is a better place then Lexington. (He is cheating, but so is cal)

The only way anyone could say that cal isn't cheating is by completely ignoring common sense and a ridiculous amount of coincidences. If you were being honest with yourself ,you would admit that if cal was at any other school, you would say he's cheating.
Feeling a little butt hurt are we? Maybe a little jealous. Hope you recover soon.
You're an insufferable ass. It's dicks like you that prevent rational conversation on this board.
FU. So assholes should just be able to make accusations about a school with no proof and not get called on it.
Not in my world.

And I wasn’t talking to you.
FU. So assholes should just be able to make accusations about a school with no proof and not get called on it.
Not in my world.

And I wasn’t talking to you.
Duke will be exposed in the upcoming Nike trials. Capel was involved up to his ahole.
FU. So assholes should just be able to make accusations about a school with no proof and not get called on it.
Not in my world.

And I wasn’t talking to you.

Fvck you tough guy. And it's your refusal to acknowledge the POSSIBILITY of wrong doing that shows what a dumb ass you are.

And I was talking to YOU , so listen up son.
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FU. So assholes should just be able to make accusations about a school with no proof and not get called on it.
Not in my world.

And I wasn’t talking to you.

Fvck you tough guy. And it's your refusal to acknowledge the POSSIBILITY of wrong doing that shows what a dumb ass you are.

And I was talking to YOU , so listen up son.

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I'm still laughing that this dudes 2 biggest pieces of evidence are Ayton and Zion who we already knew over the summer had $$$ attached to them. Both guys were subject of talks on wiretaps. Unless he's holding another bombshell all of this circus for them is dumb. Especially when neither made the final 4.
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I'm still laughing that this dudes 2 biggest pieces of evidence are Ayton and Zion who we already knew over the summer had $$$ attached to them. Both guys were subject of talks on wiretaps. Unless he's holding another bombshell all of this circus for them is dumb. Especially when neither made the final 4.
Fvck you tough guy. And it's your refusal to acknowledge the POSSIBILITY of wrong doing that shows what a dumb ass you are.

And I was talking to YOU , so listen up son.
As soon as there is proof I am happy to listen, until then it is just anonymous message board idiots who are jealous and wish Duke was guilty of something. You know, because to get those recruits, Duke has to be cheating.

Zion will be a multi millionaire in a month or so, do you not think his family could survive another 9 months prior on what they lived on before he attended Duke. Try some logic dipshit.

Yes. The world isn't fair. You holding out hope they are gonna get hammered is like jarms was holding out hope UNC was gonna get it for 2 decades of academic fraud. Everyone cheats. Some do it more than others. Players should be allowed to be paid anyway so meh.
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It sounds like he’s going after Nike. Not duke. But he does imply that duke knew.
As soon as there is proof I am happy to listen, until then it is just anonymous message board idiots who are jealous and wish Duke was guilty of something. You know, because to get those recruits, Duke has to be cheating.

Zion will be a multi millionaire in a month or so, do you not think his family could survive another 9 months prior on what they lived on before he attended Duke. Try some logic dipshit.

Probably could have. True. But then...why ask both Townsend and Adidas for cash and a house? Very puzzling.
As soon as there is proof I am happy to listen, until then it is just anonymous message board idiots who are jealous and wish Duke was guilty of something. You know, because to get those recruits, Duke has to be cheating.

Zion will be a multi millionaire in a month or so, do you not think his family could survive another 9 months prior on what they lived on before he attended Duke. Try some logic dipshit.

Your dumbass wants to talk about logic? That's rich. I don't give a shit if Duke is guilty or not, but there is more than enough info out there to investigate. Bagley 's parents sudden financial windfall? ? Zion's mom a "consultant" for Nike? You talk about being able to "live on before he attended Duke" then why did his dad ask for money and a job at Kansas? I have no idea if Nike gave him money to go to Duke but there is more than enough smoke to look into it if The NCAA is willing. But I wouldn't expect an idiot to understand that.
Your dumbass wants to talk about logic? That's rich. I don't give a shit if Duke is guilty or not, but there is more than enough info out there to investigate. Bagley 's parents sudden financial windfall? ? Zion's mom a "consultant" for Nike? You talk about being able to "live on before he attended Duke" then why did his dad ask for money and a job at Kansas? I have no idea if Nike gave him money to go to Duke but there is more than enough smoke to look into it if The NCAA is willing. But I wouldn't expect an idiot to understand that.
Bagley's dad was given money for his AAU team, which is legal. Anything else asshole
Zion or his dad were not on tape it was the shoe guys.

And Avenatti is a real reliable source.

Face it, you keep saying you have no idea, but you sure think it happened.

I wouldn't expect a fng idiot to understand any of this. Keep wishing darling.