
Remember when Biden and Kamala released BILLIONS of dollars to Iran and then Hamas just so happen to acquire rockets and attack Israel starting a war?

Then Iran just so happened to have rockets laying around to attack Israel too?

Remember when Biden and Kamala eased sanctions on Russia allowing them to sell more oil and then a few months later they invaded Ukraine?

Idk. Despite Trump being friends with all these dictators he somehow wasn't as nice to them as the current administration.
I don't believe that Trump even believes that. I am not going to waste my time with that because it is inconsequential to why I would vote for him 20 times before ever considering voting left. Not sure what it is that I am "running with". You asked what I thought he meant. I said I didn't know and acknowledged that he says some outlandish things. And people who traditionally don't vote don't make up 85% of the Republican party.

It's convenient to be able to dismiss anything questionable that comes out of his mouth with a blanket statement like "he says some outlandish things." Meanwhile, any criticisms are either conspiracy nuttery or the result of a leftist media agenda.

You can't really shrug this off this as a lazy, off the cuff comment. He was asked twice to clarify what he meant, and he made it clear he was referring to Christians in general. First, it's a blatant lie that Christians vote in very small numbers (they represent the majority of registered voters). Second, each party clearly needs every Christian vote it can get. Third, we're clearly nowhere near "unity" in this country, and Trump clearly won't be the one to foster it.

If he can't say something that makes sense or articulate his point in three attempts, he isn't fit to be president. I don't think that's the issue here. So why is he doubling down on the idea that the Christian vote won't be needed?

Also, another interesting piece from that quote:

Get out and vote! Just this time. You won't have to do it anymore! Four more years, you know what? It'll be fixed, it'll be fine, you won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians, I love you Christians, I'm not Christian, I love you, get out, you gotta get and vote. In four years you don't have to vote again, we'll have it fixed so good you're not gonna have to vote.
Interesting that Trump gets a free pass for things that he's actually responsible for, while also getting credit for circumstances that have little or nothing to do with him.
This happens and is happening on both sides, just listen to MSNBC and FOX instruct their followers on what to think.

You see it in this and every other political thread.
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Telling me that there are a lot of idiots in Minnesota who support the moron who puts tampons in boy's bathrooms and supports gender affirming treatments on minors, is not disputing the FACT that he let Minneapolis burn. What a stupid rebuttal. Like I said, you are not in position to accuse anyone of being illogical or a tard.
You’re a dumbass (and mouthy 😂) Minneapolis didn’t burn down you moron. A black guy did get murdered there by cops. True story.
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It's convenient to be able to dismiss anything questionable that comes out of his mouth with a blanket statement like "he says some outlandish things." Meanwhile, any criticisms are either conspiracy nuttery or the result of a leftist media agenda.

You can't really shrug this off this as a lazy, off the cuff comment. He was asked twice to clarify what he meant, and he made it clear he was referring to Christians in general. First, it's a blatant lie that Christians vote in very small numbers (they represent the majority of registered voters). Second, each party clearly needs every Christian vote it can get. Third, we're clearly nowhere near "unity" in this country, and Trump clearly won't be the one to foster it.

If he can't say something that makes sense or articulate his point in three attempts, he isn't fit to be president. I don't think that's the issue here. So why is he doubling down on the idea that the Christian vote won't be needed?

Also, another interesting piece from that quote:

Get out and vote! Just this time. You won't have to do it anymore! Four more years, you know what? It'll be fixed, it'll be fine, you won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians, I love you Christians, I'm not Christian, I love you, get out, you gotta get and vote. In four years you don't have to vote again, we'll have it fixed so good you're not gonna have to vote.
I personally don't see either party making much progress on uniting the country frankly. Harris and her policies are polarizing andTrump thrives off of division and stokes it wherever he can
I personally don't see either party making much progress on uniting the country frankly. Harris and her policies are polarizing andTrump thrives off of division and stokes it wherever he can
Ummmm, both sides do this. Look how divided this country is now---compared to four years ago.

Its not going to get any better----regardless of who wins. I'll vote Trump simply because Harris is a bigger whack job than Trump is.
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Ummmm, both sides do this. Look how divided this country is now---compared to four years ago.

Its not going to get any better----regardless of who wins. I'll vote Trump simply because Harris is a bigger whack job than Trump is.
I see the division as very similar to four years ago although with a shift in who most upset. Four years ago the left was more upset, these days the trumpers are more upset. Very predictable. Moderate independents like myself dislike all of you equally lol
So when do the locals snap on the illegals taking up residence?

USA might be about to become no so polite.

Manners wear thin.
It's convenient to be able to dismiss anything questionable that comes out of his mouth with a blanket statement like "he says some outlandish things." Meanwhile, any criticisms are either conspiracy nuttery or the result of a leftist media agenda.

You can't really shrug this off this as a lazy, off the cuff comment. He was asked twice to clarify what he meant, and he made it clear he was referring to Christians in general. First, it's a blatant lie that Christians vote in very small numbers (they represent the majority of registered voters). Second, each party clearly needs every Christian vote it can get. Third, we're clearly nowhere near "unity" in this country, and Trump clearly won't be the one to foster it.

If he can't say something that makes sense or articulate his point in three attempts, he isn't fit to be president. I don't think that's the issue here. So why is he doubling down on the idea that the Christian vote won't be needed?

Also, another interesting piece from that quote:

Get out and vote! Just this time. You won't have to do it anymore! Four more years, you know what? It'll be fixed, it'll be fine, you won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians, I love you Christians, I'm not Christian, I love you, get out, you gotta get and vote. In four years you don't have to vote again, we'll have it fixed so good you're not gonna have to vote.
The person who isn't voting, therefore is separated from any kind of accountability on either side, is talking about how convenient it is for me..
You’re a dumbass (and mouthy 😂) Minneapolis didn’t burn down you moron. A black guy did get murdered there by cops. True story.
So Minneapolis didn't burn down in the sense that every single building was burned down. No shit. Over 1,000 structures were lit on fire with over $500 million in damages. So you can call me the dumbass, but it really is you being the dumbass here.
First election I probably won't vote in. Trump is an idiot and his cult of weirdos are even bigger idiots. Can't stand Kamala either.

They can start with @lurkeraspect84. Shouldn't be too hard to track down a ginger Mexican.
Neither one will help with that.
I could disagree with that but won't bother. But one needs only look at the last and current president to see which one will hurt your checkbook more.
I could disagree with that but won't bother. But one needs only look at the last and current president to see which one will hurt your checkbook more.
Biden nor Trump hurt my checkbook. Obama either. Inflation has been rampant, but it is across the world. Yet, i've been able to save money at a consistent rate since college.
These statistics seem like a representation of lacking accountability monetarily. Live within your means.
I swear, I almost responded to your above post about living within your means. Word for word. Crazy.

Was also going to point out that I don't have children so that probably makes it easier for to do so.
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I swear, I almost responded to your above post about living within your means. Word for word. Crazy.

Was also going to point out that I don't have children so that probably makes it easier for to do so.
Same, I don't have kids either. However, the point still stands. People spend their money frivolously.
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Living within your means is sound advice and always has been regardless of who is in office. The issue here is the difference in your means and someone else's. @UL_1986 simply stated he wasn't going to vote and his means aren't effected, so this isn't really directed at him. But someone who is living week to week and is one illness or injury away from missing work and falling behind on rent, they should be concerned with this election.
Dems have never understood economics. Tax and spend simply doesn't work. Every damned time a Dem has been in office, prices on basic needs have gone up. Factor in their stances on immigration and being soft on crime and the end result is simple... you're a special kind of idiot to vote for them.
People act like immigration is a right wing boogeyman. But it affects so many people in negative ways. Apartments are asking that your monthly income be 3-5 times what rent would be, but they're taking in immigrants who are given government debit cards. Hotels in NYC and Boston have quit booking, because government money is better than private citizen money so they're housing immigrants while homeless veterans get pissed on. Some of our schools are seeing 15% increases in students and higher, many who don't speak English. That's not an insult, but it is a problem for schools who already are short staffed. Emergency room costs are going to be greatly affected by it. All kinds of stuff. And this is just the impact of peaceful immigrants. There is also the criminals who, wait for it. Rape, murder and steal.
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Biden nor Trump hurt my checkbook. Obama either. Inflation has been rampant, but it is across the world. Yet, i've been able to save money at a consistent rate since college.
Inflation has taken a bite out of everything: groceries, airline tix, boats are through the roof, etc etc. The flip side is that most of my funds are up 30% in the last 24 months and home value is up 40%. We are well ahead. That said, the trump years pre covid were good as well.
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Dems have never understood economics. Tax and spend simply doesn't work. Every damned time a Dem has been in office, prices on basic needs have gone up. Factor in their stances on immigration and being soft on crime and the end result is simple... you're a special kind of idiot to vote for them.
Given a viable option I would always prefer the Pubs run the economy, and hope to get back to that in 2028.

What a useless bureaucrat. Anything you don't agree with could be construed as misinformation. What happens when your party isn't in power, though? Then your ideas could be regulated, just the same.

What a useless bureaucrat. Anything you don't agree with could be construed as misinformation. What happens when your party isn't in power, though? Then your ideas could be regulated, just the same.
They call us the fascists. Like you have alluded to, they get to determine what is hate and what is misinformation. Which will be so predictable. Just look back to what Twitter was before Elon and what Zuckerberg just admitted to doing with Facebook. Be the left's puppet or be censored.
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