Yeah, I understand what your trying to do, and I do get it. If I'm correct, you're taking more of the stance that you'd rather punish an innocent person then to take a chance of a guilty one to walk away? That may not be the best analogy, but I think I understand where your coming from...and its definitely a valid argument.
However, I just don't agree. How do we know he did anything that was unbecoming of an athlete/student? Unless were going to say that premarital sex is wrong...I honestly dont understand what he did wrong? I'm honestly not trying to be sarcastic, or argumentative here, but I'm not getting it. If she says something negative happened, but theres zero proof (like scratch marks or bruises) I don't see why/how you can punish someone.
I'm not trying to be an archaic man here, and I have a beautiful wife whose way out of my league and a 19 year old daughter, so I'm trying to be objective and think about them. But, if theres zero evidence then I dont see how its ever okay to punish someone. This isn't because their basketball players, because it goes way beyond any 1 person, or profession! But, how many times have you seen in the past year where a guys career is absolutely shattered in the matter of one allegation from a 130 character tweet?
I'm not talking about the Bill Cosby type of situation. Even without proof, if enough random woman come forward with similar situations....that's good enough for me. But, if you look at someone like Chris Hardwicke(sp?) and his situation, it gets a lot murkier. One past ex said he did all this horrible stuff to her, but multiple other past exs of his came forward and all said theres no way the person they dated could do this. He's screamed about his innocence from day 1 and she couldn't provide any evidence to support her claims.
So, does he deserve to have his career ruined? Because suspending him at all is basically making him radioactive forever. Now, if you are/wanting to say that hes suspended during the investigation....I could get behind this.