I’ve always respected UK’s program, ut. but I had never realized how deluded their fans are until I started browsing Rupp Rafters this season.
They whine about the officiating incessantly, despite the fact that they get by far the biggest benefit of crap officiating in the SEC. You can feel the anger coming through theirkey board when they complain about Duke and UNC (and even Tennessee), completely in denial about the fact that they get the same whistle those two programs do. think most reasonable fans understand that college officiating is simply unpredictable and inconsistent. You hope that it evens out, and most the time it does (with obvious make up calls, and the attempt to even out the # of fouls each team has). It does stink when you’re on the wrong end of a bad call at a critical point in the game, but it happens to all of us.
I think large and noisy crowds do, in general, affect officiating. This may be way team like UNC, Duke, and UK seem to get advantageous whistles, especially at home. I feel like Tennessee has gotten some of that this year, with our attendance and passion being way up.