what schools have the best all time 3 man teams?

UCLA could choose from quite a few people. But I think a trio of Russell Westbrook, Reggie Miller, and Lew Alcindor would be pretty tough to beat. You've got a dynamic play-maker, one of the best shooters of all-time, and arguably the best big of all-time.

I would put Jordan, Carter and Sheed against this team and spot you 4 points and give you the ball.
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David Thompson
Todd Fuller
Rodney Monroe

Or for a fresher take

Chris Washburn
Julius Hodge
Cat Barber
That's tough.

For the sake of playing along .


For a 3 on 3 team you used those guys? I figured any Dukie would go with

Zion Slasher/finisher
Redick shooter
Laettner good all around
Give me...

Hard to leave Delk out but I have to go with Wall.
I could sit around and make sweet 3v3 teams with my guys all day.

Tommy Burleson
TJ Warren
Spud Webb

Charles Shackleford
Anthony Grundy
Sidney’s Lowe
Duke — Jay Will, JJ, Laettner
Having a PG is pretty mandatory in a 3v3, I think Jay Will is the obvious choice in that regard. Sharpshooter for the 2 spot, can’t go wrong with JJ.

Had a hard time choosing between Zion and Laettner. Zion is a one of a kind athlete but I just can’t bring myself to throw Laettner out. Plus, Laettner’s ability to shoot 3’s allows him to act as either a true 5 or stretch.
College - Stevie Francis Len Bias John Lucas

Juan Dixon Tom McMillan Buck Williams
UNC guys leaving out Daugherty and Rosenbluth is a travesty. NCSU has to have Thompson.

A few more to consider:

Georgetown - AI, Ewing, and, Reggie Williams
GT - Price, Marbury, and Scott
Wake - Paul, Childress, Duncan (This team would be scary)

And Bama - Trevor Relaford, Reggie King, Leon Douglas