Place to put my Nonsense Thread.

The brain coordinates movement of the fetus and its limbs. This is factual.

A limb spasming or a reflex is not coordinated movement. The fact that an electrical signal moves between the limb and brain does not make it coordinated. You are being intentionally obtuse about the definition because you know you were wrong. This is page 1 of your playbook.

Are you going to keep playing dumb and doing your typical trolling thing or drop it?
I've seen plenty of "pro-life" people justify the killing of other people who are alive but are completely anti-abortion. Just seems weird to me.
A limb spasming or a reflex is not coordinated movement. The fact that an electrical signal moves between the limb and brain does not make it coordinated. You are being intentionally obtuse about the definition because you know you were wrong. This is page 1 of your playbook.

Are you going to keep playing dumb and doing your typical trolling thing or drop it?

It’s not limb spasms or reflexes. It’s the brain coordinating with limbs to move. It will coordinate things like baby making a fist, too. Factual.
There’s probably some nerds in this thread that stand outside abortion clinics with signs and yell at the women going in.

You guys consider something with a heart beat and functioning brain not alive and use that justification to be okay with killing it. And you can’t step back and use common sense on it because it doesn’t jive with your party.
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I've seen plenty of "pro-life" people justify the killing of other people who are alive but are completely anti-abortion. Just seems weird to me.

Ghost said he’d shoot a person in the face if they stole his Amazon shipment of butt plugs from his porch.
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I've seen plenty of "pro-life" people justify the killing of other people who are alive but are completely anti-abortion. Just seems weird to me.
To be fair. I am not pro life or pro choice. But I find it pretty damned disturbing to harvest organs out of what is essentially a baby. I am against late term abortions, I guess. But there is no equivalence between the two scenarios that you bring up.
To be fair. I am not pro life or pro choice. But I find it pretty damned disturbing to harvest organs out of what is essentially a baby. I am against late term abortions, I guess. But there is no equivalence between the two scenarios that you bring up.

I am not really talking to you then. I am talking to people who think all abortions should be illegal. A fetus can attack a mother and serve as a threat to her life. There is some equivalency between the scenarios there.
It’s not limb spasms or reflexes. It’s the brain coordinating with limbs to move. It will coordinate things like baby making a fist, too. Factual.

Sigh. I’m going to walk away from this. Go find a doc at your office/hospital and tell them your nonsense. I don’t care if you sound like an idiot (you’re not an idiot, you’d just sound like one). Not my job to fix it.
War and capital punishment are two examples of justified killing.
Well, I would say that babies or fetuses don’t have to ability to harm anyone or anything, to start with. Justified death is subjective with each person. But obviously grown men and women can do things fetuses can’t.
I am not really talking to you then. I am talking to people who think all abortions should be illegal. A fetus can attack a mother and serve as a threat to her life. There is some equivalency between the scenarios there.

I’ve never seen anyone here say that mother should have to carry to term. So maybe go post that on tMB?
Sigh. I’m going to walk away from this. Go find a doc at your office/hospital and tell them your nonsense. I don’t care if you sound like an idiot (you’re not an idiot, you’d just sound like one). Not my job to fix it.

I’m registered in OB/GYN and deal with OB doctors on a daily basis. The brain is functioning before week 24. It just is.
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Well, I would say that babies or fetuses don’t have to ability to harm anyone or anything, to start with. Justified death is subjective with each person. But obviously grown men and women can do things fetuses can’t.

Maybe not with intent but they definitely have the ability to harm and serve as a threat to the mother. Since justified death is subjective with each person, it seems like making all abortions illegal would be problematic. That's my only point.
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The information is from medical professionals/scientists.

What was the point you were trying to make as you tripped and fell on your face?
How do you know you are interpreting it correctly. And it seems hail knows a shit ton more than you based on his actual profession. Not from reading.
Maybe not with intent but they definitely have the ability to harm and serve as a threat to the mother. Since justified death is subjective with each person, it seems like making all abortions illegal would be problematic. That's my only point.
I think you could get most of, if not all, conservatives ITT to agree with you on this. That would have to be a pretty hardcore stance, making all abortions illegal no matter what. But I'm sure there are nut jobs out there that feel that way.
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War and capital punishment are two examples of justified killing.
I am not as supportive of war as was once was. Too many uninvolved people die. Capitol punishment cannot even be compared to abortion, though. The person being punished made a coherent decision to commit a crime atrocious enough to be in that situation. An unborn baby never had a choice to do anything.
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I am not as supportive of war as was once was. Too many uninvolved people die. Capitol punishment cannot even be compared to abortion, though. The person being punished made a coherent decision to commit a crime atrocious enough to be in that situation. An unborn baby never had a choice to do anything.

I'm not going to even ask your opinion about insanity pleas then lol
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@Random UK Fan seeing @jhmossy in the political thread

I'm not going to even ask your opinion about insanity pleas then lol
I think they should be guilty by reason of insanity and not, not guilty by reason of insanity. Those aren't the people receiving the death penalty, though. It obviously takes a level of insanity to pile bodies of dead hookers by the river. But they shouldn't be a few psych tests away from being declared sane and released back into the public.

Since you didn't ask.
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I think you could get most of, if not all, conservatives ITT to agree with you on this. That would have to be a pretty hardcore stance, making all abortions illegal no matter what. But I'm sure there are nut jobs out there that feel that way.
I feel like pro abortion people always default to saving the mothers life or rape/incest. I think most conservatives are against "abortions of convenience" and senseless repeat pregnancies being terminated by thoughtless people.
How do you know you are interpreting it correctly. And it seems hail knows a shit ton more than you based on his actual profession. Not from reading.

Hail’s profession doesn’t have anything to do with fetal development. That would be like assuming somebody who works in HR knows a lot about finance because they both require a version of a business degree. Doesn’t work like that.

There’s nothing to interpret. What he is doing is trying to distort the definition of ‘coordinated’ to fit his argument. This is his schtick and has been for a while. He has read and responded to multiple other threads where him and I have had this discussion. He’s trolling. It’s what he does.
Hail’s profession doesn’t have anything to do with fetal development. That would be like assuming somebody who works in HR knows a lot about finance because they both require a version of a business degree. Doesn’t work like that.

There’s nothing to interpret. What he is doing is trying to distort the definition of ‘coordinated’ to fit his argument. This is his schtick and has been for a while. He has read and responded to multiple other threads where him and I have had this discussion. He’s trolling. It’s what he does.
And what are you doing?
I feel like pro abortion people always default to saving the mothers life or rape/incest. I think most conservatives are against "abortions of convenience" and senseless repeat pregnancies being terminated by thoughtless people.

Repeat abortions have to be astronomically low. I feel like that is a Conservative boogeyman; the idea that there is any significant number of women out there being fertilized by steamy loads all day every day and popping abortion pills like candy.
regardless ur stance on brain dead people being dead is wrong and stupid.

Like i said could i go to a random hospital and start unplugging brain dead people and not get charged with murder???

Thats ur whole argument that coordinated brain activity is needed for life, when its a stone cold fact there are many plants/animals/organisms that are alive that dont even have a brain, much less coordinated brain activity.

So to say a fetus with a heartbeat is dead bc it had no brain activity is super obtuse imo(which btw how can its heart beat without the brain telling it to? U said in another post thats what made brain dead people dead. The docs keeping them alive on purpose after “aborting” to get the organs?)
The implication being that they created a virus to then make money to vaccinate against? Coordinating this globally, without the scientific community (most without financial incentive to look the other way) raising any red flags?
Why do you focus on picking apart a narrative rather than just looking at the facts?
Repeat abortions have to be astronomically low. I feel like that is a Conservative boogeyman; the idea that there is any significant number of women out there being fertilized by steamy loads all day every day and popping abortion pills like candy.
Lower than rape or incest abortions?
regardless ur stance on brain dead people being dead is wrong and stupid.

Like i said could i go to a random hospital and start unplugging brain dead people and not get charged with murder???

Thats ur whole argument that coordinated brain activity is needed for life, when its a stone cold fact there are many plants/animals/organisms that are alive that dont even have a brain, much less coordinated brain activity.

So to say a fetus with a heartbeat is dead bc it had no brain activity is super obtuse imo(which btw how can its heart beat without the brain telling it to? U said in another post thats what made brain dead people dead. The docs keeping them alive on purpose after “aborting” to get the organs?)

Those plants and organisms don’t have heartbeats either. By your definition, they’re not alive.

What the law decides to do with people who unplug machines or murder pregnant women is inconsequential to the opinion of what counts as alive or dead. We’re not arguing law.

Let’s get down to brass tacks. The fetuses discussed in the original article were being aborted regardless. The university or medical center or whatever it was wanted the best tissue it could gather, for important research that probably has and will save lives in the long run. Are you saying it is important that they wait an extra 3 minutes (or however long it takes) for the heart to stop, thus damaging the tissue and compromising their research, before beginning the surgery?

An important point is that these are not viable fetuses. They cannot live apart from the mother. They have no chance of being hooked up to machines and developing into living infants. They are not conscious. They do not feel pain from the procedure.
Repeat abortions have to be astronomically low. I feel like that is a Conservative boogeyman; the idea that there is any significant number of women out there being fertilized by steamy loads all day every day and popping abortion pills like candy.
I mean, do you blame people that truly value life and see it as not giving a chance for a child to come into this world? I totally understand their thinking even though I'm in total agreement that a large percentage of people should never reproduce. The amount of people that have babies without being prepared and then compound it by having more---damn well knowing they have no means to take care of them----its flat out sad.