
I like Nikki, but she brings with her a state that is already in the bag. Same with Tim Scott.

Question is, does what she brings in in possible democrat female voters make up for that and put her value past what Vance can do with Ohio? Same question for Scott re black voters.
I look at it this way, trump may not survive his term and she would be the best POTUS among:
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For your sake, just so you don’t repeat this in the real world, in front of somebody whose opinion you might care about, know that it is not remotely close to being true and borders on insane. If you heard it from somebody else, maybe stop listening to that person. If you read it, there’s a good chance you didn’t understand what you were reading.
He also addressed controversial portions of the report that questioned Biden’s memory, saying he could not determine whether the president had “wilfully” mishandled sensitive material “without assessing the president’s state of mind”.

“For that reason, I had to consider the president’s memory and overall mental state, and how a jury likely would perceive his memory and mental state in a criminal trial,
” Hur said.

“The evidence and the president himself put his memory squarely at issue,” he added. “My assessment in the report about the relevance of the president’s memory was necessary and accurate and fair.”

  • The special counsel, Robert Hur, found evidence that President Joe Biden mishandled classified documents but didn’t pursue criminal charges, saying the evidence did not establish Biden’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt and that Biden would be sympathetic to a jury.
  • The report paints Biden as having a faulty memory, which could be politically damaging as he runs for reelection this year.

I mean, no counsel doesn't say "incompetent"---But he does. You say "tamato", I say tomato. Kind of like, tell me hes incompetent, without telling us he's incompetent.

Saying its insane to say Biden was deemed incompetent is in itself, insane. Sort of like a 20 year old nobody escaping the trained eyes of Secret Setice agents, getting on a roof, with a ladder and rifle---and having a clear shot at the former POTUS..

Stupid sheep
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He also addressed controversial portions of the report that questioned Biden’s memory, saying he could not determine whether the president had “wilfully” mishandled sensitive material “without assessing the president’s state of mind”.

“For that reason, I had to consider the president’s memory and overall mental state, and how a jury likely would perceive his memory and mental state in a criminal trial,
” Hur said.

“The evidence and the president himself put his memory squarely at issue,” he added. “My assessment in the report about the relevance of the president’s memory was necessary and accurate and fair.”

  • The special counsel, Robert Hur, found evidence that President Joe Biden mishandled classified documents but didn’t pursue criminal charges, saying the evidence did not establish Biden’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt and that Biden would be sympathetic to a jury.
  • The report paints Biden as having a faulty memory, which could be politically damaging as he runs for reelection this year.

I mean, no counsel doesn't say "incompetent"---But he does. You say "tamato", I say tomato. Kind of like, tell me hes incompetent, without telling us he's incompetent.

Saying its insane to say Biden was deemed incompetent is in itself, insane. Sort of like a 20 year old nobody escaping the trained eyes of Secret Setice agents, getting on a roof, with a ladder and rifle---and having a clear shot at the former POTUS..

Stupid sheep
Like I said, it seems like you don’t understand what you’re reading.
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Like I said, it seems like you don’t understand what you’re reading.
Probably not. I mean if someone told me---"Borden we aren't sure with Joes memory issues, if a jury could convict him. Theyd probably be sympathetic towards him in regard to his age, and well, his memory issues"

No chance I would think---"Oh, so you don't think he's competent"?---I mean where would I get that from? How could one come to such the conclusion.

Fukin sheep.
Like I said, it seems like you don’t understand what you’re reading.
Curious....When you read what I posted----What do you think? If I told you exactly what he said, BUT it was about Trump---what conclusion would you come to?

Just curious. Are you someone who has to touch the hot stove, to believe its actually hot?
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He also addressed controversial portions of the report that questioned Biden’s memory, saying he could not determine whether the president had “wilfully” mishandled sensitive material “without assessing the president’s state of mind”.

“For that reason, I had to consider the president’s memory and overall mental state, and how a jury likely would perceive his memory and mental state in a criminal trial,
” Hur said.

“The evidence and the president himself put his memory squarely at issue,” he added. “My assessment in the report about the relevance of the president’s memory was necessary and accurate and fair.”

  • The special counsel, Robert Hur, found evidence that President Joe Biden mishandled classified documents but didn’t pursue criminal charges, saying the evidence did not establish Biden’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt and that Biden would be sympathetic to a jury.
  • The report paints Biden as having a faulty memory, which could be politically damaging as he runs for reelection this year.

I mean, no counsel doesn't say "incompetent"---But he does. You say "tamato", I say tomato. Kind of like, tell me hes incompetent, without telling us he's incompetent.

Saying its insane to say Biden was deemed incompetent is in itself, insane. Sort of like a 20 year old nobody escaping the trained eyes of Secret Setice agents, getting on a roof, with a ladder and rifle---and having a clear shot at the former POTUS..

Stupid sheep

Shoe's on the other foot now....all the smug liberals who loved to sneer at "right-wing conspiratards" the last few years are now full-blown conspiracy theorists. Over a third of Democrats polled believe this was staged.

No matter what your theory is, sensible people are at least in agreement that the official narrative is ridiculous fiction. And that's the most important thing. It's way past time for people to start questioning these narratives.

Nobody's hiring Ree Tardy Oswald for a high-profile assassination. And a puny 20 year old isn't getting past security/metal detectors and onto a (curiously unguarded) rooftop carrying a 10 ft ladder and a rifle without help.
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Shoe's on the other foot now....all the smug liberals who loved to sneer at "right-wing conspiratards" the last few years are now full-blown conspiracy theorists. Over a third of Democrats polled believe this was staged.

No matter what your theory is, sensible people are at least in agreement that the official narrative is ridiculous fiction. And that's the most important thing. It's way past time for people to start questioning these narratives.

Nobody's hiring Ree Tardy Oswald for a high-profile assassination. And a puny 20 year old isn't getting past security/metal detectors and onto a (curiously unguarded) rooftop carrying a 10 ft ladder and a rifle without help.
Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me.
For your sake, just so you don’t repeat this in the real world, in front of somebody whose opinion you might care about, know that it is not remotely close to being true and borders on insane. If you heard it from somebody else, maybe stop listening to that person. If you read it, there’s a good chance you didn’t understand what you were reading.
Yeah, I left that one alone becuse he is an IU guy, but nah
Yeah, I left that one alone becuse he is an IU guy, but nah
Nah, what? If there wasn't concern of his competence, why the concern with how a jury would view him? THis isn't very hard. His own report questions his memory, and illustrates issues with that(memory)---Being incompetent to stand trial has many reasons....And one is having memory issues....especially when you are in your 80's.

But hey, maybe his memory problems, his age, was of no concern, and the prosecutor just tossed that in for shits and giggles.
Shoe's on the other foot now....all the smug liberals who loved to sneer at "right-wing conspiratards" the last few years are now full-blown conspiracy theorists. Over a third of Democrats polled believe this was staged.

No matter what your theory is, sensible people are at least in agreement that the official narrative is ridiculous fiction. And that's the most important thing. It's way past time for people to start questioning these narratives.

Nobody's hiring Ree Tardy Oswald for a high-profile assassination. And a puny 20 year old isn't getting past security/metal detectors and onto a (curiously unguarded) rooftop carrying a 10 ft ladder and a rifle without help.
Lot of weirdness to this. Who knows. How a dufus like this could get that close, with a fukin ladder, to the POTUS, is well, just odd. And for police to just ignore him....I mean, WTF?

If it were staged, dude is one hell of a patriot----and a hell of a shot. If stage, he purposely shot his fukin ear off....

Nah, what? If there wasn't concern of his competence, why the concern with how a jury would view him? THis isn't very hard. His own report questions his memory, and illustrates issues with that(memory)---Being incompetent to stand trial has many reasons....And one is having memory issues....especially when you are in your 80's.

But hey, maybe his memory problems, his age, was of no concern, and the prosecutor just tossed that in for shits and giggles.
No one (with a shred of objectivity) would question he has declined steeply over the past two years. I was roundly criticized on the Homie board three and a half years ago for putting the odds of him being able to finish his term at 50/50. Nobody mocks that any more.

What is "nah" is the claim you and others have made that he was specifically found incompetent to to stand trial at some point.
Lot of weirdness to this. Who knows. How a dufus like this could get that close, with a fukin ladder, to the POTUS, is well, just odd. And for police to just ignore him....I mean, WTF?

If it were staged, dude is one hell of a patriot----and a hell of a shot. If stage, he purposely shot his fukin ear off....

It wasn't staged
It wasn't an inside job

It was a massive failure on the part of the SS and local police regarding advance work, communication and perimeter assignments.

And his ear isn't shot off, we got a pretty good look at it and it is either grazed or punctured but it is definitely still there.
No one (with a shred of objectivity) would question he has declined steeply over the past two years. I was roundly criticized on the Homie board three and a half years ago for putting the odds of him being able to finish his term at 50/50. Nobody mocks that any more.

What is "nah" is the claim you and others have made that he was specifically found incompetent to to stand trial at some point.
Bro....The report says----"his memory was an issue----and that a jury would be sympathetic because of that. What do you think that means?
It wasn't staged
It wasn't an inside job

It was a massive failure on the part of the SS and local police regarding advance work, communication and perimeter assignments.

And his ear isn't shot off, we got a pretty good look at it and it is either grazed or punctured but it is definitely still there.
Doubt it was staged.

Inside job? Meh....I'd hope not. But a lot of questions here. I mean this dude was spotted 30 plus minutes, and was in the glass for some 10 minutes, before being shot. I mean he was in plain fukin sight. I found it hard to believe the SS is ,or was, that incompetent.

And I am quite aware he still has his ear. That was me being hyperbolish---adding feel to the sarcasm. THought that was understood.
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One week, one side's nominee should have been dead. The next week, the other drops out. What a time we are living in.
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I'm not saying that's how it happened.

Just saying the incompetence angle isn't crazy far-fetched. The SS Director was appointed by Biden. So yes, completely plausible that he would appoint someone who is incompetent. She was very likely a DEI hire.

I think it’s absurdly far-fetched.

The series of “failures” that day would never, ever happen.

If this situation doesn’t cause a person to question “official” state narratives, I’m not sure what will.
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I think it’s absurdly far-fetched.

The series of “failures” that day would never, ever happen.

If this situation doesn’t cause a person to question “official” state narratives, I’m not sure what will.
Its unreal, tbh. The guy walks across a lawn... climbs up on a the middle of the fukin day With a fukin rifle... Is spotted 30+ minutes by civilians. Who tell the police.. Who apparently do nadda, or "check him out"?.He's "in the glass" for 10-15 minutes, i.e. "in the glass" is being in a snipers scope. AND he still gets off 8 shots, BEFORE finally being shot.

That's not incompetence..
Its unreal, tbh. The guy walks across a lawn... climbs up on a the middle of the fukin day With a fukin rifle... Is spotted 30+ minutes by civilians. Who tell the police.. Who apparently do nadda, or "check him out"?.He's "in the glass" for 10-15 minutes, i.e. "in the glass" is being in a snipers scope. AND he still gets off 8 shots, BEFORE finally being shot.

That's not incompetence..

SS snipers were trained on him for an eternity but apparently no one thought to say “Get Trump off stage.”

Ordinary people (who weren’t even looking for anything because they’re focused on the stage) were screaming for 20 min to alert authorities…meanwhile, SS snipers trained to incessantly scan the area somehow missed a rifle-wielding goof on a rooftop right under their noses in broad daylight. Plus a bunch of jumping and screaming MAGAs.

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I think it’s absurdly far-fetched.

The series of “failures” that day would never, ever happen.

If this situation doesn’t cause a person to question “official” state narratives, I’m not sure what will

There were police and counter snipers at the very building where Crooks shot from. They very easily could have thought he was with the police. If there was any uncertainty, the two sides should have communicated with each other. At the bare minimum, you can confidently say they royally sucked at communicating suspicious persons or activity.

Was this an inside job or did the police and SS simply allow it to happen? Either one seems possible and realistic. But, how many people would it take to conspire accordingly? At least a couple dozen, I would guess. And it just takes one person to blow your cover.