What about your taxes that pay the salary of a federal employee who uses part of her salary to pay for an abortion? Or your taxes that pays for WIC that means a struggling mom who is pregnant again can use cash to pay for an abortion instead of food for her other kids?
Where does it end?
How about your work? Surely someone you've done an ultrasound for has subsequently chosen to abort a healthy fetus, yes? That's far more direct than taxes.
With our votes, we have some say over where taxes are spent, but once they've been deducted from our paychecks, it's not really our own, personal money anymore. It all goes in one big pot and then it gets spent on things we don't get to pick individually. Some of it is bound to be spent on things you're not into. I don't want my taxes paying for subsidies to big, corporate farms. Should we all get to have it our way, like at Burger King, line-item vetoing things we don't want our personal tax dollars going to?