
Kamala isnt a ret@rded geriatric, and the GOP are ret@rded for not going with Haley. Thats pretty much the main takeaway.

Yep, 100%. The GOP loves shooting themselves in the foot when they are winning the race. In 2019 they celebrated overturning Roe v Wade when anyone with half a brain could predict that that would be a huge rallying point for the left and cost them the election in 2020. Then they follow that up 4 years later by running Trump again when literally any other Republican option would’ve trounced Biden/Harris without much effort.
Yep, 100%. The GOP loves shooting themselves in the foot when they are winning the race. In 2019 they celebrated overturning Roe v Wade when anyone with half a brain could predict that that would be a huge rallying point for the left and cost them the election in 2020. Then they follow that up 4 years later by running Trump again when literally any other Republican option would’ve trounced Biden/Harris without much effort.
Cant wait for the ret@rds on this board that are barely coherent discussing sports start talking about the economy again.
Yep, 100%. The GOP loves shooting themselves in the foot when they are winning the race. In 2019 they celebrated overturning Roe v Wade when anyone with half a brain could predict that that would be a huge rallying point for the left and cost them the election in 2020. Then they follow that up 4 years later by running Trump again when literally any other Republican option would’ve trounced Biden/Harris without much effort.
You think Haley would be better? I like Haley, thought she was a good ambassador. But I don't think she would have beaten another Woman. Maybe Joe.
Cant wait for the ret@rds on this board that are barely coherent discussing sports start talking about the economy again.
I would be careful criticizing other people's coherence when you put a post like this together.
You think Haley would be better? I like Haley, thought she was a good ambassador. But I don't think she would have beaten another Woman. Maybe Joe.
I think there’s a lot of people they could’ve run who would’ve done better than Trump. The democrats HATE Trump at a level never before seen in this country. Haley would’ve destroyed Harris. No one can point at Haley and accuse her of being “worse than Hitler” . If Haley was running and came out as moderate as she could on abortion she would’ve run away with this thing.
I think there’s a lot of people they could’ve run who would’ve done better than Trump. The democrats HATE Trump at a level never before seen in this country. Haley would’ve destroyed Harris. No one can point at Haley and accuse her of being “worse than Hitler” . If Haley was running and came out as moderate as she could on abortion she would’ve run away with this thing.
I don't have a problem at all with anyone wanting a better representative of their views than Trump. But I am mostly confused because you have previously praised Trump.

There's no way a conservative woman beats a progressive woman. Women are mostly stupid. She'll confirm.
I think there’s a lot of people they could’ve run who would’ve done better than Trump. The democrats HATE Trump at a level never before seen in this country. Haley would’ve destroyed Harris. No one can point at Haley and accuse her of being “worse than Hitler” . If Haley was running and came out as moderate as she could on abortion she would’ve run away with this thing.

I somewhat disagree. No matter who the nominee is they are going to be the new hitler. When it looked like Desantis was going to be the nominee he was in the news daily talking about how bad he was and was worse than Trump.
I don't have a problem at all with anyone wanting a better representative of their views than Trump. But I am mostly confused because you have previously praised Trump.

There's no way a conservative woman beats a progressive woman. Women are mostly stupid. She'll confirm.

I like Trump, but I'm voting republican no matter who they put out there. As much as I like Trump, I would rather have a sure thing even if I don't like that person as much. I don't know much about Haley, but what I learned I liked as well. I thought it was very selfish of Trump to run again given what I believe was a slam dunk election for the republicans if they ran someone less hated.

I disagree that she would lose to a progressive just because the progressive is a woman. I think she would've wiped the floor with Kamal at the debate. What does Kamala say for 1.5 hours if she can't turn every answer into "whatabout Trump?"
I somewhat disagree. No matter who the nominee is they are going to be the new hitler. When it looked like Desantis was going to be the nominee he was in the news daily talking about how bad he was and was worse than Trump.
agree about DeSantis, but good luck portraying a POC woman as Hitler in today's day and age.
It’s hard to believe people are paying what they are for things right now and still have no issues voting Dem. But I’m learning more every day that our country is full of more idiots than not
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What's hilarious (and scary) is the amount of people that will vote for someone simply based on gender and/or race. How ****ing stupid is that?
What's hilarious (and scary) is the amount of people that will vote for someone simply based on gender and/or race. How ****ing stupid is that?

You can thank Obama for that. This whole identity politics movement started with him and his 8 year tenure.

History will remember him as the worst President this country has ever seen. The damage he did domestically and even worse internationally will be felt for generations.....assuming the world doesn't end due to Iran starting a nuclear war prior to that.
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You can thank Obama for that. This whole identity politics movement started with him and his 8 year tenure.

History will remember him as the worst President this country has ever seen. The damage he did domestically and even worse internationally will be felt for generations.....assuming the world doesn't end due to Iran starting a nuclear war prior to that.
Prior to 1/20/21.
I’m curious to see how many woke women under the age of 25 are voting blue because TSwift told them too
It’s hard to believe people are paying what they are for things right now and still have no issues voting Dem. But I’m learning more every day that our country is full of more idiots than not
I'm still trying to figure out how people think giving first time homebuyers $25K to buy a home will make homebuying easier.
At least the childless cat ladies won't get that $6,000.

The $25K for home buyers is a joke. First, it will only cause the market to get, at the very least, $25,000 more expensive. It will also lead to a ton of people getting loans that they won't be able to keep up with. That's never happened before, huh? She also claims that she will have 3 million affordable homes built after her first year. How does that work? Are builders going to be getting paid by the government? With the interst rates this high, only people with money are buying houses. They ain't shopping in the affordable home market.
It’s hard to believe people are paying what they are for things right now and still have no issues voting Dem. But I’m learning more every day that our country is full of more idiots than not
Inflation growth is generally independent of political party and is determined by macro factors like supply chain disruption and rising production costs. Biden inherited a COVID economy where there were major labor shortages, supply chain issues, a major demand spike for consumer travel and then a war that broke out in Ukraine.

Both parties can use the Fed to lift the federal funds rate to keep inflation in check but a lot of it depends on macro factors that aren't really in either party's control.

The Democrats Inflation Reduction Act will take years to go into effect and Republicans proposal for spending tax cuts and corporate tax breaks would only pump more money into the economy which would create the opposite effect on a downward pressure on prices.

What's hilarious (and scary) is the amount of people that will vote for someone simply based on gender and/or race. How ****ing stupid is that?

Didn't work out that well for Hillary being a woman did it? Kamala is nothing special and a run of mill establishment Democrat but she projects leadership much better than unhinged Trump who's easily manipulated and says batshit insane things half the time.

America wants a return to normalcy after having back to back terms from a senile president in Biden and a global laughingstock in Trump.

I'm still trying to figure out how people think giving first time homebuyers $25K to buy a home will make homebuying easier.

Down payments are typically the biggest barrier to entry for first time home owners since they don't already have equity and are usually not building wealth in the first decade as they start out in entry level jobs or are digging out of student loan debt.

....and the $6 K child credit.... both are more problems added to the taxpayers' tab.

You wouldn't pay extra taxes to ensure that more Americans start having kids and raising families again? I would.

A decline in growth rate typically marks the end of most great civilizations.
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Inflation growth is generally independent of political party and is determined by macro factors like supply chain disruption and rising production costs. Biden inherited a COVID economy where there were major labor shortages, supply chain issues, a major demand spike for consumer travel and then a war that broke out in Ukraine.

Both parties can use the Fed to lift the federal funds rate to keep inflation in check but a lot of it depends on macro factors that aren't really in either party's control.

The Democrats Inflation Reduction Act will take years to go into effect and Republicans proposal for spending tax cuts and corporate tax breaks would only pump more money into the economy which would create the opposite effect on a downward pressure on prices.

Didn't work out that well for Hillary being a woman did it? Kamala is nothing special and a run of mill establishment Democrat but she projects leadership much better than unhinged Trump who's easily manipulated and says batshit insane things half the time.

America wants a return to normalcy after having back to back terms from a senile president in Biden and a global laughingstock in Trump.

Down payments are typically the biggest barrier to entry for first time home owners since they don't already have equity and are usually not building wealth in the first decade as they start out in entry level jobs or are digging out of student loan debt.

You wouldn't pay extra taxes to ensure that more Americans start having kids and raising families again? I would.

A decline in growth rate typically marks the end of most great civilizations.
That is true in some regard. Speaking for myself, I had more money in my pocket and spending flexibility under Trump than I did under Biden or Obama. Dems spend more on outsourcing (oil) and tend to put less accountability on regular citizens to pay for things themselves. Basically, I feel good knowing Trump will actually let me keep more of my hard earned money than whoever runs on the left.
Inflation growth is generally independent of political party and is determined by macro factors like supply chain disruption and rising production costs. Biden inherited a COVID economy where there were major labor shortages, supply chain issues, a major demand spike for consumer travel and then a war that broke out in Ukraine.

Both parties can use the Fed to lift the federal funds rate to keep inflation in check but a lot of it depends on macro factors that aren't really in either party's control.

The Democrats Inflation Reduction Act will take years to go into effect and Republicans proposal for spending tax cuts and corporate tax breaks would only pump more money into the economy which would create the opposite effect on a downward pressure on prices.

Didn't work out that well for Hillary being a woman did it? Kamala is nothing special and a run of mill establishment Democrat but she projects leadership much better than unhinged Trump who's easily manipulated and says batshit insane things half the time.

America wants a return to normalcy after having back to back terms from a senile president in Biden and a global laughingstock in Trump.

Down payments are typically the biggest barrier to entry for first time home owners since they don't already have equity and are usually not building wealth in the first decade as they start out in entry level jobs or are digging out of student loan debt.

You wouldn't pay extra taxes to ensure that more Americans start having kids and raising families again? I would.

A decline in growth rate typically marks the end of most great civilizations.
solid post.
Inflation growth is generally independent of political party and is determined by macro factors like supply chain disruption and rising production costs.
Those are often factors but rarely are they the most common cause. There are a number of ways government has a hand in inflation, including setting wage minimums, providing a barrier to production and most notably, expanding the money supply.

Long-lasting episodes of high inflation are often the result of lax monetary policy. If the money supply grows too big relative to the size of an economy, the unit value of the currency diminishes; in other words, its purchasing power falls and prices rise. This relationship between the money supply and the size of the economy is called the quantity theory of money and is one of the oldest hypotheses in economics.

Down payments are typically the biggest barrier to entry for first time home owners since they don't already have equity and are usually not building wealth in the first decade as they start out in entry level jobs or are digging out of student loan debt.
The median home price is currently $362,481. What do you think that will go to if the government intervenes with $25K for first time home buyers? And if first time homebuyers rush to buy homes so they can use the $25K, what do you think will be the loan default rate among that group in a few years?
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You wouldn't pay extra taxes to ensure that more Americans start having kids and raising families again? I would.

A decline in growth rate typically marks the end of most great civilizations.
I'd wager those taking advantage of the extra $6K child tax credit are more likely than not those who are already struggling financially and their having children would likely further tax the system. I doubt a $6K tax credit is going to move the needle and convince someone that is middle class or above economically to pop out another kid.
I would like to see some focus groups on who would be motivated to have a child just to get the money. I think it's very likely those who it would encourage to have kids probably aren't in a financial place to have kids(even with the extra money). Anecdotally, I know some who would take advantage of it, and they shouldn't have more kids.
I would like to see some focus groups on who would be motivated to have a child just to get the money. I think it's very likely those who it would encourage to have kids probably aren't in a financial place to have kids(even with the extra money). Anecdotally, I know some who would take advantage of it, and they shouldn't have more kids.
People have been popping out as many kids as possible to reap those welfare benefits for decades. This is basically the same thing.
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People have been popping out as many kids as possible to reap those welfare benefits for decades. This is basically the same thing.
I can't tell you how many folks come in and have income based on other family members' kids they claim on tax returns.

Woman or man, mostly women have 6 kids, they'll claim 3, auntie will claim one, grandma claim one and cousin claims one. Grandma will have 5 kids on her tax return, all grandchildren or cousins kids.

Don't hate the playas.
*btw, the more they pay for child tax credit, the better for sales folks.
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And here we go with the tards talking about the economy. Please just stop. It’s fcking cyclical. The potus at the time is rarely the primary driver.
You haven't shared your expertise on shit. You just repeat the same insults and accuse others of not knowing anything. Teach us something, Gump!
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Yep, 100%. The GOP loves shooting themselves in the foot when they are winning the race. In 2019 they celebrated overturning Roe v Wade when anyone with half a brain could predict that that would be a huge rallying point for the left and cost them the election in 2020. Then they follow that up 4 years later by running Trump again when literally any other Republican option would’ve trounced Biden/Harris without much effort.
It wasn’t a rallying point for the left…it was a point for anybody with a 1/8 of a brain. 😂
Cant wait for the ret@rds on this board that are barely coherent discussing sports start talking about the economy again.
tariffs lower cost right….afaf 😂
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