Place to put my Nonsense Thread.

Repeat abortions have to be astronomically low. I feel like that is a Conservative boogeyman; the idea that there is any significant number of women out there being fertilized by steamy loads all day every day and popping abortion pills like candy.
A quick google said that bt 34-45% of abortions are repeat abortions. If I cared more or wasnt completely disturbed by the topic Id look into it more. That has to blow your mind, right?
Why do you focus on picking apart a narrative rather than just looking at the facts?

Because the ‘facts’ are up to interpretation because they’re being presented alongside bias and opinion. Have you read the actual patents? I haven’t. I assume a layperson would not want to read patents; they might not even be able to. So we’re relying on a man’s interpretation and representation of a patent. A guy who has shown a history of endorsing conspiracy theories, so he has skin in the game.
A quick google said that bt 34-45% of abortions are repeat abortions. If I cared more or wasnt completely disturbed by the topic Id look into it more. That has to blow your mind, right?

@GhostOf301 It happened! I was wrong. Repeat abortions are more common than I had thought. Likely more common than rape abortions.
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@toonces11 about half of abortions result from women who were using contraception. They were trying to be responsible.

What are your thoughts in their case?
@toonces11 about half of abortions result from women who were using contraception. They were trying to be responsible.

What are your thoughts in their case?
That number had to be astronomically higher than what you were thinking right? How does that change how you feel about your stance on abortion?

To your question - It's tough as hell. My 5 yr old was unplanned (using contraception) and it never once crossed my mind if I wanted to have him or not. Granted I knew I wanted to marry this girl before it happened but I'd like to think I would do the right thing in any situation.. I wish less people had to be in the situation you described, I just dont think I could ever decide to terminate out of convenience.
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That number had to be astronomically higher than what you were thinking right? How does that change how you feel about your stance on abortion?

To your question - It's tough as hell. My 5 yr old was unplanned (using contraception) and it never once crossed my mind if I wanted to have him or not. Granted I knew I wanted to marry this girl before it happened but I'd like to think I would do the right thing in any situation.. I wish less people had to be in the situation you described, I just dont think I could ever decide to terminate out of convenience.

My stance on abortion doesn’t change. I don’t see it as killing a human. It’s no different than Plan B, to me. I like the current 2nd trimester limit. Repeat abortions and abortions of convenience (aren’t most out of convenience?) weren’t and aren’t factors in my stance.
So this is what being wrong feels like. Shit.

I understand Afamu’s struggle now
opinions are great huh? You just cant prove them and then when you are proven wrong with facts, you still cant admit it. What a sad little liberal troll POS you are.
opinions are great huh? You just cant prove them and then when you are proven wrong with facts, you still cant admit it. What a sad little liberal troll POS you are.

I literally just admitted I was wrong…

You are very dense
My stance on abortion doesn’t change. I don’t see it as killing a human. It’s no different than Plan B, to me. I like the current 2nd trimester limit. Repeat abortions and abortions of convenience (aren’t most out of convenience?) weren’t and aren’t factors in my stance.
I guess that makes sense if you dont believe its a living thing. I guess my official stance is abortion should be very rare.
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I guess that makes sense if you dont believe its a living thing. I guess my official stance is abortion should be very rare.

I’ve referred to Louis C.K.’s bit on this before because he sums it up pretty well. (Paraphrasing) If you don’t think it’s a person, then who cares. If you do think it’s murder of a person, then of course you’d feel strongly; it’s murder.
I’ve referred to Louis C.K.’s bit on this before because he sums it up pretty well. (Paraphrasing) If you don’t think it’s a person, then who cares. If you do think it’s murder of a person, then of course you’d feel strongly; it’s murder.
You probably shouldn't refer to louis C.K. on such topics. Save that for jerk off material.
That has to be JImbo, right?
Hail’s profession doesn’t have anything to do with fetal development. That would be like assuming somebody who works in HR knows a lot about finance because they both require a version of a business degree. Doesn’t work like that.

There’s nothing to interpret. What he is doing is trying to distort the definition of ‘coordinated’ to fit his argument. This is his schtick and has been for a while. He has read and responded to multiple other threads where him and I have had this discussion. He’s trolling. It’s what he does.

Tha hell? A massive part of my job is fetal development.
He’s cumming to my area of New York in September. Planning to buy tickets. One of the best.
He has his moments. Not one of my favorites though. Jim Gaffigan will be in Wilmington this fall. He's alright. Might go see him depending on how many other people want to go.
The wife and some cackling hens are going to see Miranda Lambert tomorrow night. I will probably go work the bar.
Tom Segura comes here next spring. I actually really like Segura, Burr, and CK
Been listening to Kyle Kinane and Jeff Dye. Those are some funny dudes. Can't find it on YouTube, but Jeff Dye has a 13 minute segment called dating stinks. So funny.
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Hail’s profession doesn’t have anything to do with fetal development. That would be like assuming somebody who works in HR knows a lot about finance because they both require a version of a business degree. Doesn’t work like that.

There’s nothing to interpret. What he is doing is trying to distort the definition of ‘coordinated’ to fit his argument. This is his schtick and has been for a while. He has read and responded to multiple other threads where him and I have had this discussion. He’s trolling. It’s what he does.

Do you really think I’m a nurse? That’s all I can think of as to why you don’t think my profession has to do with fetal development. I’m a sonographer and document fetal development for a living.

This is the registry we take:

Obstetrics & Gynecology (OB\GYN) Outline
Anatomy and Physiology 25%
Normal Anatomy and Physiology
Assess both adnexa (i.e., ovaries, fallopian tubes)
Assess the endometrium
Assess the uterus (i.e., position, orientation, contour)
Assess the cervix
Assess the cul-de-sacs
Assess patients of reproductive age
Assess postmenopausal patients
Assess premenarcheal patients
Identify structures in the first trimester obstetrical exam at less than 10 weeks (i.e., decidual reaction, gestational sac, yolk sac, embryo)
Identify fetal anatomy in the first trimester obstetrical exam at 10-14 weeks (i.e., calvarium, stomach, cord insertion, extremities)
Identify multiple gestations (i.e., fetal number, chorionicity/amnionicity)
Assess the placenta (i.e., size, location)
Assess the umbilical cord (i.e., insertion into placenta, vessel number)
Assess amnionic fluid volume
Assess fetal lie and presentation
Assess the fetal heart (i.e., axis, chambers, outflow tracts)
Assess the neck
Assess intracranial structures
Assess the facial anatomy (i.e., nose, lips, nasal bones, orbits, profile)
Assess the diaphragm
Assess the thorax (i.e., thymus, lungs)
Assess the abdomen (i.e., gallbladder, stomach, liver)
Assess the skeletal system (e.g., cranial contour, long bones evaluation, ribs, vertebrae, skull, spine)
Assess the ankles and feet
Assess the hands/fingers
Assess the genitalia
Pathology 41%
Abnormal Physiology and Perfusion
Identify adnexal pathology other than ovarian
Identify ovarian pathology
Identify endometrial pathology (i.e., polyps, hyperplasia)
Identify uterine masses (e.g., leiomyomas, sarcomas)
Identify Müllerian duct developmental anomalies (e.g., septated, subseptate, bicornuate, unicornis uterus)
Identify adenomyosis
Identify cervical pathology (e.g., polyps)
Identify free fluid in the pelvis
Identify vaginal pathology (e.g., imperforated hymen)
Identify maternal pelvic pathology
Congenital Anomalies
Assess multiple gestations (e.g., conjoined twins, acardiac twin, twin to twin transfusion syndrome, discordance)
Identify abnormal multiple gestations
Identify molar degeneration
Identify ectopic pregnancy
Identify embryonic/fetal demise
Identify anembryonic pregnancy
Identify abnormal trisomy (e.g., 13, 18, 21)
Identify abnormal congenital anomalies
Identify abnormal amniotic fluid volume
Identify abnormal fetal growth
Identify abnormal yolk sac
Identify abnormal central nervous system anomaly (e.g., anencephaly, acrania, hydranencephaly, Dandy-Walker malformation, encephalocele)
Identify abnormal intracranial structures (e.g., choroid plexus cyst)
Identify a thickened nuchal translucency
Identify abnormal face (i.e., nose/ lips, orbits, profile)
Identify abnormal neck (e.g., goiter, cystic hygroma)
Identify abnormal fetal heart (e.g., axis, chambers, outflow tracts)
Identify abnormal diaphragm
Identify abnormal thorax
Identify abnormal abdomen (e.g., gallbladder, stomach, liver)
Identify abnormal abdominal wall defect (e.g., omphalocele, gastroschisis)
Identify abnormal umbilical cord (e.g., insertion, vessels)
Identify abnormal gastrointestinal system (e.g., echogenic bowel, duodenal atresia, bowel obstruction, esophageal atresia, cysts)
Identify abnormal genitourinary system (e.g., hydronephrosis, cystic renal dysplasia, hydroureter, renal agenesis, bladder outlet obstruction, ureterocele, abnormal genitalia, ovarian cyst)
Identify abnormal genitalia
Identify abnormal skeletal system (e.g., skull, spine)
Identify abnormal ankles and feet (e.g., club feet, polydactyly)
Identify abnormal hands/fingers
Placental Abnormalities
Identify previa
Identify vasa previa
Identify subchorionic hemorrhage
Identify abruption
Identify accreta, increta, percreta
Identify infarction
Identify abnormal membrane/insertion shape (i.e., circumvallate)
Identify accessory lobe
Identify masses (e.g., chorioangioma)
Protocols 25%
Clinical Standards and Guidelines
Obtain pertinent clinical history as a part of the exam
Correlate previous exams
Review lab results as a part of the exam (e.g., hCG levels, CA 125)
Perform quality assurance checks on the equipment
Perform transabdominal technique
Perform transvaginal technique
Perform translabial technique
Measurement Techniques
Measure endometrium thickness
Measure ovarian dimensions
Measure uterine dimensions
Measure cervical length
Perform biophysical profiles
Measure amniotic fluid (i.e., amniotic fluid index, deepest pocket)
Measure crown rump length
Measure mean sac diameter
Measure the yolk sac
Measure biparietal diameter
Measure biparietal diameter corrected
Measure head circumference
Measure cisterna magnum
Measure cerebellum
Measure transverse cerebellar diameter
Measure cerebral lateral ventricle
Measure cephalic index
Measure nuchal translucency in first trimester
Measure nuchal fold between 15 and 20 weeks' gestation
Measure orbital, intraorbital and outer orbital diameters
Measure nasal bone
Measure abdomen circumference
Measure humerus length
Measure femur length
Measure other long bones (e.g., radius, ulna, tibia)
Physics and Instrumentation 8%
Assess ovarian vasculature with Doppler
Assess the uterine arteries with Doppler
Assess arteriovenous malformations using Doppler
Assess embryonic and/or fetal heart rate and rhythm with M-mode
Assess the middle cerebral artery with Doppler
Assess the ductus venosus
Assess fetal heart rate using Doppler
Assess the umbilical cord vessels with Doppler
Imaging Instruments
Apply M-mode
Apply color flow imaging
Apply power (angio, amplitude) Doppler
Apply pulsed spectral Doppler
Apply harmonics
Perform 3-D imaging
Apply knowledge of artifacts
Treatment 1%
Sonographer Role in Procedures
Provide guidance for sonohysterography
Provide guidance for amniocentesis after 15 weeks
Provide guidance for chorionic villus sampling
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Do you really think I’m a nurse? That’s all I can think of as to why you don’t think my profession has to do with fetal development. I’m a sonographer and document fetal development for a living.

This is the registry we take:

Obstetrics & Gynecology (OB\GYN) Outline
Anatomy and Physiology 25%
Normal Anatomy and Physiology
Assess both adnexa (i.e., ovaries, fallopian tubes)
Assess the endometrium
Assess the uterus (i.e., position, orientation, contour)
Assess the cervix
Assess the cul-de-sacs
Assess patients of reproductive age
Assess postmenopausal patients
Assess premenarcheal patients
Identify structures in the first trimester obstetrical exam at less than 10 weeks (i.e., decidual reaction, gestational sac, yolk sac, embryo)
Identify fetal anatomy in the first trimester obstetrical exam at 10-14 weeks (i.e., calvarium, stomach, cord insertion, extremities)
Identify multiple gestations (i.e., fetal number, chorionicity/amnionicity)
Assess the placenta (i.e., size, location)
Assess the umbilical cord (i.e., insertion into placenta, vessel number)
Assess amnionic fluid volume
Assess fetal lie and presentation
Assess the fetal heart (i.e., axis, chambers, outflow tracts)
Assess the neck
Assess intracranial structures
Assess the facial anatomy (i.e., nose, lips, nasal bones, orbits, profile)
Assess the diaphragm
Assess the thorax (i.e., thymus, lungs)
Assess the abdomen (i.e., gallbladder, stomach, liver)
Assess the skeletal system (e.g., cranial contour, long bones evaluation, ribs, vertebrae, skull, spine)
Assess the ankles and feet
Assess the hands/fingers
Assess the genitalia
Pathology 41%
Abnormal Physiology and Perfusion
Identify adnexal pathology other than ovarian
Identify ovarian pathology
Identify endometrial pathology (i.e., polyps, hyperplasia)
Identify uterine masses (e.g., leiomyomas, sarcomas)
Identify Müllerian duct developmental anomalies (e.g., septated, subseptate, bicornuate, unicornis uterus)
Identify adenomyosis
Identify cervical pathology (e.g., polyps)
Identify free fluid in the pelvis
Identify vaginal pathology (e.g., imperforated hymen)
Identify maternal pelvic pathology
Congenital Anomalies
Assess multiple gestations (e.g., conjoined twins, acardiac twin, twin to twin transfusion syndrome, discordance)
Identify abnormal multiple gestations
Identify molar degeneration
Identify ectopic pregnancy
Identify embryonic/fetal demise
Identify anembryonic pregnancy
Identify abnormal trisomy (e.g., 13, 18, 21)
Identify abnormal congenital anomalies
Identify abnormal amniotic fluid volume
Identify abnormal fetal growth
Identify abnormal yolk sac
Identify abnormal central nervous system anomaly (e.g., anencephaly, acrania, hydranencephaly, Dandy-Walker malformation, encephalocele)
Identify abnormal intracranial structures (e.g., choroid plexus cyst)
Identify a thickened nuchal translucency
Identify abnormal face (i.e., nose/ lips, orbits, profile)
Identify abnormal neck (e.g., goiter, cystic hygroma)
Identify abnormal fetal heart (e.g., axis, chambers, outflow tracts)
Identify abnormal diaphragm
Identify abnormal thorax
Identify abnormal abdomen (e.g., gallbladder, stomach, liver)
Identify abnormal abdominal wall defect (e.g., omphalocele, gastroschisis)
Identify abnormal umbilical cord (e.g., insertion, vessels)
Identify abnormal gastrointestinal system (e.g., echogenic bowel, duodenal atresia, bowel obstruction, esophageal atresia, cysts)
Identify abnormal genitourinary system (e.g., hydronephrosis, cystic renal dysplasia, hydroureter, renal agenesis, bladder outlet obstruction, ureterocele, abnormal genitalia, ovarian cyst)
Identify abnormal genitalia
Identify abnormal skeletal system (e.g., skull, spine)
Identify abnormal ankles and feet (e.g., club feet, polydactyly)
Identify abnormal hands/fingers
Placental Abnormalities
Identify previa
Identify vasa previa
Identify subchorionic hemorrhage
Identify abruption
Identify accreta, increta, percreta
Identify infarction
Identify abnormal membrane/insertion shape (i.e., circumvallate)
Identify accessory lobe
Identify masses (e.g., chorioangioma)
Protocols 25%
Clinical Standards and Guidelines
Obtain pertinent clinical history as a part of the exam
Correlate previous exams
Review lab results as a part of the exam (e.g., hCG levels, CA 125)
Perform quality assurance checks on the equipment
Perform transabdominal technique
Perform transvaginal technique
Perform translabial technique
Measurement Techniques
Measure endometrium thickness
Measure ovarian dimensions
Measure uterine dimensions
Measure cervical length
Perform biophysical profiles
Measure amniotic fluid (i.e., amniotic fluid index, deepest pocket)
Measure crown rump length
Measure mean sac diameter
Measure the yolk sac
Measure biparietal diameter
Measure biparietal diameter corrected
Measure head circumference
Measure cisterna magnum
Measure cerebellum
Measure transverse cerebellar diameter
Measure cerebral lateral ventricle
Measure cephalic index
Measure nuchal translucency in first trimester
Measure nuchal fold between 15 and 20 weeks' gestation
Measure orbital, intraorbital and outer orbital diameters
Measure nasal bone
Measure abdomen circumference
Measure humerus length
Measure femur length
Measure other long bones (e.g., radius, ulna, tibia)
Physics and Instrumentation 8%
Assess ovarian vasculature with Doppler
Assess the uterine arteries with Doppler
Assess arteriovenous malformations using Doppler
Assess embryonic and/or fetal heart rate and rhythm with M-mode
Assess the middle cerebral artery with Doppler
Assess the ductus venosus
Assess fetal heart rate using Doppler
Assess the umbilical cord vessels with Doppler
Imaging Instruments
Apply M-mode
Apply color flow imaging
Apply power (angio, amplitude) Doppler
Apply pulsed spectral Doppler
Apply harmonics
Perform 3-D imaging
Apply knowledge of artifacts
Treatment 1%
Sonographer Role in Procedures
Provide guidance for sonohysterography
Provide guidance for amniocentesis after 15 weeks
Provide guidance for chorionic villus sampling
He has stayed at a Holiday inn. And he can read.
Someone’s pretty rustled and/or trolling hard when they take it to “a sonographer registered in obstetrics works in a profession that has nothing to do with fetal development”. That even hurts to write.

Then how did you get this wrong? If I ask a QB how to throw a football and he says well first, you have to stick your thumb in your ass, I probably wouldn’t think he’s a QB.

So you admit you misunderstand what coordinated brain activity is?
Then how did you get this wrong? If I ask a QB how to throw a football and he says well first, you have to stick your thumb in your ass, I probably wouldn’t think he’s a QB.

So you admit you misunderstand what coordinated brain activity is?

The brain telling the limb to move or the fist to squeeze is coordinated activity.
Hail: I measure fetuses so I know neurology.

Brooky: I audit balance sheets so I know how to fix the US economy
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I will apologize to hail for getting his career wrong. I thought he did x-ray stuff.