My argument doesn't make sense? Really? You're the one trying to mainstream delusions.
If I accept your premise that a man can become a woman, then a trans woman dating a straight man is a heterosexual relationship. Are homosexual and heterosexual relationships societal constructs, too? That would be kind of weird, because you'd have to be a little gay to be interested in a "woman" with a penis. But maybe the argument is simply that all people are bisexual. Or maybe the argument is that everything is a social construct.
If someone can identify as being the other gender, then why can't someone also identify as being a different race, a different nationality, a different height?
If your body "doesn't align with your identity", you have bigger problems ahead. A lifelong battle with depression and suicidal tendencies. We need to stop normalizing this nonsense. It's not helping them. This reporter asks students if they were okay if he identifies as a 7-year-old - and as a 6'5 Chinese woman. They struggle to answer these questions - because they're trying to be politically correct, but they also know his questions are absolute rubbish.