how many BT Teams finished with a .500 or better record this past season?
6 that's it out of 14 teams
the season before when Iowa won just 4 BT games Indiana and PSU finished .500,
this season these who finishes .500 or better didn't finish .500 or better
ask them if the think finishing @ .500 or better is meaningless as you are trying to make it out to be.
in the years from 12-13 to the 16-17 seasons the ONLY COACH that can claim their team finisshed .500 or better other than Fran was Izzo of MSU,
Painter can't, Beilien can't. shocking that Fran can.
so yes finishing .500 or better in the BT is a big deal, with a 20 game schedule there should be more than 6 teams finishing .500 or better,
also 8 teams made the NCAAT, 3 made the NIT, [NOT SURE] so that made 10-11 BT teams that made the post season out of 14 teams,