that's funny about how I am responding to others. coming from a fan of the worst team in the BT with it not changing any time soon.
you are just looking to harass a Hawk fan that has been around for awhile. for the record I started out on Hawkeye Report in 2002 under the name Karnack, a spin off from the Johnny Carson Show Carnack. then I changed it to Herbyhawk. but when I changed my name I went to Hawkeyeinsider on Scout.
while there I bought there Magazine called Hawkeye Insider, started buying off the magazine rack then subscribed as it was cheaper. then I went to 247's Voice of the Hawkeyes.
I have come to Rivals because 247 got to involved in making people pay for information that should be available to the general fan. 247 then bought Scout and changed the name they use, to Hawkeye Insider.
Hawkeye Report is getting worse as they too make people join their premium to read about just about everything, including news about non offered recruits. sorry but I won't pay to read about recruits.
but you keep living in your fantasy world.