Please tell me what the Nebraska administration did that was so abhorrent. Searching for your next coach when you've made the decision to can the current one, but still want to give him and the team a chance to finish the season together? Oh yes. How incredibly evil of them.He handle it with class compared to the Nebraska administration.
Please tell me what the Nebraska administration did that was so abhorrent. Searching for your next coach when you've made the decision to can the current one, but still want to give him and the team a chance to finish the season together? Oh yes. How incredibly evil of them.
Please tell me what the Nebraska administration did that was so abhorrent. Searching for your next coach when you've made the decision to can the current one, but still want to give him and the team a chance to finish the season together? Oh yes. How incredibly evil of them.
And I'm sure something the administration wasn't pleased about it being leaked. But let's be real here. Everyone knew Miles was gone long ago. He'd even been telling recruits that it was a very real possibility for some time.The leaking of it all was pathetic and unfair to Miles.
You think that isn't a common occurrence among schools? It's a business. When you're trying to land someone like Hoiberg who is being courted by other suitors you don't have the luxury of time. Sure we could have canned him a few weeks ago, but that hardly seems better to me.You started searching for a coach while the team was still playing, what’s not to understand?
You think that isn't a common occurrence among schools? It's a business. When you're trying to land someone like Hoiberg who is being courted by other suitors you don't have the luxury of time. Sure we could have canned him a few weeks ago, but that hardly seems better to me.
You think he would have preferred to not finish the season with his team? I highly doubt that.Fire him after the B1G tourney and let an assistant coach the NIT while you start your search. It was a low blow to Miles.
You think he would have preferred to not finish the season with his team? I highly doubt that.
What he wanted is one thing (true or not), what the University should have done is quite another.You think he would have preferred to not finish the season with his team? I highly doubt that.
I'm not entirely in disagreement, only because if his squad had miraculously won the NIT, now you've put yourself in an awkward position.What he wanted is one thing (true or not), what the University should have done is quite another.
Considering how much Miles seems to genuinely care for his players, I'm going to say yes. I think he absolutely preferred it over watching them in the NIT without him.Yes I’m sure Miles liked going to work everyday knowing he was a lame duck.
Considering how much Miles seems to genuinely care for his players, I'm going to say yes. I think he absolutely preferred it over watching them in the NIT without him.
I hope Hoiberg turns you down because it was a bad look.
I could be wrong, but I understand the guy who tweeted the Hoiberg rumor is the one who Nebraska talks to when they want something leaked, sort of like Wisconsin's JayPo.I'm not entirely in disagreement, only because if his squad had miraculously won the NIT, now you've put yourself in an awkward position.
But I don't see any ill intent deriving from the situation.
Sounds like it is already a done deal.
I see no benefit to the story being intentionally leaked by the administration. So I'm going to chalk that up as highly unlikely.I could be wrong, but I understand the guy who tweeted the Hoiberg rumor is the one who Nebraska talks to when they want something leaked, sort of like Wisconsin's JayPo.
I have no problem if Hoiberg (if NU does hire him) simply just reached a silent agreement with NU. However, I did think it was very disrespectful to Tim Miles to leak it (this part certainly I have no proof of, but am fairly certain).
I hope you recover from the ordeal Princess.I hope Hoiberg turns you down because it was a bad look.
I hope you recover from the ordeal Princess.
Possible.I see no benefit to the story being intentionally leaked by the administration. So I'm going to chalk that up as highly unlikely.
One rogue member who likes to gloat? Sure, maybe. I could see Matt Davison failing to keep his mouth shut. But that's hardly a systematic problem with the entire AD.
Yeah. Taking shots at our basketball program doesn't really get under anyone's skin. But you keep that up. Have fun with it.No skin off my ass. Your Nebraskaball, the cellar dweller of all cellar dwellers.
Yeah. Taking shots at our basketball program doesn't really get under anyone's skin. But you keep that up. Have fun with it.
Just amused with your anger. It never ceases to amaze me how many consider simply engaging in a discussion "being triggered".You seem triggered
Just amused with your anger. It never ceases to amaze me how many consider simply engaging in a discussion "being triggered".
Forgive me. I misread your claim that Nebraska is a shit hole as hostility....I guess?I’m not angry that you fired your potato coach 2 weeks after telling the world you were going after Hoiberg. If anything I’m angry you won’t hire our potato coach.
Forgive me. I misread your claim that Nebraska is a shit hole as hostility....I guess?
I would find that abhorrent as well. But unless I'm just ignorant to the matter, I don't recall Moos making any such claim.That wasn’t anger, thats just common knowledge.
Sorry if your house is underwater right now though. I guess the comment could be percived as classless with whats happened, about as classless as your AD telling everybody he is negotiating a contract with a guy while still employing a coach.
I would find that abhorrent as well. But unless I'm just ignorant to the matter, I don't recall Moos making any such claim.
He just stated in the live presser that he hasn't found a new coach, and doesn't expect to announce anything for 7-14 days minimum. I'm not sure how he allegedly discussed contractual negotiations for a coach that doesn't exist.
Are you fvcking ******ed? Hoiberg to Nebraska was discussed like 8 days ago. He’s been working on a contract this entire time.
Hoiberg will be announced next week after he is off vacation.
Really. So Bill Moos publicly discussed contract negotiations with Hoiberg? I guess I must have missed that, because all I saw were twitter reports from third party individuals not associated with the AD.Are you fvcking ******ed? Hoiberg to Nebraska was discussed like 8 days ago. He’s been working on a contract this entire time.
Really. So Bill Moos publicly discussed contract negotiations with Hoiberg? I guess I must have missed that, because all I saw were twitter reports from third party individuals not associated with the AD.
Hey, I'm just trying to clarify your statement that Moos was "telling everyone". Because that certainly seems to imply a public statement, not a leak from inside the department about the AD doing his freaking job.
Hey, I'm just trying to clarify your statement that Moos was "telling everyone". Because that certainly seems to imply a public statement, not a leak from inside the department about the AD doing his freaking job.
I think you're making statements out of your ass fueled by an obvious dislike for anything Nebraska related. So yes, run along and take your BS with you.I think you went full potato. I’m out. I’m glad you cared about Nebraskaball for all of 8 minutes to join us.
Imagine thinking anyone gives two shits about nebraska basketball.I think you're making statements out of your ass fueled by an obvious dislike for anything Nebraska related. So yes, run along and take your BS with you.
I think you're making statements out of your ass fueled by an obvious dislike for anything Nebraska related. So yes, run along and take your BS with you.
Good thing I didn't say Nebraska basketball eh? This one just seems to get riled up by the taint of Nebraska in general.Imagine thinking anyone gives two shits about nebraska basketball.
Fair enough.I don’t care about Nebraska. Maybe if I got into Women’s Volleyball I would.