@brooky03 in your own words, coordinated brain activity = alive.
A fetus has coordinated brain activity.
A fetus has coordinated brain activity.
He's pushing your shit in so deep, you'll be tasting it for weeks. You're going to be okay, though. You win some, you lose some. Today, you lose.Dude takes L after L and he’s in my anus? You’re funny, Ghost.
So if a patent underwriter shows you a documented patent, your response would be that you need to hear it from another source?More than one.
What part of COVID do you consider a scam?So if a patent underwriter shows you a documented patent, your response would be that you need to hear it from another source?
He's pushing your shit in so deep, you'll be tasting it for weeks. You're going to be okay, though. You win some, you lose some. Today, you lose.
What part of COVID do you consider a scam?
Well if you say so it must be true.
Again, I’m sorry for hurting your guys’ feelings by being right all the time.
What part of COVID do you consider a scam?
So if a patent underwriter shows you a documented patent, your response would be that you need to hear it from another source?
I am interested to see his response. Hopefully we are past the "COVID isn't real" crowd. If he says something about overblowing things to make profits or misrepresent info, I might have to listen.It’s all just big pharma manipulating the media to make money, bro.
Thoughts on this?
@brooky03 in your own words, coordinated brain activity = alive.
A fetus has coordinated brain activity.
Jimbo: what do you consider being alive?
Brooky: coordinated brain activity
Science: A fetus has coordinated brain activity.
Brooky: 😟😐
Again....mostly peaceful.
Liberals backed up this kind of behavior and supported defunding police...now what?
Scientists: coordinated brain activity or our idea of consciousness doesn’t begin until week 24 of a pregnancy.
Hail: Fetuses before week 24 have coordinated brain activity.
Hail is smarter than the scientists? @hailtoyourvictor I feel like you’re misusing your talents reading x-rays, bud.
Supporting defunding police, not allowing police to clear areas, supporting protests and AZ that clearly had violent and illegal activity going on. Hammering home the perceived positives and downplaying the violence and riots. Did I miss anything?What was mostly peaceful about this? Link to Liberals backing gang activity and riots and murder (different from autonomous zones)?
You said coordinated brain activity. There is absolutely coordinated brain activity before 24 weeks. I watch babies move their arms and legs well before that.
Science disagrees with you. Coordinated brain activity = conscious thought and movement
Supporting defunding police, not allowing police to clear areas, supporting protests and AZ that clearly had violent and illegal activity going on. Hammering home the perceived positives and downplaying the violence and riots. Did I miss anything?
So it’s not the brain coordinating the movement of limbs? Lol wut.
Conservatives see rioting/looting/violence as absolutely unacceptable. They don't accept or downplay it at all. If you think trumps rhetoric fueled people breaking into the capital, then you better at least be realistic and accept liberal and progressive rhetoric fueled the aforementioned behavior.But they didn’t support protests that had violent activity. For instance, they supported Atlanta’s protests and explicitly stated they didn’t support violent activity. Cities are big. There can be a protest and there can be opportunists who commit crime in the same city with a protest. That doesn’t then make the protest violent. It just doesn’t work that way.
If the Liberals downplayed the violence, the Conservatives overplayed (up-played? What word am I looking for?) the violence. They wanted to delegitimize the protests so they acted like cities were burning to the ground as thousands stormed the streets. We know that isn’t an accurate portrayal.
Re-allocating police resources is still a viable option to actually solve the issues we see in high crime areas. Because the number one thing that hasn’t worked so far is adding more and more police officers (like Chicago tried doing the last couple decades).
Chicago PD has pulled out of multiple neighborhoods. I imagine the extra policing is to keep as much of the crime from spilling into the metro area as possible.Chicago is the murder capital. Chicago has dumped more and more money into police budgets since the 60’s. Despite budget increases outpacing inflation by a lot, violent crime in Chicago keeps increasing. Why? If more police = less crime, why is that not true in Chicago?
You are very very selective in what you post. I guess you forgot what Maxine W and others said about getting in peoples faces and protesting and if necessary get violent. Oooooooooops.But they didn’t support protests that had violent activity. For instance, they supported Atlanta’s protests and explicitly stated they didn’t support violent activity. Cities are big. There can be a protest and there can be opportunists who commit crime in the same city with a protest. That doesn’t then make the protest violent. It just doesn’t work that way.
If the Liberals downplayed the violence, the Conservatives overplayed (up-played? What word am I looking for?) the violence. They wanted to delegitimize the protests so they acted like cities were burning to the ground as thousands stormed the streets. We know that isn’t an accurate portrayal.
Re-allocating police resources is still a viable option to actually solve the issues we see in high crime areas. Because the number one thing that hasn’t worked so far is adding more and more police officers (like Chicago tried doing the last couple decades).
You are very very selective in what you post. I guess you forgot what Maxine W and others said about getting in peoples faces and protesting and if necessary get violent. Oooooooooops.
Of all the things brook is sooo so wrong about. This is where he is most ignorant. Are you really wanting to see him double, triple, quadruple down on stupidity here?Conservatives see rioting/looting/violence as absolutely unacceptable. They don't accept or downplay it at all. If you think trumps rhetoric fueled people breaking into the capital, then you better at least be realistic and accept liberal and progressive rhetoric fueled the aforementioned behavior.
Hey I’m just the messenger. Go argue with the scientists who do this for a living.
But, but, but, but,. Typical of liberal POS.Exception that proves the rule
But he will and he will have some type of excuse for the actions.Of all the things brook is sooo so wrong about. This is where he is most ignorant. Are you really wanting to see him double, triple, quadruple down on stupidity here?
But, but, but, but,. Typical of liberal POS.
Of all the things brook is sooo so wrong about. This is where he is most ignorant. Are you really wanting to see him double, triple, quadruple down on stupidity here?
David Martin's a patent underwriter who's reviewed over 4000 patents related to SARS coronaviruses. They took the genetic sequences that were supposedly novel and reviewed them against the available patent records and found out that there was no "novel" coronavirus. There are countless, subtle modifications of coronavirus sequences. Patents for these supposedly novel sequences go back to 1999.What part of COVID do you consider a scam?
David Martin's a patent underwriter who's reviewed over 4000 patents related to SARS coronaviruses. They took the genetic sequences that were supposedly novel and reviewed them against the available patent records and found out that there was no "novel" coronavirus. There are countless, subtle modifications of coronavirus sequences. Patents for these supposedly novel sequences go back to 1999.
In 1999, research funded by Fauci (taxpayers actually) in Chapel Hill led to a 2002 patent to create "an infectious replication defective coronavirus" to "target the human lung epithelium." Not a vaccine. A patent on the virus. They made SARS. It was patented before there was ever an alleged outbreak in Asia.
The '02 patent transferred from UNC Chapel Hill to the NIH in 2018 and in 2019, UNC, NIAID and Moderna started the sequencing of a spike protein vaccine. A month before any outbreak happened.
There's a lot more to it. You should watch that video. It's not just the ramblings of a wacko. It's all substantiated by evidence in the patent records. He made it all public. https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/downloads/en/legal/science/COVID19-Dossier.pdf
The brain is 100% coordinating the movement of limbs under 24 weeks. You flail when you’re caught in a pickle. There is a difference between consciousness and coordinated brain activity.