*Official* B1G In-Season Thread

I would like a refs perspective on this. I am in defense . I stand stock still. I don’t even blink. Offensive guys walks over me dislodging me from my position. Call?
First off----If a offensive guy WALKS over, and dislodges you,YOU probably need to gain some weight..:p

In seriousness though...For me, IMO, what type of contact was it? Severe? Minimal? Here is thing that makes it tricky....I tell screeners all the time---"If you created the contact on the screen, its a foul". Now......On the flip side of that, IF the defense is facing you, see's you, or has time to react to you, then that changes things. Now you still cannot go out seeking contact. BUT....that is on a moving defender. A defender where you have to give time and distance. In this case, time and distance is irrelevant. And really,so is the "creating contact". To me, if you simply walk over, get chest to chest, preparing to set a screen, and there is some minimal cotact??? Naaaah, that's not a foul. NOW....if you run over, and lay into a guy---Sure. Easy call. But in this case with UT/Iowa? No way. Dude from Tenn did noting more than be bigger, stronger than Bohannon. He(JB) took offense to it, and reacted. Gotta be mentally stronger than that.
I mean, it’s Iowa. They also gave us this gem. Against Tennessee no less.

Cracks me up every time
I would like a refs perspective on this. I am in defense . I stand stock still. I don’t even blink. Offensive guys walks over me dislodging me from my position. Call?
If you are stationary and have established a position, no other player can deliberately displace you from that spot, offense or defense.

Anyone telling you otherwise is full of sh**.

That was 100% a charge. That has been called all year.
Yes, they don't make those calls for Iowa. If that were Iowa driving there, that is a charge. They've made that exact call on Iowa dozens of times this year.

Btw I see gill was able to trigger IUfanBorden again. Laughing Honestly, I'm not going to help you guys if you can't figure things out for yourselves. SmokinSmile
First off----If a offensive guy WALKS over, and dislodges you,YOU probably need to gain some weight..:p

In seriousness though...For me, IMO, what type of contact was it? Severe? Minimal? Here is thing that makes it tricky....I tell screeners all the time---"If you created the contact on the screen, its a foul". Now......On the flip side of that, IF the defense is facing you, see's you, or has time to react to you, then that changes things. Now you still cannot go out seeking contact. BUT....that is on a moving defender. A defender where you have to give time and distance. In this case, time and distance is irrelevant. And really,so is the "creating contact". To me, if you simply walk over, get chest to chest, preparing to set a screen, and there is some minimal cotact??? Naaaah, that's not a foul. NOW....if you run over, and lay into a guy---Sure. Easy call. But in this case with UT/Iowa? No way. Dude from Tenn did noting more than be bigger, stronger than Bohannon. He(JB) took offense to it, and reacted. Gotta be mentally stronger than that.
he was not set and he is the one that iniciated the contact. that is what is called a moving screen and is a foul and EVERY LEVEL.
he was not set and he is the one that iniciated the contact. that is what is called a moving screen and is a foul and EVERY LEVEL.
Not what happened. Bohannon saw him peripherally (which is a defensive improvement from when he started his Iowa career), realized this dude was big and could not afford to switch, and reacted. Everybody (including the UT player) knows it's because he's 6 nothing and and benches little more than his body weight and not because he's trying to pick fights on the floor, but it's still not something you can do legally in basketball.
#barstoolconfessions I actually like Iowa and hope for nothing but good things for them
I was born in late 1989 and started watching Iowa football in like 1995 or 1996 when I was becoming a sports watching addict on top of playing any sport against my hundred "Catholic" cousins and neighborhood kid friends. In that time, and looking at history, Iowa-MSU have had an incredible football series that has gone mostly unnoticed because we're not traditional rivals and because we're not OSU/Mich (or, I guess, Penn State). Some fantastic close games since 2000 and some other notables (Iowa ends Charles Roger's record breaking TD streak in Kinnick in 2002 - that's when we knew we were legit that year). I still can't rewatch the 2015 Big Ten title game in Indy. That loss legitimately validated our 12-0 record to the public that year (save for the Rose Blown Again and MSU vs Bama).

Basketball series is obviously less competitive.
Iowa is in a surprisingly good spot right now under Fran. Return everyone and add a top 50 kid.
Cook is all but gone. I'm not going to be surprised to see additional roster turnover either. Baer is a big glue guy to lose.

I don't expect that much more from Iowa, unless Wieskamp takes a step. 8/9 seed and Fran loses at or before sweet 16. Comme d'hab.
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Cook is all but gone. I'm not going to be surprised to see additional roster turnover either. Baer is a big glue guy to lose.

I don't expect that much more from Iowa, unless Wieskamp takes a step. 8/9 seed and Fran loses at or before sweet 16. Comme d'hab.
I would take "at" the Sweet 16. 1999 (I was 9 going on 10). Wieskamp doesn't have to take a huge step, he's already that good. He will have an offseason and this campaign to think about. We just have to tell him to take the wheel more. He's the more talented version of Nicholas Baer (he can be everywhere, he's athletic enough to defend effectively against most matchups if we go man, and he will knock down shots for Iowa because he's been at a river city Y since he was 5 years old dreaming about knocking shots down for Iowa).
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I would take "at" the Sweet 16. 1999 (I was 9 going on 10). Wieskamp doesn't have to take a huge step, he's already that good. He will have an offseason and this campaign to think about. We just have to tell him to take the wheel more. He's the more talented version of Nicholas Baer (he can be everywhere, he's athletic enough to defend effectively against most matchups if we go man, and he will knock down shots for Iowa because he's been at a river city Y since he was 5 years old dreaming about knocking shots down for Iowa).
If you want to improve, players need to improve. Bohannon is at his peak production, Cook is gone. Moss, Garza, or Wieskamp will need to improve to sustain the loss of 14 ppg and 8 trb. The bad part is that you're losing two of your defenders that are actually decent.
Matt, I'm not sure I've ever seen a dick sucked more consistently or harder than you suck off Big Ten Geek.

It's funny that you claim to know so much yet blatantly rip off his takes so frequently.

I do like BTG. He was a good poster on our board, but he couldn't admit when he was wrong and thinks he's smarter than he is. Sounds a bit like you - excluding the good poster portion.
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Matt, I'm not sure I've ever seen a dick sucked more consistently or harder than you suck off Big Ten Geek.

It's funny that you claim to know so much yet blatantly rip off his takes so frequently.

I do like BTG. He was a good poster on our board, but he couldn't admit when he was wrong and thinks he's smarter than he is. Sounds a bit like you - excluding the good poster portion.

He posted on your board?
Matt, I'm not sure I've ever seen a dick sucked more consistently or harder than you suck off Big Ten Geek.

It's funny that you claim to know so much yet blatantly rip off his takes so frequently.

I do like BTG. He was a good poster on our board, but he couldn't admit when he was wrong and thinks he's smarter than he is. Sounds a bit like you - excluding the good poster portion.

Do you disagree with us?
I was born in late 1989 and started watching Iowa football in like 1995 or 1996 when I was becoming a sports watching addict on top of playing any sport against my hundred "Catholic" cousins and neighborhood kid friends. In that time, and looking at history, Iowa-MSU have had an incredible football series that has gone mostly unnoticed because we're not traditional rivals and because we're not OSU/Mich (or, I guess, Penn State). Some fantastic close games since 2000 and some other notables (Iowa ends Charles Roger's record breaking TD streak in Kinnick in 2002 - that's when we knew we were legit that year). I still can't rewatch the 2015 Big Ten title game in Indy. That loss legitimately validated our 12-0 record to the public that year (save for the Rose Blown Again and MSU vs Bama).

Basketball series is obviously less competitive.

Born in the 70s and it's most definitely a rivalry. Not one of the better known ones, but should be. It really took off in the 80s and has been a tough ass football game ever since.

Look up those games in the 80s. Iowa vs MSU was always a key game in the Big 10 championship picture.
Do you disagree with us?
Do I disagree with BTG's? At times. Do I think that your better takes are his leftovers? More than likely. Do I think that BTG's thought that Illinois was a dark horse for the Final 4 and MSU was garbage? Laughing I don't think there's a respectable basketball analyst on earth that would have uttered such moronic statements.
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I was born in late 1989 and started watching Iowa football in like 1995 or 1996 when I was becoming a sports watching addict on top of playing any sport against my hundred "Catholic" cousins and neighborhood kid friends. In that time, and looking at history, Iowa-MSU have had an incredible football series that has gone mostly unnoticed because we're not traditional rivals and because we're not OSU/Mich (or, I guess, Penn State). Some fantastic close games since 2000 and some other notables (Iowa ends Charles Roger's record breaking TD streak in Kinnick in 2002 - that's when we knew we were legit that year). I still can't rewatch the 2015 Big Ten title game in Indy. That loss legitimately validated our 12-0 record to the public that year (save for the Rose Blown Again and MSU vs Bama).

Basketball series is obviously less competitive.
less competitive Iowa 23 wins to 22 wins for MSU and 2 ties, can't get anymore competitive than that but that is the FB programs don't see anything BB related.
The guy who is on his 3rd or 4th new screen name, after being banned from this board multiple times... is owning anyone?
I was banned by Cowpoke because he accused me of being a racist, now cowpoke has been banned and I was unbanned, this is a premium subscription name.