First off----If a offensive guy WALKS over, and dislodges you,YOU probably need to gain some weight..I would like a refs perspective on this. I am in defense . I stand stock still. I don’t even blink. Offensive guys walks over me dislodging me from my position. Call?
In seriousness though...For me, IMO, what type of contact was it? Severe? Minimal? Here is thing that makes it tricky....I tell screeners all the time---"If you created the contact on the screen, its a foul". Now......On the flip side of that, IF the defense is facing you, see's you, or has time to react to you, then that changes things. Now you still cannot go out seeking contact. BUT....that is on a moving defender. A defender where you have to give time and distance. In this case, time and distance is irrelevant. And really,so is the "creating contact". To me, if you simply walk over, get chest to chest, preparing to set a screen, and there is some minimal cotact??? Naaaah, that's not a foul. NOW....if you run over, and lay into a guy---Sure. Easy call. But in this case with UT/Iowa? No way. Dude from Tenn did noting more than be bigger, stronger than Bohannon. He(JB) took offense to it, and reacted. Gotta be mentally stronger than that.