You've seen how he is when someone points out that Iowa's 3star unranked recruit might not be an All-American level recruit. We all have. You aren't going to change his mind or teach him anything about Kaep. Just move on.
oh you mean like these
2* CB Jackson 1st Team AA
2* MLB Jewel 1st Team AA
2* TE Hockenson 1st Team AA
3* SS Hooker 2nd Team AA
3* CB King 2 time 1st Team AA
and that's just in the past few years
2* MLB Greenway 1st Team AA who retired as the Vikings Protected Franchise player
this season
2* 1st Team all Stater in Pennsylvania who has been rated the best SS in the FBS as a true JR, who might go to the NFL in the 2020 draft. Geno Stone,
it is sure funny how they treat Phil Parker a 30 year vet who started under Saban as a complete moron that can't identify or recruit 4 or 5* DBs. and yet they keep churning out AA And NFL Players. how many walk on's, 2* and low 3* players get to be AA and NFL Draft picks as underclassmen before they finally realize that Parker is not a moron,
these were NFL Coaches
HC Ferentz Head OL Coach for the Browns/Ravens
OC/TE Coach Brian Ferentz TE Coach for the NE Patriots.
QB Coach O'Keefe WR Coach for the Dolphins then the last couple year the Offensive advisor both in recruiting and play calling.
now all 3 are being treated like complete morons the last 3 years, that can't identify and recruit 4 and 5* OL, TE, DL, DB or LB'rs.
even the last 2 AA were just 5.6 3* players vs 4*'s by the other sites.